Emergency situation

Confronted by Danny Lloyd's block, David Lloyd's emotions instantly boiled over into a frenzy:

"Why! Get out of my way, I'm going to save Lisbeth!"

He struggled hard in Danny Lloyd's arms, every nerve in his body just as if protesting against the unfair bondage.

Despite being five years younger and in his bloodthirsty twenties, David Lloyd, who stood at six-foot-eight, was overwhelmed by his brother's frame, which stood a foot taller at six-foot-five.

Danny Lloyd did not use his full strength, but only used the advantage of the body, gently pressed his restless brother, tone with helplessness and deep concern: "David, calm down ... Our action needs to be planned, can not act recklessly. "

His words were filled with the love and concern of an elder brother for his youngest brother, trying to suppress David Lloyd's impulses that burned like fire with reason.

The person in his arms suddenly became unusually quiet, which caused a wave of unease to well up in Danny Lloyd's mind, and he snapped to attention, quickly leaping backwards away from him almost on instinct.

After standing still, his eyes locked on David Lloyd's hand, only to see that the cold pistol in the moonlight reflecting the ghostly cold light, has been held in David Lloyd's hand.

The air was like frozen, the moment the bullet broke out of the air, Danny Lloyd's heart almost stopped beating.


The whistling bullet did not come towards him, but instead embedded itself deeply into the wall beside him.

This moment, Danny Lloyd from David Lloyd that complex eyes captured a trace of reluctance and struggle, obviously, in David Lloyd's heart, the bond of kinship is still strong, he can not be ruthless to his own killers after all, this is just a ploy to force him to back off.

Taking advantage of his brother's momentary distraction, David Lloyd turned nimbly, intending to flee the scene.

But the experienced Danny Lloyd would not let him get away so easily, he rushed forward, his strong arms like iron clamps tightly grasped David Lloyd, almost without explanation, dragged him back, pushed him hard into the room, "bang", the door was heavily closed, followed by a crisp lock, completely cut off David Lloyd's way out.

David Lloyd, imprisoned in the room, was a mixture of anger and helplessness as he began to bang on the door, screaming at the top of his lungs, "Danny Lloyd! What have I done wrong?"

In response to him, however, there was only a dull echo reverberating through the empty room.

Danny Lloyd stood outside the door, took a deep breath, and in a hushed voice recited an ancient incantation, applying a seal to the door.

Only when everything was in place did he speak slowly, his voice carrying an undeniable authority, "David, reflect on your behaviour for a while. Your impulsiveness has reached the point where you dared to pull a gun on your family, as the head of the family, I order you to spend a month behind closed doors."

With those words, he didn't look at the door of the room again, just left a determined back and slowly stepped into the night.

David Lloyd, on the other hand, within the small space surrounded by four walls, shouted over and over again with all his strength, "Let me out! Let me out ..."

The voice gradually muffled until it was swallowed up by the endless silence.

Time passes, and several days have passed ...

Lisbeth Dawson's tone was tinged with a bit of surprise and disbelief, "Huh? Is it so sudden? What country are you travelling to?"

Since joining the warm family a fortnight ago, she had grown close to Theobald and his party, and the sudden plan to go abroad had both surprised and slightly taken her by surprise.

Every day of her time with the family, Lisbeth Dawson had felt a warmth and sense of belonging like never before, and as such, she couldn't help but feel a faint twinge of reluctance and anticipation for the short separation she was about to face.

The corners of Theobald's mouth rose slightly, and there was a sly glint in his eyes, as if he was full of anticipation for the adventure that was about to unfold: ''Let's go to M country, where there is a batch of extremely crucial arms waiting for us to intercept. Once we succeed in obtaining this shipment, our days will be long and carefree, and we will naturally not have to worry about food and clothing anymore."

On the side, Baird turns his head to look at Lisbeth Dawson with a hint of playfulness and invitation in his eyes, "Hey! Little Lisbeth, are you interested in embarking on this exciting journey with us?"

Lisbeth Dawson's eyes lit up with excitement when she heard this, as if she couldn't believe that she could be a part of such an important mission, "Huh? Can you really take me with you? That's great! This is simply too exciting!"

Between the words, she couldn't hide her inner leap of faith.

Quinn rubbed Lisbeth Dawson's head gently, his gesture full of affection and encouragement, "Of course, little Lisbeth, go home and gather the essentials and we'll be off in a jiffy."

His eyes were gentle but firm, as if he would protect her no matter how dangerous the road ahead.

Seeing this scene, Theobald's face involuntarily sank, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, but they were quickly and skilfully concealed.

As the ship slowly sailed into the English Channel, the sea breeze carried a heavier and heavier chill, and the temperature gradually dropped.

Quinn thoughtfully took out a soft woolen jacket from his luggage and gently draped it over Lisbeth Dawson's shoulders, with delicate and gentle movements, "The weather is getting cooler, Lisbeth, wear more, don't catch a cold." 

Lisbeth Dawson gratefully looked towards Quinn, a bright smile blooming on her face, "Thank you, brother Quinn."

That warm smile was like the spring sunshine, instantly dispelling the chill around them.

Immediately after that, Theobald received an emergency call, and after the call was completed, he quickly returned to the cab and announced calmly and forcefully over the PA system:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good day, I am the captain of this voyage. Due to special reasons, we have decided to make an early stop in France, so please prepare yourselves accordingly and thank you for your cooperation."

He then repeated the announcement in fluent English to ensure that every international traveller was well aware of the upcoming changes.

The ship slowly anchored off the coast of France and they were greeted by a tall and nervous looking man, Theobald striding forward, his fluent French coming out, "Hello, where is our scheduled cargo now?"


The other man looked puzzled, obviously not understanding the sudden French enquiry, so he replied in German instead:

"Greetings, I am afraid I cannot understand what you mean. But if it refers to the goods, if you are still interested, please follow me."

Seeing this, Theobald quickly adjusted his tactics and also switched to a standard German, responding succinctly and clearly:


With this, the communication between the two parties was finally smooth.