Amazing Girl

That tall and cold man with an undeniable aura led the group through the twisting underground passages, eventually arriving at a heavily guarded underground headquarters.

Under the dim light, the metallic walls let out a gust of coldness, and the air was filled with tension and the unknown.

"These people are trespassing on our forbidden land, arrest them all!"

The M country man's command with a thick accent was like a thunderclap in winter, echoing in the spacious basement.

With stern eyes, he waved his hand at the subordinates beside him, and instantly, the black-clothed bodyguards were like cheetahs in the shadows, silently surrounding Theobald's group.

Theobald's gaze narrowed slightly, and a cold smile flashed across his deep black eyes.

"You guys want to kill someone?"

Between the words, he had already keenly sensed the gradually tightening encirclement around him.

In this narrow space, every ounce of air seemed to be filled with a sense of oppression.

The corner of the M country man's mouth hooked up into a cold smile, and that smile seemed particularly harsh in the chilly environment.

"Ha, you guys only gave me 500 million, on the Original Sin List, your head is worth 1 billion in gold, if you count your two shadow-like brothers, I'm afraid that 2 billion is hard to estimate, right?"

Greed and complacency were evident in his words.

In the face of this provocation, Theobald did not panic, the corner of his mouth raised a charming and dangerous smile.

"Oh? Is that so? Then I can't let you take my head so easily. I can't say that it'll gain a lot of value if I keep it for a few more years."

His tone was relaxed, as if he was talking about the weather, yet there was a sharpness in his eyes that could not be ignored.

The M country man snorted, anger in his disdain.

"A dead duck with a stiff upper lip! Since you refuse to obediently bind your hands, then I have no choice but to let you all taste the bitterness and experience what true despair is!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the atmosphere around him suddenly tightened.

Theobald quickly turned around and commanded Baird beside him, "Baird, you protect Lisbeth!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the two of them, he and Quinn, were like arrows leaving the string, recklessly rushing towards the centre of that melee.

Their silhouettes mixed a trail of residual shadows under the dim light, valiant and determined.

In order to ensure the covert nature of the operation and avoid attracting the attention of the local government, only the four of them were aware of the entire plan, while the others stayed in a safe area on the sea.

Now, the situation was critical, and even if they had called for help immediately, they feared that they would not be able to receive assistance in time.

Although Lisbeth Dawson's heart was burning with anxiety, she remained calm and quickly took out a specially made distress flare from her pocket and fired it at the ceiling.

The brilliant light cut through the darkness, it was a sign of hope and their last resort.

She then gripped her pistol tightly and waited for any support that might come.

Within minutes, the battle entered a white-hot stage.

With their extraordinary skills and tacit co-ordination, the three of them engaged in fierce exchanges with a steady stream of enemies.

Sweat slid down their foreheads, and Quinn's arm was even inadvertently cut by a sharp blade, leaving a shocking wound.


In the face of the tide of enemies, they did not retreat, resolute gaze burning unyielding flame.

Outside the door, the enemy's reinforcements are still flowing, and in the midst of the crisis, this sudden battle seems to be pushing them into the unknown abyss of destiny ...

In the midst of a dimly lit alleyway, a figure stealthily holding a cold, glittering blade silently circled around to Quinn's back in an attempt to deal him a fatal blow.

At that moment, she saw the crisis coming and was so anxious that she wanted to step forward and use her thin body to block this sudden attack for Quinn.


The cruelty of reality makes her feel powerless, as if her feet are tightly bound by a thousand pounds of stone, everything is too late.

Just in the nick of time, Lisbeth Dawson's mind suddenly rang a gentle but firm voice, like a guide through time and space: "Lisbeth, this is how you hold a gun, steady your hands, aim at the bull's-eye, without distractions, and then, pull the trigger."

These familiar words rushed into her heart like a warm current, bringing her unprecedented courage and determination.

She agilely picked up the pistol left behind by a fallen soldier, her finger gently on the cold trigger, holding her breath, only to hear a loud "bang", the figure of the sneak attacker fell, as if guided by the God of Fate himself, precisely and accurately in the back of his head, leaving a shocking bullet hole.

There was a silence in the air, everyone's eyes were focused on this incredible scene, amazement and awe mixed in the bottom of their eyes.

In the chaos of the battlefield, the smoke had not yet cleared, and Lisbeth Dawson's sudden and precise shot left everyone present with their jaws agape.

A seemingly weak young girl, in this crisis-ridden environment, was able to display such extraordinary calmness and precision that for a moment, even her breath seemed to freeze.

Just as everyone was immersed in shock, a new group of people poured in through the doorway, and the leader was none other than the burly man who had previously crossed paths with Lisbeth Dawson in the martial arts hall.

He walked through the crowd, purposely approached Lisbeth Dawson, lowered his voice, and apologetically said, "I'm sorry, Miss Dawson, looking back at that day in the martial arts hall, it was really because of my eyesight that I didn't realise what was going on, and I belittled your strength too much."

In the face of this sudden apology, Lisbeth Dawson was just about to open her mouth to respond, to show her magnanimity, but unexpectedly a strong sense of dizziness came on, the scene in front of her eyes instantly turned into a black, her body was soft, and she fell straight backward.

Fortunately, a tall figure beside her reflexively stretched out his arms and steadily caught her.

However, when he came into contact with Theobald's gaze, which was as deep as a cold pool and growing more and more gloomy, he couldn't help but laugh bitterly, his heart filled with helplessness.

With unquestioning determination in his eyes, Theobald carefully carried the unconscious Lisbeth Dawson back to the ship, which was moored a short distance away.

Not allowing anyone to disturb him, he firmly dispersed everyone around him, and waited alone in Lisbeth Dawson's cabin, surrounded by a silence so quiet that only the sound of each other's breathing could be heard, as well as the occasional whispers of the waves lapping against the side of the ship that drifted into his ears.

At this moment, all the clamour seemed to have been cut off, leaving only the silence of the room, and the complex and deep emotions secretly surging in his heart.

Outside the room, the crowd mingled, their voices muffled but hard to hide their curiosity and excitement, and a subtle sense of anticipation pervaded the atmosphere.

Baird blinked his bright eyes, the corner of his mouth hung a trace of a playful smile, and asked in a low voice towards Quinn beside him, "Brother, do you think the two of them will ... heave to each other inside?"

Between the words, he deliberately lowered his voice, but it was hard to hide the naughtiness and gossip in his tone.

Quinn sniffed, eyebrows gently raised, eyes flashed a trace of helplessness and doting, slowly shook his head: "Brother, you this brain hole is also too big some, really more and more gossip ..."

Although his voice carried a chastisement, it was more of an elder brother's tolerance and understanding of his younger brother.

When Baird heard this, his eyebrows immediately furrowed into a ball, his face full of worry: "This can't be done! What if our Lisbeth is unintentionally hurt by Big Brother, leaving a shadow in her psyche and doesn't want Big Brother in the future? This is a big deal, I have to go and help!"

After speaking, he stood up straight and shouted towards the closed door with all his strength, "Big brother! You have to be gentle!"

Inside the room, Theobald's originally calm face was instantly sombre as a result of this sudden shout, and his deep eyes looked as if a storm was brewing in them, and then an unquestionable majesty erupted from his mouth, "All of you, be quiet!"

The voice was not loud, but it had a palpitating power of its own, causing the clamour outside the door to instantly disappear, leaving only a silence.