
Lisbeth Dawson's fingertips trembled gently, unconsciously encircling her still-flat belly, as if to build an invisible defence against the unborn life.

Her eyes flashed with a trace of panic and disbelief, her heels unconsciously moved back a small step, and her voice was filled with disbelief and eagerness: ''What, what! Percy, it can't be that Hannah Jones has said something strange to you again, right? You, you mustn't misunderstand me!"

Before the words left her mouth, the tension in the air suddenly increased.

Before Percy Spencer's reaction could unfold, several burly bodyguards behind her had quietly approached, moving with rude intent to forcibly take her away.

Their shadows stretched long in the dim light, like dark shadows about to swallow everything.

Lisbeth Dawson's mind was quick, her slender fingers flicked over and deftly touched the mobile phone hidden deep in her coat pocket, and almost as a reflex, she tapped on the address book and pressed a random number with her eyes closed.

At this moment, her heart was filled with the unknown and apprehension, and she could only silently pray that the person on the other end of the phone could lend a helping hand, even if it was just a ray of hope: "Percy, I'm begging you, don't let the child get hurt!"

"Ah, you guys let go of me! Let me down! Help!"

She cried out at the top of her voice, her whole body, as if her strength had been aroused at the moment, amazingly pushed away the two strong bodyguards.

Her resistance was so fierce that everyone present was slightly taken aback.

The two bodyguards were caught off guard by the sudden resistance, and they covered their palms, which were aching from the inadvertent contact with Lisbeth Dawson as she struggled, stinging as if they had been stabbed with needles.

Hannah Jones on the side looked displeased, her brows tightly locked, her voice was stern and dissatisfied: ''I pay you all a salary, is it for laziness? If you can't even control a woman, what kind of bodyguards are you? Do you still want to continue working here?"

Facing their superior's rebuke, the two bodyguards couldn't care less about the pain in their hands, forcibly endured the discomfort, and once again acted swiftly, almost using all their strength to pick up Lisbeth Dawson, and resolutely dragged her outwards despite her strenuous resistance.

And their destination was none other than Night's Hospital-

That medical institution, which was known for its high efficiency and absolute privacy in this city, had, at this very moment, become the icy place in Lisbeth Dawson's heart that she was most reluctant to set foot in.

Percy Spencer's cold face was devoid of warmth as he gruffly tossed her onto the cold hospital bed as if she were nothing more than an inconsequential object.

Afterwards, his fingers pressed a few times on the bedside table quickly and casually, and there was a puzzling proficiency in that movement.

Instantly, the two sides of the bed even slowly rose four seemingly delicate but actually sturdy and incomparable handcuffs and ankle cuffs, which glistened with a cold metallic luster, silently announcing the upcoming restraints.

The surrounding medical staff, under a stern look signalled by Percy Spencer, all went forward, with complex expressions on their faces, some intolerant, some helpless, but no one dared to disobey.

In this tense and oppressive atmosphere, Lisbeth Dawson's hands and feet were unceremoniously bound and locked into the special handcuffs and ankle cuffs.

These restraints were uniquely designed to fit snugly into the bed without the redundancy of traditional chains, depriving her of any possibility of breaking free at all, and leaving her to lie there helplessly, her body securely fastened.

Tears, like pearls on a broken string, continued to slide down from the corners of Lisbeth Dawson's eyes, soaking the pillowcase.

She clenched her lower lip in an attempt to use it as a means of suppressing the intense pain and despair within her.

In her imagination, even if Percy Spencer was indifferent to her, at most, she would only be cold, harshly reprimanding, or even teaching her a lesson when she was angry.

But she never expected that this man, whom she had thought to have at least the most basic humanity, would be so cruel as to take away the life of their unborn child with his own hands.

When she recalled the moment she learnt that she was pregnant, the joy in her heart was almost overflowing, and the excitement and happiness felt like it was still yesterday.

Now, all of this has turned into endless pain, sadness and desolation.

Those beautiful visions, about the future of the family of four happy picture, at this moment have become a sharp blade, cutting her heart over and over again.

What she could not forget was the night when Percy Spencer whispered softly in her ear, promising not to make any sudden moves before the wedding, expressing his desire to spend his life with her, but also his deep respect for her wishes, willing to leave the first time for each other on the sacred wedding night.He also said with great anticipation that he hoped she would give birth to a pair of children for him, a combination of the word "good", symbolising the success and harmony of the family.


The cruel reality is like ice water poured over his head, shattering all the beautiful fantasies.

At this moment, Percy Spencer just like that mercilessly stood outside the door, his back to the ward inside her, as if even look at her do not care, that cold back as a cold wall, cut off all the warmth and hope, only to leave her in this cold room, alone to face the loss of all the despair.

Even the slightest glance of charity is also stingy to her, he was deeply afraid that once the line of sight meets, she will be like a cunning rabbit to escape without a trace.

So he had instructed Hannah Jones, eyes as sharp as a falcon's, to lock onto her every nuance, to make sure she couldn't get away easily.

Terri Schiavo's voice was laced with worry, her words revealing a deep concern for humanity, "Brother Percy, are you sure this is the best decision? Even though I am ninety-nine per cent confident that she is safe, things are unpredictable, and a miscarriage is a traumatic event, both for a woman's body and her mind.

It's an invisible scar that can creep in unnoticed."

Percy Spencer's expression looked unusually firm, as if all the considerations and struggles had already turned over a thousand times in his mind, "Don't worry about this matter, let's arrange the surgery for her first. In case anything happens, I will take the responsibility, and I will never let you carry any burden."

Hannah Jones on the side appeared particularly cold and ruthless, her words were like sharp blades, easily cutting the atmosphere in the room, "Oops, what are you worried about? Make haste and purge the sinful seed of that lowly man from her womb."

Deep down, Terri Schiavo despised the likes of Hannah Jones, women who brought trouble to her door without thinking of the consequences.