Terri Schiavo's rescue

Terri Schiavo ignored Hannah Jones' snarky words and only gently gestured to Percy Spencer, "Then I'll take her in to get ready first."

This glib disregard was like a hammer blow to Hannah Jones' heart.

"Hey, you ..."

She was about to snap, but all she saw was the door to the operating theatre slamming shut in front of her with a dull 'thump', like a blow back to her emotions.

Percy Spencer's brow furrowed and a glint of displeasure flashed in his eyes, "That's enough. He's my brother, show him some respect. Don't look like you're getting your way all day, it's not like you."

There was an irrefutable authority in his tone.

Shock and disbelief were written all over Hannah Jones' face.

She turned violently, hurt and anger shining in her eyes as she looked directly at Percy Spencer, "Percy, is that how you ... see me? Think I'm just an unreasonable, uninformed shrew? When I saved you, I didn't expect to get such a comment. If my long-dead brother were to know, how chilled would he be ... oooh~"

Her voice gradually choked, tears sliding down silently, but it was more like a venting of her inner bitterness and aggression.

Percy Spencer's brows knitted gently, this subtle change in expression was almost imperceptible.

But then he took a deep breath, a softness in his voice, and slowly reached out his arms, taking Hannah Jones gently into his arms.

"I'm sorry," his words were full of apologies, like the warm sun melting ice and snow on a spring day, "I lost control of myself just now. I know that you have endured a lot of unknown hardships and loneliness over the years, and my impulsiveness and rudeness was really uncalled for. Please forgive me, okay?"

Hannah Jones was about to respond when that gentle ambience was interrupted by a sudden rush and fury of machine-gun fire, a shrill noise that pierced the air and sent chills down the spine.

She couldn't help but snuggle tightly into Percy Spencer's chest with a hint of trembling in her voice: "What the hell is going on out there? Why did such horrible gunshots ring out?"

Just as the words fell, the door of the ward was violently pushed open, and several figures dressed in all-black gear burst in, like ghosts coalescing from the night.

They wore sunglasses on their heads, obscuring the flow of all emotions, only revealing the hideous scarred faces below, like proof of having experienced countless life and death battles.

Their arms, calves, a shocking scars criss-crossed, telling the unknown story, adding a few points of lurid momentum.

And nothing was more striking than those weapons clutched in their hands-

Not ordinary firearms, but the latest models that were not yet in circulation on the market, emitting a cold and deadly metallic luster.

This group of mercenaries stood quietly on both sides of the room, neatly arranged, as if paving the way for the arrival of an important person, the centre of the corridor therefore appeared particularly empty, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

Percy Spencer's brow furrowed in the face of this sudden provocation, his eyes glittering with inviolable majesty.

For these characters who were nothing more than jumping clowns in his eyes, he would have disdained them, but the fact that they dared to be so arrogant on his turf was undoubtedly touching his bottom line.

"Who are you people?"

His voice was cold and clear, echoing in the quiet room, "How dare you trespass into Spencer Hospital, haven't you heard of the name of the Spencer Family clan? Or is it that the world has really changed nowadays, and there is not even a basic sense of reverence? Thinking that if you provoke me, you can easily escape punishment?"

Before the silhouette stepped into the threshold, a cold voice with a bit of teasing intent had already preceded him, piercing through the air and echoing leisurely.

It was as if the voice had its own magic power, and with a series of light clapping sounds, it slowly said, "Haha, Young Master Spencer's bold words are really thunderous, worthy of being a proud descendant of the Spencer family, it seems that the several years of time have not been able to cut down on your sharpness by the slightest bit. However, young man, being too arrogant is not a good thing."

As soon as the words stopped, a figure leisurely stepped into the room, his pace carrying a confidence and calmness that could not be ignored.

The most striking thing about this person is the red hair that is as flamboyant as a flame, which is even more dazzling under the light, while the silver earrings on one side of the earlobes are inadvertently flashing with a cold luster, adding a few points of unruly and mysterious sense to it.

His posture was upright, and his clothes, though not glamorous, were neat and tidy, revealing an unearthly aura.In the face of this uninvited guest, Percy Spencer's eyebrows swept a touch of doubt.

Those mercenaries who were easily solved just now were just ordinary martial artists, while the person in front of him was obviously different, from the faint internal power fluctuation emanating from his body, it was enough to prove that he was an expert with great skills.

"The past is like smoke, since it has become the past, there is no need to mention it again. If Your Excellency has a request, just say it, there is no need to use this old story as a talking point, I, Percy Spencer, am not a person who can be easily provoked."

Indeed, the moment Lisbeth Dawson pressed the call button urgently, the only thought in her mind was to ask him for help.

The call that cut through the noise and connected the two hearts was the one that connected Theobald, who was far away and close to her heart.

Their ship hadn't travelled far, but unfortunately they had been ambushed in the middle of the journey.


For Theobald, this is a small group of people, naturally, he quickly take care of the enemy, and then rushed to the hospital in a hurry, just for the sake of the woman who has haunted him.

Although he already knew that she belonged to someone else, and her womb was pregnant with someone else's blood, but seeing the deep love and dependence in her eyes, the emotion buried deep in his heart surged like a tidal wave, so that he couldn't control himself and chose to guard by her side.

That love, no matter how much time has changed, has not been reduced in the slightest.

In Theobald's heart, the person identified in this life, even if the mountains and rivers are broken, Percy reversal, he will never let go, this persistence, beyond reason, also beyond the boundaries of time.