
The colour of the moon was like a wash, the cold light sprinkled in the ancient courtyard, adding a few points of quiet and solemnity to this unexpected showdown.

The corners of Theobald's mouth curled up into an evil smile that was three parts provocative and seven parts confident, as if everything was within his grasp.

"Good," he said slowly, his voice low and magnetic, "Since Brother Spencer is so cool and atmospheric, I won't beat around the bush. I have only one purpose for this trip, and that is to free my sister - Lisbeth Dawson - from this troubled land!"

Hannah Jones, who was beside her, heard this, and her eyes suddenly rounded with disbelief.

How could this be possible?

Since she was a child, she had never had any siblings, and her position as the only daughter in the family was so deeply rooted that no one knew that she was the eldest daughter in the family.

And Lisbeth Dawson, the woman with whom she had exchanged identities, why was it that when she had transformed into the Dawson family's eldest young lady, she had gained an older sibling out of nowhere?

A wave of cheated anger and unwillingness tumbled in her heart, making her unable to hold back a sneer, "Hmph, I won't believe that easily. Who exactly are you? Quickly report your name, and perhaps I can still let my husband have a net and spare your life."

At this moment, worry flashed across Percy Spencer's brow.

He was silent, but those deep eyes revealed complex emotions, as if he was weighing something.

Seeing this, Theobald's patience seemed to have reached its limit, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became even colder.

"Percy Spencer, since there's no hope for a peaceful solution, then I don't need to waste any more words. Come on people, give it to me!"

With a command, the black-clothed attendants hidden in the shadows all around appeared like ghosts, instantly surrounding the courtyard.

They all had stern eyes and athletic figures, and were obviously well-trained experts.

Percy Spencer and Hannah Jones, the two of them in the midst of the surging tide of people, seem particularly isolated and unsupported.

Although Hannah Jones is a young lady, she is not familiar with martial arts, so she is unable to share the pressure for Percy Spencer.

And Percy Spencer, although his martial arts skills are superb, but in such a situation of disparity in numbers, want to protect the people behind them, no doubt it is much more difficult.

Not to mention the fact that he also has to take care of Hannah Jones' safety, which is a heavy burden that adds to the already difficult situation.

Percy Spencer moved with the grace and swiftness of a dance, his fingers like eagle claws, catching each whistling bullet with unerring precision.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and the air was filled with the scent of metal and danger.

Afterwards, he gently waved his hand, and that slender finger was like commanding an invisible orchestra, the bullets flew in the opposite direction, transforming into messengers of death, hitting those stunned mercenaries one by one with chilling precision.

"Aigoo, shit, really did not brag! Spencer family's means is more evil than the legend, empty hand to catch bullets, this fucking is immortal art, right?"

"I think you are scared silly, or your brain is in the water? Is this the time to praise people? Let's see if you can still laugh when we all become a hornet's nest. Hmph, by then, not to mention our hearts, our entire bodies will be sifted into holes!"

"The second and third leaders should be here soon, hold on, brothers! Don't let that Spencer kid get carried away for too long."

On the side, Theobald showed a cold smile, his eyes as sharp as a knife, watching Percy Spencer who was caught in a heavy siege but still calmly.

"Tsk, Spencer family, the head of the family also has today? Also, your people, I'll take them."

After speaking, his figure shifted, and with an arrogance that could not be ignored in his pace, he walked straight towards the door of the operating theatre. Only to see his long and powerful legs gently lifted, followed by a kick, the doorway was like a papier-mâché general blasted open, while he himself, hands still leisurely inserted in his pockets, as if all of this is just his daily stroll.

Inside the operating theatre, the doctors performing an emergency operation were scared to death by this sudden scene.

A doctor who was about to leave the room unfortunately became the "red door", and the huge door panel mercilessly crushed him to the ground, and the flame of life was extinguished at that moment, and the blood, like a hideous vine, snaked out of the doorway, spreading rapidly until the tips of the shoes of the following doctors were shockingly stained red.

The entire space was plunged into a dead silence, everyone was frozen in place, shock and fear mixed into an invisible net that bound them tightly.