The Potter Betrothal

One oath and flash of light later and Harry was wearing the ring signifying he was head of House Potter, much to the surprise of Hermione and the ring's new owner. Lily hated having to rush things like this but she could feel herself beginning to lose solidity, and was well aware her time here was growing shorter by the minute.

"Harry, you may have to leave Hogwarts…" That certainly got both their attention as Lily pushed on. "You're not learning what you need to here, and I'm beginning to think this is deliberate on Dumbledore's part. Just look at the two defence teachers you had before Remus, and don't even mention Severus!" The panic in Hermione's eyes at hearing this was clear for both Potters to see so Lily gave her a way she could leave too.

"Hermione, if you agree to be betrothed to Harry then you could leave with him. It gives you legal protection in the magical world while the only commitment demanded on your part is not to be with anyone else while betrothed to my son. Taking the ring off and returning it to Harry is all that's needed to end the betrothal, though you both know it could eventually lead to so much more."

They were clinging to each other once again as Hermione instantly reached her decision. "I said I wouldn't be parted from you, Harry, and I meant it. If this is what it takes then so be it. If you ask me I will say yes."

Lily's heart was breaking as she tried to hug both of them but couldn't, her arms passed right through them. This refocused both teens' attentions back on her. Harry was in floods of tears, and Hermione wasn't much better because of the pain her friend/boyfriend/betrothed was going through.

"Harry, I got to stay with my wonderful boy for many more years than we thought possible. This has to happen so don't cry, your father is waiting for me. Last bit of advice, before I need to leave. There's a special set of Potter betrothal rings that will not only let Hermione share the information Voldemort left in your head, they will protect you both from Dumbledore and Severus trying to read your thoughts. You will also see everything the other knows. You are both so young but have old souls, this is the best I can do for you, my wonderful son. Your father and I both love you so much, and never regretted our decision. Be the man we know you can be, and hold onto that girl at your side. Kiss him for me, Hermione…"

Those words had barely left Lily's now ghostly lips when the spirit of James Potter appeared at her side. Harry then got to hear his father speak, other than shouting at his mum to grab baby Harry and get away.

"Call for your little friend Dobby. He can get those rings for you tonight. You also have a god brother and god sister at Hogwarts, Nevile Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. Both are struggling in the castle so please try and help them too. Tell Sirius and Remus they better take care of my boy, or I'll set Lily on them. Great to meet you, Hermione, and love you always son." With that he took his wife's hand as they both faded away.

Hermione thought her arms wrapped around him were the only things holding Harry up as he sobbed into her chest. She slowly felt him gain control before he lifted his head and gazed into her eyes from mere inches away. Hermione was amazed to see a smile on his face until Harry spoke.

"I got to meet my mum and dad, Hermione - and they said they loved me. No one has ever said that to me before."

There was no holding back now, Hermione had to tell him. "I love you too, Harry."

Harry's grin widened. "I got to kiss you too, what a night. As my mum said, Privet Drive was not a good place for me. I'm not even sure what love is, but what I am sure of is that I don't want to learn about it with anyone but you. Hermione Granger, will you become my betrothed?"

Hermione's yes was somewhat garbled as they kissed again, before her practical side took over once more. "We have people to see, and a godfather to save. Call for Dobby."

The little elf appeared, quivering in anticipation. "Dobby has been listening, just in case his friend Harry Potter be needing Dobby. Nothing would make Dobby happier than being Harry Potter's elf."

"What do I need to do…" Harry had a tearful elf wrapped around him before feeling their magic interact.

A smiling Hermione could only shake her head. "It would appear Dobby wasn't taking any chances of you changing your mind. Dobby, can you go to Gringotts…"

Harry actually cut her off there. "Dobby, we need those rings but we also need Gringotts to keep the change in our status quiet. We only have a week of school left and want to get through it without anyone knowing things have changed."

As Dobby popped away, Harry untied Buckbeak. He noticed a change in Hermione and didn't think it was because of her fear of flying. "Hermione, I intend to tell the entire world you are my girlfriend. I think we should keep other matters to ourselves, especially that we're even considering leaving Hogwarts. I also don't want Dumbledore looking at my summer arrangements, arrangements we've yet to make."

Climbing onto Buckbeak's back, Harry held his hand out for Hermione to join him. She took his hand without hesitation and was soon cuddling into his back.

"Harry, what do we do about Ron?"

"Anything we tell him, Dumbledore will soon know about. He will either pull it from Ron's thoughts or Molly will have it out of him two minutes after he returns to the Burrow. We both know Molly thinks Dumbledore farts rainbows so would instantly be flooing the old man with anything she learned. I know we have to make plans, but that's as far as my planning has gotten."

"If we leave Hogwarts, I got the distinct feeling your dad wanted us to take Neville and Luna with us."

"We know Neville, and that Snape and his Slytherins bully him mercilessly, but I've never heard of this Luna."

"She's the year below us, in Ravenclaw, and rather strange…" Hermione was surprised they were now actually outside the right window. Holding onto Harry and chatting had her almost forgetting they were sitting on a creature that could fly - and currently seven stories up.