Betrothal and Bonds

Sirius was sure he'd been in worse situations than this, he just couldn't remember any of them at the moment. He had a broken wooden leg in his hand, all that was left of the chair he'd tried to smash the window with. The window though had powerful charms protecting it, charms that proved to be a lot stronger than the now wrecked chair. Jumping to your death from whatever height they were holding him at was certainly a lot more preferable than sitting here waiting on a dementor to finish you off. Sirius Black's last kiss should be with a beautiful woman, not some tall, dark and ugly Azkaban guard.

He was debating with himself whether it would be better to attack whoever opened the door with the chair leg, or turn into Padfoot and try to bite the bastards. He was picturing sticking that broken chair leg up Dumbledore's crooked nose when the window shimmered with magic before opening.

Sirius was thinking those dementors had really done a number on him, otherwise he would have to believe his godson and his godson's friend were hovering outside his window on a hippogriff. Harry's "Hippogriff for Black" soon brought him back to reality. The Marauder was immensely proud that he was still able to joke at a time like this.

"Why a hippogriff, Harry? Didn't you like the Firebolt I got you?"

Hermione had to release her death grip on Harry to cast the charms that opened the window, and this also saw her vertigo return with a vengeance. "Sirius Black, get your arse on this hippogriff now! We're on a tight schedule here."

Grinning like a madman, Sirius squeezed himself out the window before leaping from the ledge and landing squarely behind Hermione. Her squeal of alarm had Harry joking too.

"Hey godfather, find your own girl. That's my betrothed."

Hermione had the window closed and charmed locked again before she could once more hold onto Harry the way she needed to. Sirius was laughing like a maniac behind her but she wasn't letting go of Harry to hit the fool with a silencing charm. "You are both nuts. Harry, if you ever want me to kiss you again, get my feet back on soil ground as quickly as possible"

This stopped Sirius laughing, though not shouting questions. "Kissing? Betrothed? What did I miss?"

It was Harry's turn to laugh as he answered his godfather. "Quite a lot, Sirius, quite a lot. Because of some prophecy, I've got to face Voldemort - and my mum says you and Professor Lupin are to train us. My dad said if you don't look after me, he'll set mum on both of you."

Hearing that left Sirius lost for words as Buckbeak landed on top of the astronomy tower. Hermione shot off the hippogriff's back and pulled Harry off too. He wasn't complaining though as Hermione was thanking him for her no longer being in mid air with only a hippogriff between her and certain death.

The couple were quickly interrupted by Sirius. "I really need to know what's going on here…"

Calling for Dobby, Harry asked his little friend a quick question. "Dobby, would you be able to find Sirius if we needed you to?"

"He is our family, Dobby will always be able to find our family."

That certainly helped Harry make a decision. "Sirius, you need to leave and go into hiding. Trust only the people you see here, and Lupin. After we talk to Professor Lupin tomorrow we will have more of an idea of what we're doing next. We'll send word with Dobby. Avoid everyone else, even Dumbledore. My mum thought he was playing his own game here, and he didn't have any of our best interests at heart. We'll contact you tomorrow, day after at latest."

Diving off Buckbeak, Sirius pulled both of them into a needy hug. "Harry, I was there that night, after your parents were murdered. Hagrid already had you in his arms, and was under orders from Dumbledore to take you somewhere. You're my godson and my heir, and I let you down that night. I won't let you down again."

Needing to get Sirius on his way, Hermione thought a little humour might be the best way to break up this touching moment. "Harry, dear, you forgot to tell your godfather he needs to find somewhere he can hide and have a wash too."

It was a laughing Sirius who climbed back onto the hippogriff. "Oh I like her, Harry, I'm certainly leaving you in better hands this time. I'll be good doggie and wait on you contacting me."

"Dobby could bring Harry Potter's godfather food, and some clean clothes."

All three looked at the little elf before Harry made his night. "Dobby, that's a wonderful idea. Sirius - go already, and call for Dobby when you're somewhere safe."

Watching as Buckbeak carried Sirius into the night, Harry felt Dobby pulling his trouser leg. The elf then handed over an elaborately carved ring box that focused both teens' attention.

Opening the box, Harry showed the contents to Hermione. "You ready for this?"

A wide smile and a nod of consent was more than enough for Harry. He removed the smaller of the rings and slipped it onto the appropriate finger on Hermione's left hand as she said the required oath. "While I wear this ring, I will consider no other."

Picking the remaining ring out of the box, she repeated the process with Harry. As Harry said the required oath, a spark of magic jumped between both rings. It was such a headrush that the teens had to cling to each other until the magic settled.

Harry could feel Hermione's presence, it wasn't only her arms that were surrounding him with love, and it felt wonderful. Kissing was even better as their emotions appeared to bleed over into the other partner. They were again interrupted by a cough, though this time by a nervous Dobby.

"Dobby is thinking both of you have forgotten time?"

A quick glance at her watch confirmed for Hermione that Dobby was right. "Look at the time. we've no chance of making it back to the infirmary before Dumbledore locks that door."

Holding out Harry's Firebolt, Dobby was once more using his initiative. "Dobby was also thinking you didn't need to enter by the door."

"Dobby, you're the best."

"Harry, will you be able to find the right window?"

"Hermione, I've lain and stared out that window so often I could find it with my eyes closed."

"Not with me on the broom you won't"

Climbing on behind her newly betrothed, Hermione found Harry's love of flying swamping her own terror of the activity. When he pushed off, she just cuddled into his back and tried to enjoy the ride.