Bonds Strengthened

Her Harry spoke his first words since the memory began playing. "Dudley and Uncle Vernon were always helping themselves to food when Aunt Petunia wasn't looking. That was the second birthday cake she had to buy, they ate the other one the day before. I was able to snag a piece of it while Aunt Petunia was moaning at them about having to go shopping again. She wasn't really angry though, not like she would get at me. She never hit Dudley, and certainly never with her frying pan."

The scene switched from Hermione being bullied at school to her dad sitting down with her that night and discussing the matter with her. While Harry never even had that, it was the lack of affection coming from the parent that shocked him most. He knew his Hermione liked her hugs, yet it would seem hugs were a commodity that were severely lacking at home. It was almost as if her father was dealing with an upset young patient in his dentist chair - rather than his own daughter.

Hermione had already sussed they seemed far more accepting about what happened to their younger selves, while becoming enraged at the treatment of their betrothed. She spoke up in defence of her parents.

"Harry, my mum and dad aren't very demonstrative people. As I got older I wondered how I was even born, since they never seem to kiss or hug - they sleep in separate beds too. When you are younger, you just accept these things as normal. It's only as you grow up and look around you…"

She stopped as the scene they were now witnessing was 'Harry hunting', and Hermione knew for certain where Harry's mother's rage had come from. Hermione was also ready to take on all comers to ensure Harry never returned to those people again.

Harry was very interested in McGonagall's talk with the Grangers, explaining that magic was real and what Hermione could expect from Hogwarts. Compared to his own induction - 'yer a wizard, Harry' - Hagrid had apparently left out rather a lot.

Hermione thought so too - including vital information like how to get on the bloody platform. Watching with fresh eyes and a different perspective, the entire 'meet the Weasleys' incident seemed very contrived. Neither suspected Ron of any wrongdoing, he was a terrible liar and up there with Hagrid in the secret keeping department. Both though could easily imagine Dumbledore manipulating Molly so Harry would meet a family the old wizard approved of.

Seeing the troll incident from Hermione's perspective was a real eye-opener for Harry. All he could remember was hanging on for dear life.

"I'm sorry I never stuck up for you after what Ron said."

"You came to that bathroom and rescued me, that's the most important thing. We both know Ron has a temper - I hate to think what he'll say after finding out we're together…"

Watching their friend sacrifice himself at the giant chess set halted any further talk - until first year Hermione hugged her counterpart in the potions puzzle room. "I almost said the word 'love' you know. In such a short space of time, you had become the most important person in my life. I just didn't know how to deal with that… Or an eleven year old you."

There was a loud 'Eewwwee' noise from Hermione as Quirrell unwound his turban to reveal the guest who was living there. Harry certainly didn't want to watch this again and tried to ease the building tension.

"It smelled disgusting too!"

As Harry defeated the possessed professor, Hermione couldn't help herself. "I have never wanted to hug anyone so bad in my entire life. I just wish I could hug you right now."

Dumbledore telling Harry he was too young to know the answer to his question sealed it for him too. "So do I, Hermione. We'll just have to make up for it when we wake."

Hermione exploded at the next memory, her shouts and curses would turn the air blue - and have the Dursleys scurrying for cover. As a ration of food was passed through the newly installed cat flap, and Harry shared it with Hedwig, Hermione was then reduced to tears at their suffering. "Dumbledore keeps sending you back to this? Never again, Harry, never again." Those tears turned to cheers as Ron, Fred and George turned up in their father's flying car to rescue their friend. Ron's embarrassment when showing Harry into his home was clear to see, as was Harry's utter delight to be staying there.

Hermione's view of him playing quidditch was a revelation for Harry, especially when Dobby enchanted one of the bludgers to do him harm. She was terrified, there was no other word for it. After the school discovered Harry was a parselmouth, Hermione's unwavering support was appreciated once again.