New Perspectives

Seeing herself lying in bed petrified was a strange experience, though not all bad as Harry sat beside her stiff self and held her hand. Watching as that fraud Lockhart tried to obliviate both Harry and Ron had Hermione thinking poetic justice had been served. She couldn't help but scream at her first sight of the basilisk though, nor could she drag her eyes away from the bravest thing Hermione had ever seen.

It looked like one of those old movies where cavemen fought against dinosaurs, only this was very real. Even after killing the beast with a sword and sitting there dying, Harry still wouldn't admit defeat. Stabbing that diary with the fang he'd pulled out his own arm left Hermione staring in awe at the boy she loved. She got to see their hug in the great hall from Harry's perspective before another Dursley - Marge - was added to her growing shit list. Watching as Harry blew her up had Hermione giggling…

She woke with a large smile on her face, lying with her arms wrapped around Harry certainly helped keep it there.

"I'm so glad we both woke before I got to see what an arse I made of myself over a broomstick…"

"We're where we are now Harry. That's in the past, and so is you staying at Privet Drive."

"I don't think I would be welcomed at your house, your parents barely acknowledge you…"

"I accepted the way they are years ago, and doubt they'll change now. Are we going to be okay about this?"

"I don't know if it's these rings amplifying my feelings but anyone wanting to harm you is going to find an angry Harry Potter waiting on them…"

A kiss from Hermione was broken up as Madam Pomfrey moved the privacy curtains from around what they were sure was the bed Harry had gone to sleep in.

"Oh, you are both finally awake. That was a form of enchanted sleep that you both fell into, certainly a sleep that I've never seen the likes of before. Your vital signs synchronised, and Miss Granger somehow ended up in your bed - no matter how many times I moved her back to her own. You just kept vanishing and reappearing in Mister Potter's arms."

"I thought you couldn't apparate inside Hogwarts, and I can't apparate anyway."

"I don't know what it was, but I ruled out apparition very quickly. It's not something you can do in your sleep, for obvious reasons, and you were both in a very deep slumber. How are you feeling?"

Harry was about to give his stock answer of 'fine' when he realised something. "Madam Pomfrey, I don't think I've ever felt better. The first thing I do every morning in life is reach for my glasses, yet I can see both of you fine without them."

"Harry, your scar is so much fainter too. Like Harry, I also feel great this morning…"

Madam Pomfrey had her wand out, ready to run some diagnostics. She had a grin on her face though as she answered Hermione. "That might have something to do with where you woke up. Both of you were in far too deep a sleep for anything inappropriate to happen so, after moving Miss Granger for the third time and being thwarted again, I just let you be.

I also left the screens around your empty bed and have yet to hear from anyone about last night. Your friend has already left for breakfast, you slept right through it. After looking at these results, we should be able to have both of you out of here in time for lunch."

Hermione skipped back to her own bed to get changed, while Harry did the same after both she and Madam Pomfrey noticed his clothes had been cleaned and pressed, the reason for that silently popped beside Harry. Dobby though was pulling his ears in worry.

"Did Dobby do wrong? Dobby could see Harry Potter needs his mate beside him, so Dobby moved her over."

Harry settled all the elf's worries with a wide smile. "You did great, Dobby. Thank you so much for looking after us. This is going to take some getting used to, having people who look out for me. I suppose this is what having family is like, and you are now an important part of that family, Dobby."

The little elf went from anxiety to ecstasy in a matter of moments, only Hermione asking through the privacy screens if Harry was ready yet that saw Dobby relinquish his hold on his new master. Dobby watched through a gap between the screens as Harry and Hermione cast charms on their rings, Harry's glasses had their lenses transfigured to clear glass too, before the couple left the infirmary hand in hand.


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