Apologies and Appearances

As they stood at a massive round metal door, Harry issued a warning. "Before I open this, be prepared to experience the worst thing you've ever smelled…" He stopped speaking as Professor Flitwick started casting bubble-head charms on all of them. Hermione was quick to praise his actions.

"Thank you so much, Professor. I really wasn't looking forward to experiencing that smell again."

Colin had his camera out and the flash as the snakes on the door became animated saw squeals come from the three older Ravenclaws. Harry couldn't hide his grin. "Save it for when we're inside. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets."

Harry and Hermione, with Luna protectively tucked between them, led the group into the chamber. A hiss from Harry saw the torches lit and everyone, apart from those three, stop in their tracks.

Filius Flitwick had travelled extensively in his younger days, seen many wonders their world held, but had never seen anything comparable to this. In his prime, Filius had been one of the top duellers in all of Europe and Asia. Standing looking at this extraordinary creature, he doubted whether he could have defeated this beast - even at the top of his game.

The only noise in the chamber was Harry explaining to Luna what had happened down here, everyone else was too shocked to speak. Filius was delighted to hear there was no boasting coming from this extraordinary young wizard, just a calm retelling of the facts. Luna's squeal as he mentioned being bitten by the basilisk seemed to wake everyone up. As Harry rolled his sleeve up to display the distinctive puncture wound in his arm, Colin took his first photograph from inside the chamber.

After marvelling at the creature, Filius began to look around the chamber and found himself being approached by Miss Granger.

"Professor, the bubble-head charms are affecting Colin's photographs. He says it's practically impossible to tell who's actually under the charm. We didn't come all the way down here to leave any room for doubts. Could you remove them for a minute, just so we can take a couple of pictures?"

Instantly agreeing, he followed the witch back to where she rejoined her friends posing in front of the basilisk for a picture. A nod from Mr Cheevy saw the charms cancelled and a picture quickly taken. The group of five must have been holding their breath as the young photographer was able to take another few pictures before the smell made posing impossible. The bubble-head charm was quickly applied to each of them before his three Ravenclaw asked for the same accommodation.

With Colin agreeing, they soon got their picture taken - but not one they would be showing anyone. As the charm was lifted, Marietta immediately reacted to the stench by barffing over the other two girls. Filius instantly recast two bubble-head charms, and vanished the vomit, but had to wait until Miss Edgecome was finished before reapplying hers. Vomiting while wearing a bubble-head charm was not a good combination.

They only left the chamber after Colin had used all his film. Filius was pleased to see the Gryffindors, and Miss Lovegood, all resisted the opportunity to taunt the older Ravenclaws over their earlier behaviour. It was only as they were about to mount the brooms and fly up the chute that Cho broached the elephant in the room head-on.

"Mr Potter, I would like to unreservedly apologise for doubting your word earlier. I would also like to say it was a stroke of genius to take a photographer into the chamber, I saw that creature in person and still struggle to believe it. What you did was above incredible, and should have been recognised beyond Hogwarts - and some stupid house points."

Now that Cho had started apologising, it was clear she wanted to get it all off her chest. "Miss Lovegood, I would again offer my unreserved apology over my shameful behaviour toward you. It would seem I again suffered from judging a book by its cover, forming opinions and taking actions before getting to know those involved. I promise to do my best at improving my behaviour, and will strive stop bullying wherever I see it."

Both the other girls offered apologies, but they weren't as heartfelt as Miss Chang's. Filius was sure he'd just found next year's female prefect. Miss Edgecome may be disappointed but then so was Filius, in the behaviour of these girls and himself. The discovery of bullying in Ravenclaw was bad enough, but at least he could deal with that. The clear lack of trust by the students in the staff of Hogwarts was a far greater problem, and one Filius had no idea how to approach - let alone solve.

Approaching Albus wold see the old wizard talk for twenty minutes, nothing of consequence would be said - and certainly nothing done to solve the problem. Approaching Minerva would see him dragged along to Albus for that same twenty minute talk, with the same zero results.

Hearing a fellow Head of House called the biggest bully in Hogwarts was shameful, there was no way Filius would approach Snape about this anyway. It appeared a chat with Pomona would be his only option. Perhaps between them they could figure out some way to reverse this trend of untrusting students. He also suspected it would take the sacking of Snape for those bonds of trust to begin reforming. Knowing Albus, Filius didn't hold out much hope of that happening.


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