A Clash of Professors

Rumours had swept around the school about students supposedly visiting the Chamber of Secrets, it was dinner time though before these rumours were substantiated. Photographs were circulating around the hall, a raging Severus slapping one of those pictures in front of Albus left no room for any doubt.

"Look at the size of that thing. You're looking at a lost fortune in potions ingredients, all because the beast has been left to rot. I told you we should have gotten the brat to take us back down there."

"There wasn't an opportunity..."

"He managed to find an opportunity to take Flitwick down there, why not us?"

This had Albus looking toward his charms professor for an explanation. When that explanation came, neither Albus nor Severus were happy with it.

"I was sure the law dictated that the person who killed the beast was allowed to claim it. I'm pleased to see you both so concerned about that young man's finances."

Snap's anger spilled over. "It was killed on Hogwarts ground, it should belong to Hogwarts. I'm Head of Slytherin, I should have been taken down there too..."

Filius also let his anger out to play. "I think it's perfectly understandable that Mr Potter wouldn't want to be down there with a Death Eater, no matter how much the headmaster trusts you."

Severus was desperate to go for his wand but could clearly see Flitwick was waiting on that very thing, he also knew just how good a dueller the little charms professor was.

Albus had never had professors fighting at the dinner table before so tried to put a stop to this. "Filius, why didn't you inform me what was happening. As the headmaster, I think this should have been run past me first."

His anger hadn't abated one iota so Filius now directed it at Dumbledore. "You sat safely in your office while that young man was left to fight that enormous beast alone. Now your only concern seems to be hushing up that three second years solved a riddle you couldn't, and appeasing the biggest bully in Hogwarts. We all heard you preach how forgiveness should be given, or is it only former Death Eaters that rule applies to?"

"Professor Flitwick, if you are unhappy with the way I run Hogwarts then you are welcome to leave." It was only in the silence this caused that they realised all the students were listening to every word.

Filius was about to storm away and head out the hall when the staff table was approached by Harry. Hermione was asking over their bond what he was up to. 'Gaining allies' was his cryptic answer.

Snape couldn't resist shouting at him. "Potter, this matter has nothing to do with you. Return to your table at once or you will face a detention."

Ignoring the man, Harry spoke directly to his charms professor. "Professor Flitwick, I am currently looking for tutors and would be delighted to offer you a position - if you should suddenly find yourself available."

"Potter, detention with me for the rest of the week. You deliberately ignored a direct order from a professor." Snape had spittle flying from his lips as he screamed at Harry.

The boy in question cooly turned his attention to his Head of House. "Professor McGonagall, Snape is no longer a professor of mine. If he can still issue me with detentions, for simply speaking with another professor, then I don't see the point in hiring tutors at Hogwarts. I will simply leave and seek my education elsewhere. I would appreciate hearing your ruling on this..."

Dumbledore answered before Minerva could say anything. "Mr Potter, you can't leave Hogwarts without the permission of your magical guardian. Since that is me, we will have no more talk of this. Professor Snape is still a professor here, and you will abide by school rules - the same as all other students."

"A Headmaster forcing the 'Boy-who-Lived' to take detentions with a Death Eater, I'm sure the School Board will have something to say about that. Professor McGonagall, I am appealing the Headmaster's decision, and know Hogwarts bylaws allow me to take my case to the School Board. As my Head of House, it's your duty to arrange this for me."

"Mr Potter, I don't need you to tell me my duty..."

Harry cut her off. "Yet you sat there and let these two try and railroad me into an unfair detention? Just in case anyone else needs reminded of the bylaws, appealing my detention to the board suspends that detention until the hearing. Professor Flitwick, my offer still stands. Professor Sprout, if there was a way to transfer Hogwarts house, quite a few students would be knocking on your door. I know Hermione and me certainly would."

With that last barb, Harry returned to his seat beside Hermione - leaving the staff table in total disarray - with Dumbledore having to physically place himself between Snape and Flitwick. It wasn't quite total disarray though, someone had at least the presence of mind to raise a silencing charm so the students couldn't hear what was being said.

Luna leaned around Hermione and asked Harry if she should add this into the article she was writing. His emphatic "Hell yes." had all the Gryffindors worried. Not only was Harry the 'Boy who Lived', he was - in their opinion - the best seeker in Hogwarts too. Most would rather see Harry leave Hogwarts, rather than line up to play quidditch against Gryffindor for another house.


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