Hermione's Fury Unleashed

A horrified Ron at least waited until they were leaving the great hall before asking the question that was burning away at him. "Would you two really leave Gryffindor? Harry surely you wouldn't play quidditch for another house?"

Hermione beat her betrothed to the answer. "Ron, there's a far greater chance that we'll be leaving Hogwarts, than leaving Gryffindor to go to a house where the Head gives a shit for their students."

Hearing Hermione use language like that alerted Ron to just how angry she was, he had to push for more though. "But quidditch, Hermione, and Harry's the best seeker in the school. Anyway, Dumbledore says Harry can't leave..."

He was cut off by Hermione. "Dumbledore also says the sun shines out of Snape's arse, do you believe that?"

Luna going into a fit of giggles had everyone else smiling too, and killed any tension amongst the group. Harry then laid it out for his friend.

"Ron, I didn't go up there looking for a fight - I just wanted to make my offer to Flitwick. Apparently that's now enough for Snape to hit me with a detention, a detention Dumbledore backed and McGonagall didn't even question."

"Did you ever wonder why Snape doesn't pick on Hufflepuffs? The reason is simple - Sprout would have him rendered into fertiliser if he tried to pull the same shit he does to us on her students. I can't see me replacing Diggory as seeker, he actually beat me to the snitch this year."

Hermione was trying to make amends for snapping at Ron a moment ago, and move the conversation away from quidditch. She mentally sent 'boys' to Harry, before he reminded her some of the biggest quidditch fans in Hogwarts were girls. "We're not going looking for confrontations, Ron, they keep coming to us." As if to prove Hermione's point, a voice they all recognised called out to them.

"You think you're special, don't you Potter?"

While Harry and Hermione both rolled their eyes in annoyance, Ron broke into a wide grin. His voice was barely above a whisper. "Hey, we all knew this was coming. With your new attitudes to bullying, I've been looking forward to it."

Not receiving the attention Draco was certain he deserved, the Malfoy heir issued further taunts in Harry's direction. "A squib and a loony witch added to your already pitiful group, there's no hope for you, Potter. Best friends with a weasel and having a mudblood for a girlfriend, your parents would be so proud of you." The sarcasm was dripping off every syllable Draco uttered but Harry simply smiled and turned to face the git.

"Why thank you, Draco. I think they would be proud of me too. Then again, Ron, Neville and Luna all have blood that's classed as purer than yours. Hermione here is certainly far smarter than you, but she's also more powerful too."

"How's your jaw by the way? Ron and I have a bet going. He claims you would be too embarrassed to admit Hermione beat you up while I'm sure you're far too much of a crybaby not to visit Madam Pomfrey for some healing. Hermione does pack a fair wallop though. I have to say, watching her smack you one was the clincher for me. I asked her to be my girlfriend the same night."

Trying to hold his laugh in, Ron stirred the cauldron even more. "Ferret bashing for your first date - and they say us boys aren't romantic."

Draco was livid. His two bookends had witnessed the incident but Pansy hadn't, and was now confidently looking toward him to refute these claims. Unfortunately for Draco, Neville got in first.

"Hermione really smacked him one?" Ron couldn't resist describing the entire scene for Neville, and everyone else, much to Draco's embarrassment.

Considering Draco and his sidekicks had bullied him for three years, there was real longing in Neville's voice as he answered. "Oh wow, I wish I could have seen that."

Harry then got right in Draco's now bright red face. "Unless your here for a repeat performance, one I'm sure we could sell hundreds of tickets for, I fail to see why you're stopping us in the corridor."

Draco was now wishing he was anywhere else but standing in this corridor, appearances had to be maintained though. With as much bluster as he could manage, Draco settled for uttering some general rhetoric that would hopefully end this without him losing any more face.


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