Hogwarts and Beyond

Harry was desperate to let Sirius and Remus know the latest developments, only to discover things that would affect them had also been happening elsewhere too. After reading Remus' promise to Dumbledore, Harry's initial reaction was rage. Hermione was there though, like a soothing blanket to cover the flames of his anger.

'Think about this Harry. No Dursleys, Sirius free, spending the summer together - this deal buys us all of that and more. Dumbledore won't interfere with our summer now, or Sirius' trial, and hopefully we can keep him busy trying to replace all the staff we're going to poach from Hogwarts.'

These were all things Harry wanted so Hermione was succeeding in quenching his temper, she then tried to look ahead.

'If this allows us the chance to get our school up and running for the First of September, wouldn't that be worth a little compromise? We're already intending that most of our classes would be tutored, that tutoring doesn't have to take place within Hogwarts.'

This idea intrigued Harry. 'What do you mean?'

'I could see us turning up to take creatures classes with Hagrid, and probably transfiguration with McGonagall. The rest of the time we could spend at the new school - including living there...' Hermione's thought process was disrupted as Harry kissed her.

'You are a genius, I could live with that...'

They were interrupted by a clearly worried Madam Pomfrey deliberately seeking them out.

"This is a tricky situation, but I think I've found a way around it. Harry, if that job offer is still open, I will accept - and start immediately."

Although confused at what brought this on, Harry was always going to say yes to Pomfrey.

Nodding her acceptance, Poppy proceeded with the next part of her scheme. "As the school's new healer, my employer is entitled to ask me for my medical opinion on any potential new staff members. The trick here will be getting you to ask me the right questions."

At that, Poppy placed a piece of tartan both of them instantly recognised on the table. Having spent three years seeing their Head of House wearing that tartan, it would have been hard not to. Catching on immediately, Hermione asked the question Poppy was desperate to answer.

"Madam Pomfrey, we are considering offering a position to someone you appear to have recently examined. Could you give us your medical opinion on Professor McGonagall's suitability to teach children in our new school?"

While they saw Poppy relax at being asked the right question, both Harry and Hermione also spotted tears in the corners of her eyes. "Minerva is currently in St Mungo's, being examined by a mind healer. Her mind had been manipulated so severely, and I suspect so frequently, I didn't even know where to start unravelling the mess my examination found."

"All I do know is, that for the sake of her health - and possible sanity - she can not return to Hogwarts. After a summer convalescing, I would hope she would be once more ready to take up the mantle of being a transfiguration professor - just not in any school controlled by Dumbledore."

Harry didn't need Hermione pleading with him to help, he was always going to do so. "I'll have our Steward contact her tomorrow. Even if she only wants to spend the summer convalescing at our home, before seeking work elsewhere, she will still be more than welcome to join us."

He could actually feel Hermione's agreement over their bond as she whipped out a piece of well-worn parchment and wrote their latest task onto it.

"What's on the to-do list now?"

"Arrange portkeys for professors, arrange visit and job offer for Mcgonagall, meeting with goblins to arrange finances for school, meeting my parents, Sirius' trial - when the Ministry announce a date..."

Stopping, the next item had clearly made Hermione think of something else. "Harry, if the Headmaster is going to leave us alone this summer, does that mean we can invite Ron to spend some of the summer with us?"

This had Harry smiling, here was a bonus none of them had thought about when discussing the implications of Remus' deal with Dumbledore. Since Remus would be contacting Neville's gran and Luna's father, neither of whom would be privy to their actual location, Harry wondered if the same deal would be acceptable to Arthur and Molly.

They intended to set up communications through Gringotts, something neither Dumbledore or the Ministry could interfere with. By citing these measures were being put in place for Harry's safety, the young couple now thought there was a very good chance Remus would be able to convince the Weasley parents that Ron should join them too.


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