Intrigue in the Corridors

Ron was walking down the corridor when a strong pair of arms swiftly dragged him behind a tapestry, one that hid a secret alcove behind this textile work of art. His first thought was to reach for his wand but the hardy hands that now held him pinned against the wall denied Ron that option. He was about to shout for assistance when his lips were suddenly covered, by another pair of lips.

Having someone else's tongue in your mouth was definitely a new and strange experience for Ron, though not entirely unpleasant. His arms were still glued to his sides, however it was Ron himself who was now holding them there. One of the girl's hands - Ron was certain it was a girl - had moved up to the back of his head, offering encouragement for him to kiss her back.

Her other hand though had moved further south, providing even more encouragement for him to respond to her kissing. That hand was now performing an invigorating kneading action on his left buttock - Ron was certainly feeling energised by it. So much so, both his hands were now performing similar actions to his 'attacker's' derrière.

His mystery girl eventually broke the kiss, but leaned in to nibble at Ron's ear. "With the lights out, there is only us. No preconceptions, no judging each other before we ever reach this stage."

Ron found himself being kissed again, though this time he was an enthusiastic participant. When the pair of hips his arms were happily wrapped around added a grinding motion against him, Ron almost lost his mind.

He could actually hear the satisfaction in her voice. "I certainly want to do this again, do you?"

Spinning the girl around, he let his actions answer that question. Ron was now the one pressing his secret kisser against the wall as they snogged each other.

It was a good while later she held him close, and again whispered intoxicatingly in Ron's ear. "Remember how much we enjoyed this, no judging to spoil it."

With one last kiss, she was off. As she slipped out past the tapestry, Ron was certain he spotted a flash of green Slytherin edging on her robes. A goofy grin was splitting his face though. Ronald Weasley just spent the best fifteen minutes of his life, being thoroughly kissed and getting to run his hands over a girl's backside. That this mystery girl might turn out to be a Slytherin was not going to spoil his enjoyment of the event - or dent the grin he was currently wearing.

Better yet, his secret kisser had promised him they'd do this again. Ron had to wait a little while before he snuck out from behind the tapestry. His embarrassing problem might have gone down since his mystery girl left, but his grin was still every bit as wide and goofy.


Ron lay stretched out on his dorm bed, fully clothed and hands clasped behind his head. He was mentally wrestling with the problem of how he could discover this mystery girl's identity. Ron was certain he would recognise the scent of that particular perfume again, but he could hardly go around sneakily sniffing Slytherin sorceresses. Getting caught doing so would certainly earn him a good cursing or two, and may actually piss off the actual girl who did want to kiss him.

There was also his handkerchief that he'd used to wipe the lipstick from his face, but holding a used hanky up to some Slytherin witch's lips to compare shades was also a non-starter - exact same reasoning applying as the perfume scenario. Without staring, he had been stealing glances at those same witches, trying to discern just who his secret kisser could be.

Ron knew he didn't have the kind of luck that would see his mystery witch being the absolutely gorgeous Daphne Greengrass, though her friend Tracy wasn't half bad looking either. He'd almost regurgitated his dinner with the very thought of it being Pansy Parkinson. Not that there was anything too wrong with the girl physically.

His aversion to Pansy though was right up there alongside his spider phobia, and that reaction was based entirely on who her current boyfriend was. Ron may have reached a point of maturity where he could cope with having a girlfriend from Slytherin - especially one who kissed as bloody brilliantly as his mystery girl does - but lips that had kissed Draco Malfoy would never touch his. Ron would rather kiss Aragog.

He suddenly had a thought, maybe his approach here was totally wrong. Ron had assumed his mystery kisser wanted her identity kept secret because she was a Slytherin, and he was a Gryffindor. Take that away though and what were you left with? Was there something wrong with the girl that she needed to kiss him in the dark?

Trying to tick off things he knew for definite was no help either. Yes she was strong, but how much of that was down to shock on his part? When she started sucking his face off, you could have knocked him over with a feather.

That she appeared the same height as him could also easily be explained, some girls wore heels that made them seem taller. Saying Ron wasn't exactly experienced with girls would be a massive understatement but his hands told him there was certainly nothing wrong with his secret kisser's backside. In his opinion, that arse was beyond bloody brilliant.

A shocking idea then occurred to Ron. Perhaps the problem wasn't with the girl, but might actually be with him. She could be a rich pure-blood, he was a piss-poor Weasley. A wizard wearing second hand robes wouldn't be allowed over the door in a lot of pure-blood households. This girl - whoever she was - might not want word getting back to her family that she was kissing Ronald Weasley.

Remembering his mystery kisser's parting words though cut through a lot of his rapidly mounting anxiety, and settled Ron's jangling nerves - no judging. Realising that this approach might benefit them both was a big step for him, a step Ron hoped he could manage to pull off when he finally discovered who this witch was.

Making his mind up that laying here was getting him nowhere, Ron got up and decided to go for a walk. That his intended route for this walk would lead to him passing a certain tapestry multiple times was already a given.


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