Alliances Formed

Remus might have a copy of today's Prophet and yesterday's Quibbler in his hand, he knew though that it was the Potter family crest on the arm of his new robes that gained him access to Augusta Longbottom. While the formidable witch had seen today's Prophet, no one had dared mention her grandson was on the front page of yesterday's Quibbler.

Today's issue talked about how the Minister of Magic, and Head of the D.M.L.E. had gone to Hogwarts as part of an ongoing investigation. This investigation had thrown up the fact that Sirius Black never received a trial before being flung into Azkaban. The headline was all about Fudge, declaring 'Justice will be done on my watch' while standing in front of a dead basilisk with his hand on Harry Potter's shoulder.

Augusta though was focused on the other front page, and demanded an answer from Remus.

"Harry has always been friendly with your Neville. Discovering that they were godbrothers saw Harry elevating that relationship to one of family. I'm sure I don't need to tell the matriarch of the Longbottom family how close your two houses have been in the past. The two boys also discovered they had a godsister, Luna Lovegood, and have practically adopted her as well. This interaction has had a very positive affect on all three of them, and is something I hope we can agree should be encouraged."

Seeing her grandson standing surrounded by friends was something Augusta had practically given up hope of ever happening, and had every intention of encouraging its continuation. She knew Lupin was here looking for something else though, and Augusta wanted to know exactly what that was.

"I think we should save time and get to the real reason why you're here. I'm assuming it involves the Hogwarts tutor situation reported in the papers?"

Nodding in agreement, Remus got down to business. "We have a situation in Hogwarts where the worst bully in the castle is not only a member of staff, but a Head of House too. Your grandson's boggart is Severus Snape, because the man bullies Neville mercilessly. The only time your Neville gets a break is when Snape is bullying Harry instead. As far as Dumbledore is concerned, Snape can do no wrong so tutors appeared the only option."

Augusta had already experienced Albus backing his potions professor against any and all complaints, the school board had been pushing for the man to be chucked out of the castle for years. This was certainly a point in favour of believing what she was hearing, she didn't know how bad things were going to get though as Remus continued to dismantle how the current Hogwarts curriculum was being taught.

"Harry's original intention was simply to find a potions tutor for him and his friends, but then things got out of hand. Taking past form into account, he has no confidence in Dumbledore finding a competent defence teacher to replace me. Harry's also dropping divination because the teacher is hopeless, and predicts his death in front of the entire class on a weekly basis."

"History of magic is still regarded as nap time by most of Hogwarts, they're learning nothing from Binns. While Hagrid is a good friend of Harry's, he feels his friend has just been chucked in there, with no help or supervision. Hagrid teaches his classes what he thinks they'll like, rather than what they need to know. While the Malfoy boy was at fault for the debacle at the start of term, someone more experienced should have advised Hagrid against using hippogriffs for his first lesson."

Thinking back, on what was admittedly a long time, Augusta was sure these animals weren't covered until much later in the course. "I seem to remember hippogriffs being covered just before my O.W.L.s, near the end of fifth year. Has Harry taken these complaints to McGonagall or Dumbledore?"

"They've had no help from McGonagall, she simply parrots whatever Dumbledore wants her to say. Dumbledore himself just keeps repeating that Hogwarts is the safest place in Britain. With the amount of times Harry has nearly been killed inside the castle, no one seriously believes that any more."

If hearing that shocked the grandmother, the next bit blew Augusta's mind.

"With having so many classes needing tutors, a friend jokingly commented that Harry would be better opening his own school. What started off as a joke has now become a very serious matter. We've purchased a building and are now actively recruiting staff."

"Has Albus allowed things to become so bad?"

"Harry considers Neville family, which is why I'm being so open about our plans. We're hopeful some of the best professors at Hogwarts can be enticed away to teach at this new school. I know the position this puts you in, being on the Hogwarts School Board, but we would like you to come and see everything for yourself - before making any decisions."

Augusta would do that anyway but one massive problem jumped out at her immediately. "How are you going to get this passed by the Ministry? Fudge and Dumbledore would never allow a school to be set up in competition with Hogwarts."

The smile Remus wore reminded Augusta of her son, Frank would use that same smile when she was missing something obvious.

"The school is not in Britain, therefore nothing to do with Fudge or Dumbledore. The option has always existed for parents to send their children outside of Britain to be educated, we are merely taking advantage of existing legislation."

"This does bring up the main reason I'm here. Harry will be leaving for this building straight from Hogwarts, he was hoping Neville and a few of their friends could accompany him. Look on it as a holiday - one you are very welcome to join, though we would suggest giving us a week or two and by then we should have solid plans for the school you could look over too."


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