The Mystery Girl Revealed

While understanding the need for secrecy regarding the exact location of this new building, hearing the school was on the Mediterranean Coast - with its own private beach - saw Augusta agreeing to the holiday part. Seeing proof that her Neville now had friends, she was delighted to allow him to spend some time with them over the summer.

"I want it understood that a holiday is all I'm currently agreeing to, I will need a lot more persuading - and actually see things for myself - before even considering my Neville changing schools."

A relieved Remus was now smiling. "We always knew that would be the case. We also know you'll make the right choice for Neville, it's now up to us to make sure that right choice is our school. This school will carry the Potter name, and Harry is intending to spend a fortune making his dream a reality. We hope you will lend us your expertise when you visit to help us achieve that goal. If we achieve nothing else, this should at least see magical Britain waking up, and demanding better standards of professors and lessons at Hogwarts."

Augusta heartily agreed with that, and also to bring a trunk with summer clothes for Neville to King's Cross station. She would see her grandson, wish him a good holiday, and then meet up with him again in two weeks. This could be quite the summer.


Ron's lips were once again locked onto those of his mystery girl. While enjoying those kisses even more the second time, Ron's hands were also doing a bit of exploring - solely in an attempt to discover who his secret kisser really was.

Those hands were sending back information for his brain to collate, and that information was confusing. Without doubt, her arse was magnificent. His mystery girl's waist tapered in as it was supposed to but then she shot up to a pair of shoulders that were wider than his. Ron knew who the Slytherin beaters were but reckoned the girl kissing him could give them both a run for their money.

Running his hands through her hair, Ron worked out it was shoulder length and straight, no curls whatsoever. His mystery kisser broke lip contact, it would appear Ron wasn't as subtle as he thought in his actions. Instead of pulling away though, she started to slide down his body. Ron's hands clamped on those wide shoulders, holding her still.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you as my boyfriend, which was why I dragged you in here in the first place. I want you even more since we started kissing. When you find out who I am, you won't want me as a girlfriend. I was going to try and change your mind..."

Pulling her back up, Ron kissed her before putting his hands back on that wonderful arse. "If we get to that stage, you will already be my girlfriend and I certainly want to see what you're doing."

The girl's voice was very quiet, she practically whispered her confession. "I've never actually done that before - I've never done anything before. I would be willing to do anything for you, if I was your girlfriend."

Swallowing the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat, Ron now struggled to answer the girl. "I've never had a girlfriend, or done anything either. I have to ask though, why did you pick me?"

Taking a deep breath, she tried to answer. "I honestly can't explain it. I look at you and it does funny things to my insides. Kissing you drives me insane. When you reject me, I don't know what I'll do..."

Kissing her again, Ron now already had a very good idea of just who this girl was. The funny thing about it however was Ron found it didn't bother him in the slightest. To be perfectly honest, when his hands were on that magnificent arse, Ron was pretty sure nothing was going to bother him.

"If I'm going to have a girlfriend, I think I should at least see who she is first. Do you want to do the honours?" Ron gave both her cheeks a reassuring squeeze.

This gave her the courage to slip out her wand, that and the fact his hands never moved from her backside. With her own hand now shaking, she cast the lumos spell.

Seeing the terror of rejection in those blue eyes, Ron smiled at her. "Hey Millie, want to be my girlfriend?"

Dropping the wand as she wrapped her arms around her new boyfriend, Millicent tried to kiss his socks off.

Ron knew they would face many questions, gasps of disbelief and even ridicule over this but found he didn't care. His hands were firmly planted on their now favourite location - Millie's wonderful arse - and Ronald Weasley didn't have a care in the world. His new girlfriend kissing him with such enthusiasm didn't hurt either.

Saying Ron had little experience with girls would be a massive understatement, he had been up close and personal with a troll though. So it was with a degree of confidence Ron could state that Millicent Bulstrode was certainly no troll.

When her hands took a reciprocal position on his body and then pulled the new couple closer to each other, Ron's teenage hormones went from dead stop to flying about his body on Firebolts. They had ground to a shuddering halt when Ron grabbed Millie's shoulders and said no. Now they thought that was a brilliant idea, and that Ron had found a girlfriend who was one in a million.


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