Sirius's Trial and Freedom

Sirius was lying on a sun bed beside the pool at Harry's new home. He was hoping the beautiful Italian sunshine might take away some of the greyness in his skin tone, caused by a dozen years in Azkaban. That time in hell had also seen Sirius swearing that, if he ever got out of there, he would live every moment to the full. No more putting things off until tomorrow, there might not be a tomorrow.

That was the reason why Sirius was lying there without a stitch of clothing on. He'd always wanted to try swimming and sunbathing in the nude. With no one else in the house, this was the perfect time to try it too. The sense of freedom escaping from Azkaban had given him was almost overwhelming. Having goals, protect Harry and kill the rat, was the only thing that kept him sane at the time.

This was another type of freedom though, one Sirius was certainly enjoying. There was just something so liberating about letting your equipment have a day in the sun, feeling the gentle breeze...


Sirius shot bolt upright, the marauder couldn't believe his eyes. He was praying Moony had slipped him something and this was a prank, otherwise he would have to believe Minerva McGonagall was standing there frowning at him.

"Really, Mr Black, a little decorum wouldn't go amiss. A little bit of clothing would be good too."

He ran for it, shooting toward the bushes that were part of the landscaping at the end of the pool. It was only when he got there Sirius realised there was no route back into the house from here, and his wand was sitting on the table beside his sun bed. Sirius was screening himself behind appropriately placed shrubs, wondering how he was going to get past his old Head of House without exposing himself again, when she shouted in his direction.

"I have a very important letter here for you, from Remus..."

A big black dog walked toward her and casually used its mouth to remove the letter from Minerva's hand. With as much dignity as he could manage, Padfoot ambled off in the direction of his room. His hearing was so much sharper in his animagus form, so Padfoot had no problem picking up McGonagall's sniggering laughter as he walked away.

Minerva had only been here two minutes and already she was feeling better than she had in years. Minerva couldn't remember the last time she smiled, never mind laughed. Then again, with that old bastard messing with her mind, Minerva was probably lucky she remembered her own name.

Dumbledore would get his though, he'd apparently forgotten that you should never make an enemy of a Highland witch. First though, she would have to work on an apology for two young people she'd harmed whilst under that whiskered wanker's wand.

That they had sprung into action to ensure Dumbledore couldn't influence her again left Minerva doubly in their debt. It was a debt she had every intention of repaying. If, while repaying that debt, they managed to shaft Dumbledore at the same time - so much the better.


Since they weren't certain Harry visiting Dumbledore's office was no longer a threat, Harry and Hermione were still sticking to the infirmary. It wasn't really a hardship though as there was plenty to do, with Dobby getting them any book they asked for and bringing letters from their friends. Luna's latest note had both of them intrigued, more specifically the part where she said Ron now had a girlfriend. In a style they were beginning to understand was pure Luna, she didn't give them the most important piece of information - namely who the girl now dating Ron was.

Knowing her two roommates, Hermione fervently hoped it wasn't one of them. Whoever this girl was, just by being Ron's girlfriend meant they would instantly become part of their close group. That Parvati and Lavender were the two biggest gossips in the school wasn't really up for dispute.

That she and Harry had things going on that they didn't want spread all over the castle was also indisputable. If either of those girls had hooked up with Ron, Hermione and Harry could see a gulf opening up between them and their friend.

They would have to watch every word they said in front of Ron, even if Parvati or Lavender wasn't there at the time. In all the names they banded about between them, neither Harry or Hermione got close to guessing Ron's new girlfriend's identity.

Their guessing game was placed on hold, both were too shocked by the visitors who walked into the infirmary. Remus was a welcome sight, they had much to discuss with the Steward of House Potter. Their second visitor, Amelia Bones, was rather unexpected but not unwelcome. It was the third member of their trio of visitors who blew Harry and Hermione away - Sirius Black just walked into the infirmary as if he had every right to be there.

Seeing both of them staring at him with their mouths open was as good as a prank to Sirius. "What, no hug for your newly exonerated godfather? I'm disappointed, I thought you would be pleased to see..."

He never got to say anymore as an emotional Harry tackled a now laughing Sirius so hard they both ended up on the floor. Knowing Amelia's presence meant Sirius must be telling the truth, Hermione still looked to a grinning Remus for conformation.

"The Ministry wanted to meet with Sirius as soon as possible. The Steward of House Potter contacted his counterpart for the House of Black and we arranged a trial for this morning. Sirius answers questions under truth serum and was then declared a free man."


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