Unmasking Dumbledore

Hermione now had tears in her eyes, their chances of pulling this off just got a lot better. They were interrupted by Poppy, asking Remus about Minerva.

"She's out of St. Mungo's and safe. The old man will never find her, and it will be up to these two what happens next. Harry, you need to have a word with Dobby about taking instructions too literally. I asked him to take Minerva to Sirius, and your godfather was in a state of undress at the time."

Everyone could see the mischief twinkling in Remus' eyes but the marauder found himself being cut off before he could tell a story he intended to embellish the hell out of. Amelia wanted to take him back a few sentences.

"Minerva - Minerva McGonagall? Why was she in St Mungo's, and who does she need to be kept safe from?" Amelia couldn't miss that all three adults looked toward a Harry who was helping his godfather up off the floor before giving any answers. The young man then glanced at his girlfriend and all could see a decision had been reached between them.

"Madam Bones, will you take a seat. Trust me, you'll need that seat for some of it." Following Harry's advice, they all sat. Harry and Hermione on his bed, the marauders on the one beside it while the two witches sat on chairs between the beds to hear the tale. Deciding to set the tone right from the off, Harry dived right in at the deep end.

"Albus Dumbledore is a manipulative, lying bastard. You can trust him about as far as Hermione could toss Hagrid." A sharp intake of breath and the Marauders grinning should have embarrassed Harry but he was far too angry to embrace any other emotions.

"Sorry about my rather unfortunate choice of words there but I really hate Dumbledore - he's as bad as Voldemort. No, wait, he's worse. Voldemort wants me dead, Dumbledore has plans for me that we know nothing about - and see us almost killed on an annual basis. The old bastard was going to let Sirius be murdered, claiming he couldn't do anything to stop it. When his own secrets were threatened with exposure, Dumbledore wasn't slow to take action - and didn't care who he took that action against. I suppose we weren't too surprised to discover he'd cast so many controlling spells on McGonagall, it's a wonder she remembered her own name. After all, three of us here witnessed Dumbledore obliviate the Minister of Magic."

Amelia was on her feet before realising she'd moved, Poppy's hand on her arm soon had her sitting back down again. "I was one of the three people who witnessed it, before Albus turned his wand on me. These two managed to somehow overpower Dumbledore and revive me. I wanted to contact the aurors but it would have been our word against Albus Dumbledore, the Minister had already been obliviated. We took the decision to use Dumbledore's own curse against him, I obliviated the old goat and had him put in his own bed. I already have a new job, and will let Albus know about it by letter, after I'm out of the castle."

Continuing his tale, Harry got right to the heart of the matter. "While my mother was pregnant with me, a prophecy was made about a child being born with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. This prophecy was made to Albus Dumbledore, but overheard by a Death Eater. That Death Eater running to his master with the information is the reason I don't have my parents, and Neville's are in St. Mungo's. We both fitted the profile of this child, right up until Voldemort marked me the night he murdered my parents."

Hermione had her arm around Harry's shoulders as everyone felt his pain.

"The reasons I hate Dumbledore are many, but they all have their roots in that prophecy. The Death Eater involved is Severus Snape, who escaped Azkaban purely on the word of Dumbledore. Sirius ended up there, and never even got a trial - go figure. Meanwhile Dumbledore basically kidnaps me and dumps a toddler on a muggle doorstep. I was eleven before I found out I was a wizard, and that my parents weren't a couple of layabout drunks that died in a car crash they caused…"

With a roar of anguish, Sirius leapt to his feet - only to find Moony's reactions were quicker. He got in front of Sirius, blocking any movement and staring directly into his eyes. "We just got you free, murdering muggles will see you back in Azkaban. They've been taken care of, well taken care of, trust us on this."

As Remus got Padfoot calmed down, Amelia just had to ask the obvious question. "I'm hoping this 'taken care of' was legal?"

Harry actually grinned as he answered. "We told them their treatment of me was now known, and the magical authorities would be coming after them. They were given money to move house immediately, and advised not to stay anywhere too long - in case they were found. I hope we can work together, Madam Bones, and always within the law. A prophecy claimed I have the power to defeat Voldemort, I can't fight him, Dumbledore and the Ministry at the same time though."


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