The Potter-Granger School

Here was the opening Amelia was looking for, she took it. "Harry, I'll help you against Voldemort anyway I can. It's going to be difficult though, since I'm basically working in the dark here. Where did you get all this information, and why wait until now to make it known?"

Understanding her position, Harry letup a little more of the truth. "There are things I'm going to have to ask you to keep to yourself, starting with this. The night we were attacked by the dementors, I met my parents. I know that sounds unbelievable, which is one of the reasons I'm delighted Hermione was there too.

She had a chat with my mum, and we were betrothed before my parents left us. My mother told me how to claim my lordship, something else Dumbledore had kept from me - because he knew I would never go back to my muggle relatives if I had another option. My mother's encouragement gave me the happy memory I needed to cast my patronus, Hermione can cast it now too."

Drawing their wands, a silver stag and doe were soon cavorting around the infirmary. Poppy and Amelia were now buying the 'meeting parents' story, it certainly explained rather a lot. Amelia decided she didn't want to know how Sirius had escaped that night, though she was sure these two had a hand in it.

He'd just been proven innocent of all crimes, so justice had been done that night. Meeting his parents didn't explain Harry's sudden ability to cast previously unknown spells in parseltongue but Amelia didn't push it. She let them keep some secrets.

"We only know the beginning of the prophecy, and need to hear the rest as quickly as possible. Madam Bones, you can get us into the Hall of Prophecies to hear it, without anyone else finding out about our visit. In return, you can hear it too. Then we can sit down and work out what we do next. For security, it would probably be better if that talk happened outside Britain."

That the entire group appeared so comfortable with Harry's last comment about outside of Britain added to one of Amelia's suspicions. Deciding to see if the rumours were true, she simply asked outright. "The entire school knows you're looking to be tutored in certain subjects. There's also a rumour that you might be opening your own school. That's being mostly dismissed as fantasy but, getting to know you and hearing about Dumbledore and Snape, I'm now inclined to believe these rumours. I'm asking here not as a Ministry employee, but rather as someone who has the last member of her family attending Hogwarts. Susan is in the same year as you two, and I now don't want her near Dumbledore - or Snape either."

Catching on at once, Hermione filled in the rest of the group. "If we're including Susan, Hannah's name has to be in there too. Those two are inseparable. If you can wait until we hear what Remus has to say about our friends, we might be able to say more on the matter."

Since they weren't breaking any laws here, Remus had no problem discussing the bit of business Hermione wanted to hear about in front of Amelia. "Luna and Neville both have permission, so it's time to approach them. Ron was another matter. Molly didn't want him going somewhere she didn't know everything about, at least by himself. She would allow him to go providing the twins and Ginny were included. I got the feeling including Ginny was by far the main condition she wanted met, the twins would simply be a bonus."

This saw Hermione giggling as Harry groaned and hid his face in her neck. He then sat up straight and smiled, obviously something had just occurred to him. "If Dumbledore already knows I'm Lord Potter, I think it's time the country - and especially some redheads who seem determined that I'll be marrying into their family - discovered Lord Potter and Hermione Granger are betrothed."

Hermione was now laughing. "Don't worry Love, I'll protect you from stalker fangirls - with any colour of hair." Turning to Amelia, Hermione gave the woman the information she needed.

"We have a facility outside of Britain that we are hoping to build a school around. Some of our friends will now be leaving straight from the platform to join us there for the first couple of weeks of the holidays. If Susan and Hannah wanted to join us, that would be great."

"Sirius, Remus, Poppy and Professor McGonagall will be there too. You would of course be welcome to visit, though we've asked the other parents to give us a couple of weeks to get organised before coming to stay. At that point, we may be in a position to tell you more about our school, allowing you to talk it over with Susan and the other parents."


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