Harry and Hermione's Path

The sheer audacity of the boy rendered Amelia speechless. Any other person, irrespective of age or experience, would be in a state of catatonia learning a prophecy linked them to Voldemort. Harry Potter however seemed made of sterner stuff. He was planning for his future, Harry appeared to be planning everyone's future. Amelia was pulled out of her stupor by Poppy deliberately joking with the boy.

"Boss, do I get a holiday or am I working all summer?"

Smiling, Harry let Hermione answer for them. "You've seen the building, we'll all be enjoying our summer. Once we've picked the location for the infirmary, it will be up to you to equip and stock it. We won't have the numbers of students you're used to, so there will be plenty of time to relax."

"With your betrothed attending, I reckon there will still be enough work for me to be kept busy."

It was then Amelia had her epiphany, and recognised what she was seeing here. The other three adults, and especially the Granger girl, were all keeping Harry's thoughts off this prophecy and Voldemort. Amelia decided to play along, knowing it would be a different story once they actually heard the thing in a few days.

"So, Minerva's now staying at this mystery location and Poppy already works for you, which other Hogwarts staff have you got your eye on?"

Laughing, Harry gave his answer. "We have two Heads of House visiting us over the holidays. You'll need all your investigative powers to come up with their names."

Since Amelia already knew Harry wouldn't piss on Snape if the wizard was on fire, she couldn't help but smile at his cheek. Knowing there was zero chance Susan, and her friend, Hannah, would turn down the opportunity to holiday with Harry Potter, she was at least confident of her next remark.

"I won't mention the possibility of changing schools to Susan or Hannah, just that they have been invited for a holiday. I'll tell them to keep it quiet for now, but don't hold out too much hope of them keeping this news to themselves."

The teen couple already knew they would have to speak with their friends before they left Hogwarts, this just pushed their timeline up by a day. They would take dinner in the Great Hall tonight, and discover who Ron's girlfriend is.

Amelia left to speak with her niece, and would then need to contact Hannah's parents. Poppy stepped back into her office, allowing the four who were left to discuss the very busy day that would soon be upon them.

Remus was firming up the timetable for that day, starting with their appointment at Gringotts. They would now be heading from there to the Ministry, where Amelia would ensure they got to view this prophecy in private. Then Remus had a private room booked at a very classy restaurant, where meeting with the Granger parents was the name of the game.

With each of those meetings being potentially life-changing, and Remus not sure which one Harry was dreading more, it would be a welcome relief for the couple to finally greet their friends at King's Cross - before portkeying to the Amalfi Coast for a working holiday.


With some trepidation, Harry and Hermione arrived in the Great Hall for dinner - to find Ron sitting alone at the very end of the Gryffindor table. Slipping into the free places across from him, they both warmly greeted their friend - before asking him why he was sitting by himself.

"Oh, Neville and Luna will be here soon. They still sit with me, though the rest of Gryffindor don't want to know the traitor - including four of my family."

Beating Harry to the obvious question, it was Hermione who asked him why.

"Well, my new girlfriend's a Slytherin."

"Please, not Pansy?" Harry received a light cuff from Hermione for that.

"There's nothing wrong with Pansy..." She was interrupted by both boys answering her at the same time, and with identical answers too.

"Hermione, she's kissed Draco!"

That had all three of them laughing as they were then joined by Luna and Neville.

As Luna was hugging them both, Neville wanted to know if they were up to date with the current situation. "So, he's told you then?"

Hermione was shaking her head. "That he has a Slytherin girlfriend, yes - but no names yet. Harry's just relieved it's not Pansy."

Looking at his two best friends, Ron broke the news. "It's Millicent Bulstrode."

While Hermione stared at Ron in disbelief, Harry turned around - and what he saw had him getting to his feet. Harry moved directly over to the Slytherin table, and spoke to the girl also left sitting by herself. "Miss Bulstrode, would you care to join us for dinner? Unlike here, you will be amongst friends."

Witnessing the hateful glares coming from the rest of her house helped make Millie's mind up. She'd never been popular amongst the rest of the Slytherins - more suffered than sought after - but, since news of her relationship with Ron broke, they stopped even acknowledging her existence. "Mr Potter, I would be delighted to join you."

Offering his arm, Harry leading Millicent Bulstrode to the Gryffindor table halted all conversation in the Great Hall. A forceful glare from Harry was enough to ensure none of the Gryffindors would say a word against the girl, at least not within his hearing. Neville had sat next to Ron but now moved so his girlfriend could sit there.

Sitting on Ron's other side also placed Neville between the new couple and the rest of their house, something all his friends noticed and approved of. After seeing Millie to her new seat beside Ron, Harry did the same on the other side of the table, with Luna sliding in at Hermione's free side.

"Now, I've a feeling your story of becoming a couple is going to be sickly sweet, and Hermione and I had our lunch interrupted, so can we eat dinner first?"

Millie's laughter was almost musical, not something they expected from her large frame. Then again, none of them had ever heard her laugh before.

"Potter, you're nothing like I expected." Being told by Harry they were now on first name terms had Millie blushing, again something none of them had suspected her capable of.

"Ron, I already like your friends - your real friends."

With that, they all tucked in to dinner - though Harry and Hermione were still arguing via their rings.

'Millicent Bulstrode?'

'I know, shock for me too, but look at Ron. He was sitting here by himself because he's now dating Millie. He surely knew that would happen, yet still went ahead and dated her anyway. His entire face lit up when I led her over here, and she is obviously facing the same problems in her own house. We have to accept this, Ron is clearly happy with her. I don't know how they got together, we really don't know anything about Millie. Let's take our time and get to know her.'


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