Gryffindor and Slytherin Unite

They were getting better at communicating through their rings but Hermione still nodded in answer, before sharing her disappointment. 'I would have expected this response from the rest of our year group but his three brothers and sister, that must hurt.'

'Well, we have the power to make him very happy.'

This had Hermione turning to face him, and attracted attention from Neville and Luna. Ron and Millie only had eyes for each other and wouldn't have noticed if they'd burst into song. Harry decided he knew just how to start things off.

"Neville and Luna, how would like to come on holiday with us? Your gran and dad have already given their permissions. We're leaving from the platform in King's Cross and where we're going has its own private beach."

That these were two lonely people, who were now enjoying having friends, meant their answers were always going to be yes. Luna never actually said yes, they just assumed Luna hugging herself before emitting a loud squeal of pleasure was her way of accepting. Harry then turned his attention to Ron, only for his friend to shake his head.

"Millie and I have just gotten together, we were planning on spending time visiting each other over the holidays…"

"Ron, you have to go. We can still see each other when you come back."

With a smile at how this girl was putting on a brave face and encouraging Ron to go with them, Harry then played his trump card. "There's room for Millie to come along too, and still time for her to get her parents to agree."

With all eyes now on her, Millie visibly wilted. She wasn't exactly used to people wanting to be in her company. "Oh no, I couldn't possibly…"

Putting on a sweet voice, Hermione gently teased the large Slytherin. "Oh that's a pity. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot are coming too. After Susan's aunt initiated the trial that saw my betrothed's godfather become a free man, Harry felt inviting them was the least he could do."

While their three friends congratulated the couple over their betrothal and Sirius being free, Hermione never took her eyes off Millie. She clung onto Ron's arm and the round of congratulations was barely finished when Millie announced she would send an owl home to ask for permission. This clearly made Ron's day but Harry had a word over the bond with Hermione before saying anything out loud

'I thought you were teasing her, but you actually wanted Millie to go?'

'There is no way I would want my new boyfriend to go off on holiday with a couple of pretty and unattached girls. Millie was always going to change her mind the minute I mentioned Susan and Hannah.'

"Now I don't want anyone getting too hung up about not having the appropriate clothing. My betrothed here has only two school uniforms to his name, so we will certainly be going on a few shopping trips - magical and muggle."

It was a nervously excited Millie who plucked up he courage to ask a question, it felt strange not to call him Potter though. "Harry, I'm assuming they will be adults present? My parents are bound to ask, and we don't have time for owls to be flying back and forth between us."

"You can tell your parents that Lord Black will be present all summer, as will the Steward of Houses Potter and Black. We'll have other guests too, as well as a fully qualified healer staying with us. We will be checking out some tutors, doing some training, flying and swimming, as well as Hermione organising shopping. To be honest, the closest I've ever been to being on holiday was staying with Ron at the Burrow. So feel free to throw any of your suggestions for holiday activities into the mix."

If anything, hearing that saw the excitement levels mount amongst the group. Hermione though had something else that needed saying. "Ron, your mum insisted Ginny and the twins should be invited too. That might prove awkward, the way things are at the moment, but everyone is being invited to holiday at Lord Potter's home. Anyone abusing his hospitality will swiftly find their bags being packed."


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