Bonds Beyond Houses

While realising that this would mean both he and Millie would need to curb the exuberance in their relationship somewhat, Ron was pleased to hear that news. "You might want to have a word with the twins on what exactly counts as abusing Harry's hospitality. I hope spending all their time pranking me or Milly counts as abuse."

Getting a couple of nods in agreement, Ron then rather sheepishly brought up a subject none of them were comfortable talking about. "Perhaps hearing you two are betrothed will stop Ginny walking around making puppy eyes at Harry, and blushing like a beacon every time he notices."

That saw Luna doubled up with laughter. Wiping tears from her eyes, Luna was finally able to let them know what she found so funny. "Good luck with that, Ginny's been planning her wedding to the Boy-Who-Lived since she was seven. Harry slaying a giant basilisk to save her life only made that crush stronger, she now thinks fate's decreed becoming Ginny Potter is definitely in her future."

Harry let out a loud groan of annoyance, before deliberately banging his head off the table. The five who were having dinner with him couldn't hold back their laughter, and didn't even try. When Susan and Hannah approached, asking if they could join them, Harry remembered his manners and invited both girls to sit. Susan sat beside Harry, while Hannah moved round the table to sit beside Neville.

Hermione noticed a slight change in Luna's demeanour when Hannah slid in beside Neville. She also noticed the gap between them and the rest of their house had diminished. Yes there were now more people sitting at their table but that couldn't explain how much the gap had closed.

There were Gryffindors sliding along the table, hoping to hear what they were talking about. That two of those Gryffindors were Lavender and Parvati was not surprising in the least. Hermione knew they were bound to be heard discussing their holiday and couldn't help but smile at imagining those two's reaction.

She was certain her roommates would be approaching her tonight, trying to blag an invitation. She was also certain that no such invitation would be forthcoming. Susan was currently whispering to Harry but Hermione wasn't worried in the slightest, she heard every word over their bond.

"Harry, my Aunt Amelia mentioned going on holiday with you, she also said to keep it secret."

This had Harry smiling. "It's okay, Susan. Everyone sitting here is going on holiday with us too, and are already in on our plans - what little plans we have."

Hermione then started filling them in on those plans, knowing Parvati and Lavender were now close enough to hear every word. Understanding exactly what she was doing, Harry got in on the act.

"You'll have to excuse my betrothed, she's getting a little carried away. Hermione, you mentioned shopping three times, and that's scaring Neville and Ron." This had Susan and Hannah asking to see Hermione's ring, Millie too now felt confidant enough to ask for a look, while Lavender and Parvati were turning green with envy.

As Hermione was showing off her ring, she was also having a conversation with Harry. 'Thanks a bunch, those two are going to be insufferable now.'

'Hey, we're only here two more nights. I'm going to have Ginny following me about for weeks...' A smiling Hermione had to concede that he did indeed get the worst of the bargain. There was also now no way news of their betrothal wouldn't be all over Gryffindor by tonight, and all of Hogwarts would know by breakfast.

All they had to do was avoid Dumbledore and Snape for one day and they were free. Since they intended to spend that day under Harry's invisibility cloak inside a bathroom that everyone avoided, they should be fine.

The fact that there were now members of all four houses sitting at the one table was always going to draw the attention of the staff. In fact, it was only Albus ordering Severus to remain seated that stopped the Head of Slytherin interfering when Harry led Millie over to the Gryffindor table.

"Severus, no school rules are being broken. You have no grounds to intercede."

Snape sat seething, Slytherins should not be sitting at the Gryffindor table. When the group was then joined by a pair of Puffs, Pomona just had to comment.

"Isn't it wonderful to see our students put aside their differences and get along. I'm so sorry Minerva is missing seeing this. Is there any news from her yet, Albus?"

Knowing this would have to come out anyway, Dumbledore broke the news that was sure to cause an upset. "I received an owl from Minerva just after lunch. In it she stated her wish to leave Hogwarts, immediately.

I'm now left not only needing to find a new defence professor, but one for transfiguration too. The position of Deputy will also need filling, along with a new Head of Gryffindor, and I would appreciate the help of my remaining Heads of House while we strive to get Hogwarts ready for September."

Albus thought his remaining three Heads of House would now be willing to do a lot of extra work, since he'd just dangled the carrot of becoming his Deputy by the end of summer. He was rather swiftly debunked of that notion.

"Oh I'm sorry, Albus. I have already made plans for the holidays, plans that could easily bloom to consume my entire holiday actually. Of course, I will keep you informed by owl if those plans change." Having watched Potter just unite students from all four houses, Pomona was more interested in his job offer now than ever.

It was soon a double slap in the face for Dumbledore as Filius regretfully stated that he would be unavailable too. Albus knew Severus went on a two week potions gathering trip every year, but would then be available.

The thought of Severus visiting the homes of first year muggle-borns filled Albus with dread, and also sent shivers down his spine. His only other option however was to do it himself, not something he enjoyed - or had done for over four decades. Albus had no idea his summer and staff problems would become far worse in the weeks to come.


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