Chapter two: Arrival in the states

The flight to the States from Canada was not too long.

Stephanie only spent three hours on the plane,she left home by 6:30am in the morning and arrived at 8:30am.

The plane landed and all the travellers came out one by one, finally It was Stephanie's turn to get down from the plane, she saw a mall just by the airport, she went in because she wanted to get a new cell phone.

In the mall, there were different stores, electronics, and groceries were also sold there, there were jewelry stores too, and so many more.

Walking through the mall, Stephanie çaught the sight of a beautiful artificial red rose, she took two steps back to see it clearly.

It was beautiful and made of rubber, it stem was green in color, and it had two leaves on it, there was one on the right side up and one on the left side down. It was so mesmerizing.

Stephanie went in to take a closer look at the masterpiece, walking into the store, she saw different flowers with different colors and designs.

The attendant came up to her and asked.

" Good day ma'am, what pigment would you like"

" Um.. I saw a red rose, I will like to get that please" Stephanie replied politely.

"Oh..ok come with me" The attendant said waving her hands in a gesture for her to follow.

They came to the inner store, where they were different colors of roses in blue, red, purple and so many more.

She caught the sight of the red rose, but there were two people standing in front of it, one of them was the manager of the store, and the other was....Alex, a guy she met on the plane, and he sat beside her, so the flight was not as boring as she thought it would be, he was funny, and he told her about his cousin, that she was the reason he came to the states.

" Patricia, this gentleman wants to get this beautiful red rose for his cousin, will you please pack it up for him" The manager said to attendant before walking into his office.

Alex sighted Stephanie about to leave, so he stopped her before she could leave through the exit.

" Hey..! Stephanie right?, you are the girl I met on the plane" Stephanie felt weird that he had seen her, but neither the less, she replied

" Um.. yeah, it's me, nice to meet you again,Alex right?" Alex smiled seeing her smile

"So why are you leaving, don't you want to get something" Stephanie looked around, trying to avoid his stare, but then, she looked up at him and replied simply.

" Yeah I was, but you got what I wanted"

Alex lifted his left brow up in confusion, at first he didn't understand, but when the attendant handed him the shopping bag, he then realized that she too had come into the store for the rose.

He felt bad instantly, and so he handed her the bag, but she didn't want to accept it.

" Come on! take it, my cousin likes purple anyways"

Stephanie finally accepted it after much persuasion from him, she had felt bad and jealous thinking he was getting it for his girlfriend, because she had seen him smiling as he looked at the rose through the glass.

But meanwhile, the rose reminded him of the girl, he had met on the plane, as she was like a beautiful rose to him, and that was the reason of his smiles.

He had thought of her immediately he saw the rose, but he never thought he would see her again after they both got off the plane, but now she was right in front of him.

Stephanie took the bag from him, and thanked him sincerely, with an ackward smile, she walked away without looking back, she had to forget the feeling.

She got into a taxi to the address given to her by Mr Carter, she saw the rose as a remembrance of her first love.

Although, this rose was a sign of a new turn in her life, a beginning of a new part in her life, filled with love, betrayal, happiness, sorrow, agony, passion and many more.

Stephanie had no idea of what was coming at her, and being a tender little girl, she didn't know that she would be mixed up with the young billionaire.

Love can indeed be confusing, filled with sorrow, happiness, betrayal, agony, and a large slice of life, love they say is blind , but sees alot, that's crazy, but truly, we can't be complete without love, passion, and even lust, the desire for one another, love is like hate, a very strong emotion, that can cause a person's death.

This story brings us to the connection between human beings, as emotions is the definition, love Is blind but full of vision.

Stephanie and Daniel face different challenges together but they still stay together, that is the power of love.

Love always comes with dark thoughts....

Love is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.

A broken heart is as good as a broken glass .love is a moment, but when destroyed, it becomes a memory!.


 As the taxi drove to the address of Mr Carter's house, Stephanie sat at the back sit, and could only think about the blissful adventure ahead of her, she smiled gracefully, as she looked out the window, at the beautiful city, the big cars, buildings, malls, kids playing all around, people crossing the streets, roadside sellers, and many more.

She was now in the United States, she couldn't believe it,.

She had always dreamt of going there, seeing the world in a new light, new opportunities coming, new adventures, new friends, a new career, a new dream, in a whole new place, a whole new beginning.

 Her smile grew bigger as they passed a big amusement park.

'One day I'll walk my dog through here, with my kids by my left hand side, and a loving husband on my right', she said to herself as she rested her back on the car seat, with her eyes closed.'such a beautiful city' her arrival in the states brought her so much joy.