Part one - 28 chapters ( chapter 3 )

Part One 

2014, July ✉️

Chapter 3: Her first kiss

 Stephanie had already arrived at the house that Mr Carter owned In the states, she had met his other son Tom, he was nice to her and helped her with everything she needed.

He was in college already in the 300 level, he studied Architecture.

Now she had been there for two days already and Sam Smith, her friend and former rival in the entertainment industry came over to help her settle, now that they were in the same country.

They made up when Stephanie saved her from some gangsters who were harassing her, since then, they became closer and best of friends. 

"Stephanie, where are you going to school now that you are here"

They were both sitting on the bed with their phones, so when Sam asked Stephanie that question it made her look up at her and she replied with a sour face

"I don't know yet, I haven't even thought about that" she said and gave a sour smile.

" what, why" Sam was a little surprised, but after seeing the sour look on Stephanie's face , she asked afterwards.

"but I think I can help you, you should attend my school, I'll tell my dad to help you with the fees and other things"

Stephanie was touched with what she said but responded with, "No it's not that, I just don't know how many months I'll be here, because I came here for a movie production" she explained with a bright smile.

"oh..ok" Sam thought for a while, then continued " but you'll still have to continue schooling, while you are here, right?" Sam asked her, expecting an approval.

" are right." Stephanie finally approved, after thinking for a short while, which made Sam a lot happier, then she replied.

"Great! you will continue schooling at my school ,when the term begins" she was so happy that she hugged Stephanie tightly making it had for Stephanie to breath properly. 

" Yes! that's great" Stephanie said almost choking. As they say ' People hate you because they haven't known you well, they only hate you because they haven't gotten to know the kind of person you are'.

Sam left her after hearing the door bell, and ran down the stairs to get the door, she arrived a few minutes later seeing Stephanie still breathing heavily.

" Oh you baby, you are so weak" She chuckled lightly hitting Stephanie's shoulders.

Stephanie angrily tried to hit her and pouted like a little baby, "You almost killed me".

Sam dodged it before it could get to her, then she sat on the bed in front of Stephanie as they both swaddled on the bed, and she stucked her tongue out jokingly, "Hey

Stephanie, I saw that mail guy and he delivered this letter for you, you know the guy who likes you". she says winking meaningfully to her as she continued.

"You know, he doesn't deliver people's letters anymore, he delivers yours first, isn't that obvious that he likes you" Sam says guarding her self with a pillow not to be hitten by Stephanie.

Angry Stephanie picked up a pillow and threw it at her. "Shut up! don't say nonsense let me see the letter".

" Fine! take it" Sam hands the letter to her, still laughing loudly.

'To her this sounds funny right' her thoughts were disturbed when she read the contents of the letter, it read

'Ms Anita, we invite you to the

annual Brain's competition, 

this Saturday. We hope to 

see u there.'

Then it stopped with the signature of the sender, the Manager of AGT ( America got Talents).

Excitement filled her seeing this, Sam took the letter from her and read the content, then she said.

" Oh my Goodness you have to go, don't worry I will be there to cheer you on" she said, moving her hands like she was cheering for a basketball game as a cheerleader.

" Um... I don't know" Stephanie was not too sure about going for a competition like that, because she came to the US for the upcoming movie and it might not be right to do so.

"hm... relax you are working for them, you are not theirs okay, come on girl have fun and you should also get a guy too" Sam said with a mischievous smile. 

Tired of the conversation, Stephanie finally agreed to go, but then changed the topic. " Alright! let's change the topic, so when is your dad coming back from Australia"

" I don't know, maybe this year" Sam replied looking down at her phone.


"Daniel come on why won't you go" asked David frustrated, he had spent about two hours trying to convince his brother to go for the competition, but because of how proud his brother was, he knew it would take him more than that.

"I have said this repeatedly, i am not interested" Daniel said coldly, without sparing him a glance, and just kept looking at the files in his hands.

"Oh really..., what If I tell you that Anita is one of the contestants" he got an idea to use her since he knew that he's brother was getting interested in her, he even asked Bates, Daniel's secretary, and he said that Daniel spends the whole day looking at her tiktok and Instagram pages like he was a stalker.

So he told to tell the manager to personally invite Anita beauty, he did all this to help his brother.

He even told the judges that the punishment for a failed question to be a dare, and he hired a good actor, to act as the host of the show.

In which he would set hard questions for Anita at the end, for example science questions, because he knew she would be an art student.

And now he had to go through this..., his brother was so ungrateful.

On hearing him, Daniel dropped the file covering his face, and looked up at him for some seconds, his eyes showing some curiosity, then sooner turned back into cold piercing eyes.

" Why should I care, but since you insist I'll go to the competition" he said seeming a little angry, then he added.

 "But it's because i am a little bored sitting here all day long" as he said that, he immediately continued with the documents he was reading, ignoring his brother's confused face.

'So she's coming too' he thought with a slight smile.

Meanwhile David on the other hand, still had a puzzled face

' Uh.... because I insist, I've been trying to convince you for about two hours now, and you suddenly agree when she's involved' David thought seeming displeased, but then he added. 'but at least my plan is working' he said smiling to himself.