Chapter four: Her first kiss (ii)

When Stephanie arrived at the address of which the letter had on the bottom, she was bewildered with the view.

There were a lot of reporters, paparazzi, celebrities and a lot of big investors and directors.

As she stepped out of the car, she instantly felt awkward, even if she knew her dress was pretty, and she looked extra beautiful tonight, she still felt awkward.

She walked slowly through the entrance of the big building, as she walked, reporters took her photos and everyone were whispering.

"Oh my goodness, she's beautiful" one reporter said.

"wow! she's like an angel, I bet the other two contestants would fall for her tonight" another reporter said to the other.

Upon hearing those comments, Stephanie wondered who the remaining contestants were.

As she walked into the large hall, followed by her bodyguards, all eyes were on her, and again she heard the whispers.

She walked up to the stage and took her sit in the middle of the sits, as her name was already written there, there were computers placed in front of the three sits.

She sat, then the host of the show, who she knew to be a professional actor , introduced her to the audience, and then there was a huge applauds with people shouting and holding their banners that read on it 'WE LOVE YOU ANITA' .

There was even someone selling those banners and flags, she was baffled.

After that the emcee introduced the third contestant as Michael blane.

He was a raper and a talented singer, a good one at that, she had heard some of his songs and she loved it.

The first contestant shocked her, upon hearing his name, everyone was shocked and shouting happily, then the hall became as silent as the graveyard, that you could hear a pin drop.

he walked in elegantly with his eagle like eyes that were so enchanting, he had black eyes and brown shining skin that looked like spicy chocolate, his piercing aura made girls go mad for him. Then the host introduced him.

"Oh my! oh my! Mr Yates it's a pleasure to have you here"

Daniel just nodded and took his sit, but in the corner of his eyes, was the girl that gave him a sleepless night 'Anita beauty' , he kept thinking that she might be a goddess like the one in African movies,

Even though he had always been in the military school, he knew that they were always beautiful, just like her, unless she would have never been able to charm him with her beauty, he even went as far as coming to this show because of her.

Geezz.... she was was driving him crazy, he must get out of her love trap, because he couldn't get his mind off her.

"We were so happy when you accepted our invitation, thank you for coming Mr Yates, we heard that you went on a two years mission, how was it sir, any comments" the lady host said with a flirty smile.

"Is this what is show is about, because I don't give out personal information" Daniel said word for word.

The hostess seemed upset, but then said, smiling." Oh Mr Yates, you are really a man of few words" she laughed awkwardly.

Stephanie laughed inwardly, upon seeing the hostess embarrassed face, knowing full well that she was trying to flirt with him.

" Hm... Linda, that's enough, let's start the show" The Host said as he shot The hostess a threatening glance.

She quickly redrew, and sat down on her sit, still feeling embarrassed.

" So anyone is allowed to answer the first question, if you think you know the answer, press the red button In front of you" he said pointing to the red button in front of the sits.

The three contestants looked at the button in front of them 

" So the first question is " he said pausing for a while, making dramatic sounds, and in some seconds the audience joined him. The contestants were panicking like there was going to be a battle, or like they were on a sinking ship.

But Daniel Yates was just an exception...

He looked so peaceful and calm, sitting on his chair relaxed like he was in a spa, Stephanie thought ' He Is so proud and relaxed, geez...'

Then the host continued. "Mention the theories of socialization by Karl Ma...." before the host could finish, Daniel hit the red button, and answered the question with pride

" Social groups compete over material goods, opportunities and values.

Some social groups dominate others and they dictate social orders.

Inequalities among human beings generate conflicts needing to be resolved, And the last one- Social change is driven by conflicts"

When he finished, every where was as silent as a graveyard, then the host said, " Wow that's correct!" Then the whole hall was filled with applause.

Stephanie was filled with shock, she really wanted to ask him if he had a robot brain , because he was so smart, she stared at him with great admiration, then she quickly turned her head away when she saw that he was turning his neck towards her direction.

She had a fun time mainly because she watched Daniel Yates answer all his questions with pride and confidence, she was so surprised, as to how he could get the answers to all questions and never fails any..

Although, she and Micheal Blane, had failed at least two, and she was shocked when the host said they would get two dares as their punishment, and that made it even more fun.

Michael blane,got his two dares as, he would have to confess love to one of the contestants, and seriously speaking he was so funny..., then it was time for his second dare, he was asked to give Stephanie a hug, in which he did, and she hugged him back.then it came Stephanie's turn, as her first dare, she was asked to do the worst.

"Ok Anita, are you ready for your first dare" the host asked with a meaningful smile.

"Yeah am ready!" She replied smiling gracefully.

"Ok so here it goes" the audience, were so anxious to know what the dare would be.

Even Daniel for the first time in the show, felt curiosity, no one expected what the host said next, it was like he has dreaming, and in his dream the host is an angel from heaven.

" Can you kiss Me Yates." That was like a knock on her head, she quickly said, " Mm..No! i can't pls" she said choking a bit. Even the audience were all shocked, but they wanted to see some actions, so they all started chanting repeatedly.

" Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him..."

Now Stephanie was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to do so she turned to Daniel and said, " Umm... Mr daniel, please forgive me"

Daniel looked at her with his eagle like eyes, even if he knew that he wanted to kiss her badly, he had to pretend not to want it.

He thought the was going to feel her lips on his, but he felt it on his cheeks instead, he became upset and said before she could move away.

" Do you think that I'm a child, why a peek" he said with an annoyed tune, which made Stephanie draw back shyly. Then the crowd started chanting again, with loud annoyed sounds.

" Booooo..... kiss him on the lips."

They shouted seeming annoyed with her, I she was nervous before to give him a peek on the cheek, then that was nothing compared to what she was feeling now, she was devastated.

She didn't know what to do, but with the mad crowd here now, she knew that this was her fate, then she said again and chanted some prayers,"am sorry Mr Yates "

Then she pressed her wet full pink lips on his dry thin lips, before she could move back, she felt her lips move into his mouth.

He licked her lips as if asking for permission to explore her mouth, shocked ,she opened her eyes and somehow her lips separated granting him his wish, giving his tongue full access.

Shocked by her own actions, she reluctantly closed her eyes and put her hands on his shoulder trying to push him away, but he was too strong, so she failed instead he became even more aggressive and with it being her first kiss, she didn't know how to react and she failed to breath.

He finally left her after a really long kiss and then said next to her ear,"You were lucky this time,little lamb"

As he said that, he stood up and left, leaving the shocked Stephanie, who was still I a daze, she covered her lips with her palm, she didn't know what to do.

Then Sam came to her aid just at the right time, seeing how shocked she looked. Meanwhile the audience, were also I a daze, it was so shocking because Daniel Yates , has a disorder that makes him uncomfortable around girls, and now he just kissed Anita Beauty, they felt jealous of her.

'Does he like her' they kept thinking, untill someone broke the awkward silence.

"! Anita beauty kissed Daniel Yates, do you like him" screamed out a girl, who apparently was a jealous fan of Daniel Yates, then others joined her in the argument.

" Yeah do you" Then the crowd went crazy, with different questions.