Chapter five: Terrible Mistake

Sam and her bodyguards, guided her outside, because the crowd went crazy and they even started throwing things at her, now she thought she had made a Terrible mistake by kissing him, she was so sad, her eyes began to water, seeing this, Sam, tried to comfort her.

"Hey..! little baby, don't cry, I'll get you some icecream, ok" she said jokingly trying to lighten up her mood. Stephanie sighed deeply and said, "Sam, I am ruined, I made a horrible mistake, a terrible one, I shouldn't have kissed him, I am ruined now, the damage has been done" she burst into tears.

" No! don't say that, you are not ruined okay, don't say that" Sam said patting her back.


David curiously waited for a time, to ask his brother what he had been thinking, because he had been like that since he came out from the building, he decided to ask innocently, " Daniel, are you thinking about the kiss?, look you even have a slight smile on your face, wait does that mean you liked it?, how did her lips taste?, you look like you enjoyed it, am I right?" he asked with curiosity clear in his tone. Daniel seemed upset with him disturbing his beautiful thoughts, so he said nothing further, until they got to the villa.


The next morning, Stephanie woke up, due to the intense brightness of the sun, shinning on her face through the window, she took her shower and came out drying her hair, then she heard her phone buzzing, and then it stopped, she checked it and saw that it was Sam, she had called her ten times already, shocked she quickly dialed her number and called her back, the latter picked almost immediately, then Stephanie heard Sam's panicked voice on the other line." Stephanie, oh my God, you were right, don't go online on any social media platform, okay" Sam said hurriedly with out breathing for a second. Stephanie was taken aback, as the line was cut off, she didn't know why Sam didn't want her to go online on any social media platform today, curious, she was about to find out, then she received a call from her manager.." Anita, have you seen the latest news on social media now, it's about last night's encounter with Mr Yates" Upon hearing that, Stephanie's world froze for a minute, she almost broke down. Last night, Sam comforted her, tell her that it was okay, that no sure thing would happen, but she knew it would, now she was really ruined. After hanging up the phone, she went to Facebook, geez... she wished, she never made that terrible mistake, why on Earth did God give her this fate, she so badly wanted to dig a hole and hid in it till everything was over. She scrolled up, and saw a dozens of posts tittled 'Trending news: Anita beauty and Daniel Yates fall in love at AGT', there was a video clip underneath it, she wanted to die when she saw the bad comments and insults about her.

"Uh.. she's a bitch, I am sure she was trying to seduce him, knowing well that he is rich and handsome" one of the comments read. Stephanie was so mad that she felt like killing those people, did they think she was like them. She was devastated, now she was truly ruined, she didn't know what she would tell Mr Carter now. She chanted some prayers before putting on some clothes and wearing a nose mask, a sunglass, and a hoody to cover her identity, only her fingers and lower legs were revealed. She was going to go back to her home, at least it was far away from all this troma.


Daniel held the file I his hands, ignoring his brother completely.

"huh...! aren't you gonna listen to me at least if you can't look at me" David said, wearing a sad expression. 

"As you can see am busy"Daniel said without looking up at David. 

" Well..! at least listen, she will travel" David said knowing fully well, that he would be interested now.

"Who" Daniel suddenly raised his head to look straight at him, because he had a feeling that it would be... her.

"Anita" David said, waiting his brother's reply.

"What! but why?, did anybody hurt her?, did you hurt her?, and how do you know" Daniel asked with anticipation and slight suspicion.

"No! of course i didn't hurt her, and I know because while you are here, she I been insulted on social media, because she kissed you".

On hearing that, Daniel froze for a second, then stood up, trying to figure out what to do, then he asked pacing back and forth, in the office.

" But why?, why would she want to leave so fast, what do I do" Daniel asked,not knowing what to do for the first time In his life.

David was really shocked seeing his brother, looking so frustrated and helpless for the first time in his life, then he said just to try to make him feel a little less frustrated, and make him confess his love for her.

" Um.... brother I thought you said you, you don't like her, why do you look so frustrated, and unhappy, you are acting like she's your girlfriend, maybe I should start calling her sister-in-law, you should hurry up and propose"David said teasingly, grinning widely. Upon hearing him, Daniel shot him a threatening glance and said.

" I just want to take responsibility, because i am responsible for everything"

" Yeah, especially the part where you all most kissed her to death, here take a look". David opened his tiktok, and showed the video to him. Daniel was getting more outraged, before now, when David entered his office, he was thinking about last night, jow her lips tasted, he tried so hard to stop thinking about her, but he couldn't, she had definitely charmed him, so hard , and he fell so fast, and now he managed to stop for a while, but this little idiot, came and brought it all back again, last night's occurrance came flying back into his memory. He stopped when he saw the video on David's phone, then he said angrily, " Get me my laptop, am going to do a live video" he said to David, angrily.david was surprised as to why his brother wanted to do a live video, ' he must be really mad' David thought.