Chapter six: The scandal (I)

' He must be really mad' David thought, and quickly nodded, then excused himself out of the office.

Daniel sat back on his chair, then picked up his phone, looking at his phone smiling, he had even used her picture as his wallpaper, Geez.... this girl had really charmed him, all he wants now is to have her in his arms, oh geez... he was already thinking about doing naughty things with her, he had turned into a lustful man, thinking about her made his little brother stand. God.... he was turning into something else, because of this little lamb.



Stephanie got to the airport immediately, just as she guessed, she was being followed by Tracy Marvel, she was Daniel Yates's sister, or so she said. Well! they were alk the same, she was being insulted alone, and he didn't even help, and now his sister was here to join I making her life miserable.

"Hmm... Anita, i heard news about you kissing my brother, I mean, look at you, you are not fit for him, he's rich and handsome, I know you would like to seduce him, just like all those other girls, your dream will never come true, okay!, so stop dreaming" she said mockingly with an evil and wicked grin. Hearing this, Stephanie lift one eyebrow, giving her a sarcastic look, and said.

" Oh really! what if it was the other way around, and correction I don't have any interest in any of your brothers, okay!" then with that, she walked off, seeing her leave, Tracy became angry and said "Anita, you bitch my brother would never like you" Stephanie turned around, and sneered proudly, " Then why did he kiss me" with that she was out of Tracy's sight. Tracy was so angry, she stormed into her car, and told the driver harshly " Drive". The driver obeyed instantly. Stephanie sighed in relief, that she had gone, because she didn't want another scandal. She got into the plane, and then it set off for Canada.


The warning tape, spread rapidly on all social platform, all over the world. As David called it 'THE WARNING VIDEO' it stated clearly that no one should repost the video of what happened in the show, or insult Anita beauty, unless they did. Even David was scared with the way his brother said it, anybody who sees the video, will think that he's brother was the 'devil' himself, he looked scary with his eagle like eyes, 'if eyes could kill, anyone who sees this, will surely die instantly' he thought smiling widely.

" Why are you smiling"Daniel asked, with a confused face.

"Nothing!, i just thought of how much you love her,you even made a warning video" David grinned and wink at Daniel meaningfully.

"Stop talking nonsense"Daniel blushed, lightly, then continued, "so do you think, she will come back after seeing the video"Daniel asked with anticipation.

"Oh..I thought you just wanted to take responsibility, why do you want her to come back immediately " David asked with a knowing smile. Mr Bates on the other hand, saw his boss's blushed face and knew instantly they were talking about her, he smiled inwardly.

"You know what, you can do now" Daniel said, seeming upset.

"Okay! okay.. sorry, she will surely come back, she came for a movie, you know she's an actress." David explained.

"So.. she didn't come here because of me, I thought, since she wanted to charm me, she would come here for me" Daniel asked, seeming displeased. Both David and Mr Bates, looked at each other speechlessly.

"Okay, you can go now, both of you" Daniel said, picking up the files on his desk, and continued to read them carefully. David and Bates, both looked at themselves again, before walking out of the office.


Stephanie got to Canada, about three hours later, last time she was on the plane, she was happy and didn't have to wear a mask to cover her face,it was so frustrating and depressing, this already made her want to die, she going to go online on social media, for about a week...., she didn't even tell Sam that she was leaving. She sighed and got off the car, she finally came home again, even if it had just been two days, she missed her friends and family. She walked into the cafe and saw some of her friends, she walked to them, still wearing her mask and sunglasses. "Um....hi!, can I sit with you guys please, all the sits are occupied, so I thought I could join you guys"Stephanie asked with a broad smile.

"Sure, it's fine"Carolyn was the one who replied.

"Oh, thank you"she replied, as she took her sit, then her eyes went to perry, he was the boy she loved before she left for the states, then she met Alex on the plane. Carolyn told her that he had lost his memory, Although,she wanted to know how true it was, she decided to stay low, so she excused herself, saying she wanted to go order her meal, she then hurried to her mom's office to hug her tightly.

"oh my, Stephanie you scared me" her mom said.

"Sorry mom, just wanted to surprise you" Stephanie stood up straight, with a warm smile on her face, then she went to sit on a chair near her mom's desk. Mrs Simon was glad to see her daughter, but also surprised as to why she would come to visit them, so early, as it had been only two days since she left for the states , then she said, when Stephanie had a on the chair.


"yes Mom" Stephanie replied.

"why did you come back so early, i mean, it has just been two days since you left for the states, did anything happen" her mom asked with great curiosity and concern. Stephanie's smile suddenly froze,but then it came back almost immediately, then she replied. "Um.. how could there's be something wrong, Mr Carter provides everything I need"

she replied with a forced smile. Her mom smiled and said"Stephanie, I am your mother, i know when there is something wrong, do you want to share it with me" Mrs Simon asked with a broad smile on her face.

"Uh... mum, there's nothing wrong, Ok! " Stephanie replied with a faint smile.

"Ok! but if you want to tell me something, am here for you, Ok!" her mom replied, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes Mom, I know, I love you Ok!", now you have to excuse me, i want to go see my friends now, bye!, I'll come see you later ok!" step said giving her mom a peek on the cheek.

"hm.. it's ok!, I love you too" her mum said and watched her walk out of the door, still waving to her. Then she gave a bright smile and continued with the papers on her desk.


"Mm... sorry Miss Simon, said I should give you this" the waitress said while handing the pie e of paper to Carolyn. Carolyn Veronica, Anna,and Perry where still sitting around the table, chatting, then Carolyn collected the paper from the waitress, and the others waited curiously to know what it read. Then Carolyn suddenly shouted with joy. " God, Stephanie's here, she's here, she wants us to come to Gu's bar, the bar where we always hang out"Carolyn shouted happily.

"Uh..oh my Stephanie, she's here, yes!" Veronica was the second to shout out, happily. Anna on the other hand was in deep thoughts, 'Oh geez.. why would she come now, it's only been two days since she left, she always comes at the wrong time, such a witch, she is'. Anna said inwardly with pure hatred and envy. Then she quickly forced a smile and said, "wow Steph is here, where did she say we should met her".

"Didn't you hear what i just said" Carolyn asked, with disgust clear in her tone, Anna just rolled her eyes, she knew that carolyn has never liked her.

"She said we should met her at Gu's bar, where we hang out back in the eleventh grade, hmm.. I miss those days" Veronica answered, knowing that the two girls may start a fight, and that wouldn't be good. Anna then forced a smile and said, "Ok so tonight then, I'll see you guys at Gu's then, let's go babe..." she said and held Perry's hand, then they both walked out of the cafe, without looking back. 

Perry, on the other hand, who had been confused since the whole conversation between the three girl about a particular girl, her name he could remember 'Stephanie' , a girl he didn't know, although her name sounded so familiar, he still wanted to know who she was.