Chapter seven: The scandal (ii)

Stephanie was already at the bar, sitting at a corner, it was a unique bar, the music was not too loud and the people there were few, the were only drinking and chatting. She sighted her friends at the entrance, and smiled brightly, but it faded, when she saw him, Perry, how could he have forgotten her just like that, he had asked her to be his girlfriend, two weeks before she left for the states, but she rejected, because she was just not ready for any relationship at that time, all she wanted was to force on her studies and her dreams, and now he was dating Anna, how could that be..,well It now looked like she didn't have any lucky charm after all, first it was Daniel Yates, and now it's Perry, how could he do that to her, Carolyn had called her a day ago and told her that he had had an accident, and I that process had lost part of his memory, and apparently all the memory he lost, were memories of her, she couldn't believe how she could be forgotten just like that, she sighed and said inwardly, 'i guess this is my fate then' she sighed again, and forced a smile when she saw her friends approaching her table, Carolyn ran to give her a big hug and they had almost fallen down to the ground like two fighting bulls, because Stephanie had stood up as they finally got to her table, they both giggled and parted from each other's embrace, the friends sat on different chairs surrounding the table, in a corner.

"Oh my Steph, why didn't you tell us

you were coming, I would have gotten you a welcome back gift" Carolyn asked, after taking a sip of her juice.

"Uh.. it's ok, I wanted to surprise you guys"Stephanie replied also taking a sip of her juice.

"Oh really! you didn't even tell us that you were going to the states, you are not a good friend" Veronica said pouting and wrapping her two hands on her chest.

"Hmm... I'm so sorry, I already apologized"Stephanie said with a pleading face.

"Ok fine! but almost you will stay with us for three or more days, cause you know you are a celebrity, you might need to go with what a blink of an eye, am I right?"Veronica said, looking at Stephanie intensely, waiting for a positive answer.

"Umm..I will stay for two days, cause I am starting the movie on the first of November" Stephanie said while looking vdown at her phone and typing a message, ' i'm in Canada ', she was chatting with Sam ,she had called her already but she missed it, due to the fact that she was on the plane. She really wanted to stay from all social media platforms, but she knew that Sam would be worried about her and she didn't want her to worry.

"huh...Steph, did you get my gift?, did you like it?" Carolyn asked with anticipation.

Stephanie smiled and looked up, "Yes I did! it was beautiful" then she turned to Veronica and said, "and your's too, it was very beautiful as well, thank you!" Stephanie added seeing that Veronica was about to say something, then Veronica smiled and said, " how did you know what I was about to say"

"Umm.. let's just say, i saw it in your expression" They all laughed and chatted some more.

"So Stephanie, why did you come back to Canada, if you are starting the movie in two days" anna asked out of the blues, with a fake smile.

'uh.. look at her she didn't even send me anything for my birthday, and here she is asking me why I came back, huh...!' Stephanie thought inwardly.

"Well! I came here cause I wanna clear my head"Stephanie replied, massaging her temples.

"What happened " Carolyn and Veronica asked with pure concern.

"umm.. Tak a look at this" Stephanie handed her phone to Carolyn, and they saw the video, they were all shocked, even Anna. Perry felt like an arrow had been shot into his heart, when he saw her kiss another man, earlier when he saw her, he felt like she looked familiar, and also back in the cafe, she looked like someone, he saw everyday of his life, back in the past, but he couldn't remember when, except from TV and social media, he had never seen her before, or so he thought.

"Oh my goodness! , you kissed a celebrity, it's Daniel Yates, we are talking about here, wait you know he can't come close to girls right?, because of his disorder, hm.. I think he likes you" Carolyn said, and winked meaningfully to Stephanie, hearing her say that Stephanie got a little upset and replied, " don't say nonsense ok! how could he like me, he can get any thing he wants and any girl he wants, so why would he like me, i think he just wants to ruin me, just like his sister" Stephanie said with a bitter smile and continued "And well his plan has worked, I'm officially ruined, just look at all the comments below"when she finished, she looked down sadly.

Carolyn and Veronica, were both shocked, they saw Al the mean comments directed to her, Anna on the other hand, felt happy and she thought inwardly, ' hm.. this is sure a nice story to tell, someone should write about this, I'll be the first to buy it' she quietly giggled evily, and continued with her thoughts, "how Anita falls...that should be the title" she chuckled evily again, and said out, "steph, I'm so sorry okay!, those girls are just jealous of you, don't let that bother you okay!, bye now I need to go, see you guys later" she stood up, and held Perry's hand to make him stand up, and wave goodbye to the girls, they all waved goodbye to them, although Stephanie felt her heart pierce, because Perry didn't say a word to console her like he always did, but she didn't want that to disturb her thoughts and emotions, she watched them walk out of the bar, holding hands, like a newly happily wedded couple.