Chapter eight: The warning video

Stephanie, Carolyn and Veronica, came out of the bar few minutes after Anna and Perry had left, they had already paid for all the bills and got a cab back to Stephanie's house, they were going to have a sleepover party, at least Because Stephanie was leaving tomorrow morning and they were going to have to spend more time together. They were all on the bed because it was able to contain the three of them, Steph was in the middle, and Carolyn was on her right hand side, while Veronica, was on her left hand side, they were all ready to sleep, but only Veronica was able to capture the sleep, Carolyn and Stephanie, kept turning back on forth on the bed, then Carolyn said " huh.. Steph I can't sleep!, I want some milk" Carolyn looking up at Stephanie and pouting.

"Mm.. me too" Stephanie said, and they both got of the bed.

They both went into the kitchen, and Stephanie took out two cups, while Carolyn brought out the milk from the fridge, then they both sat on the dinning table, with two cups of milk and some cookies in front of them, then Carolyn took a sip of her milk and said " Stephanie can i ask you something" Carolyn said looking at Stephanie intensely.

"Yeah sure, what I it" Stephanie said, chewing some cookies.

" Umm.. Stephanie.. are you in any way jealous of Anna"Carolyn said looking at Stephanie with concern and curiosity.

Stephanie who was about to take a sip of her milk, almost fell it to the ground, when she heard what Carolyn asked, she was speechless.

"What.. why would I be, all I know is that, he never really loved me, he lied to me, he truly love Anna, they even hold hands while they sit, can u imagine that!" Steph bent her head sadly, with tears filling up her eyes, a drop fell down from the corner of her eyes, but she quickly wiped it off, and then she took a sip of her milk, to calm herself down.

"huh.. Steph, that's not what i meant, I meant the u should be jealous of her, because that's what she wants, and i don't understand why Perry don't remember only you, I just don't get it" Carolyn replied with a confused face, then when she saw Stephanie's sad face, she tried her possible best to cheer her up saying, "But Stephanie, you know now that you have Mr Yates, I'm sure she's the one getting jealous" Carolyn said with light chuckles, then she continued " You are sure a lucky girl" With that she hit Stephanie's shoulder, with another light chuckle, Steph pushed her hand away, and said seeming upset, "Stop taking nonsense ok, I'm going to bed" Then she stood up and was about to step out of the kitchen door, when Carolyn suddenly called out," Stephanie, wait!" she scrolled down on her phone, and suddenly stopped, then tapped to play on a video.

"hmm.. Carolyn, what is it.. I need to go to bed"Stephanie yawned, and came to sit back on the chair, looking at Carolyn angrily. "wait Steph, take a look at this" Carolyn put the phone In front of Stephanie, confused Stephanie asked, " what's this" she looked down at the phone and then at Carolyn confused, " Just watch it silly, and don't be angry if I tell you that I was right and you were wrong" Carolyn said with a little chuckle, Stephanie then tapped play on the video, and was surprised to Daniel Yates in the video, the video was tagged 'THE WARNING VIDEO' , and was written in capital letters, the video was shared by many people, and had a lot of likes and comments, Stephanie was baffled, how could a threat video have so many likes, and apologizing comments. The video was called the warning video, because it was a warning that no one should try to insult Anita or they would 'DIE', geez....that must have scared alot of people, even her herself was scared because of the way his eyes looked so dangerous yet still so charming, and this video made her heart flutter, she was so happy with the fact that he cared, and she felt butterflies in her stomach, but she erased those thoughts, and looked up to see a smiling Carolyn, smiling brightly at her with joy clear in her eyes. 

" Why do you look so happy" She asked with a confused face, waiting for an answer.

"hm..I told you he likes you, even the way he kissed you, I'm sure he likes you, now I should show you more respect because maybe you may soon become Mrs Yates" Carolyn suddenly jumped up with joy and twirled around in the kitchen. Although, Stephanie was grateful, she had no such feelings for him, all she wanted was to thank him for helping her out.

"Don't talk nonsense ok!, i just want to thank him for helping me out" Stephanie said, got up from the chair,and walked to the door.

"Oh.. really! then maybe you guys should go on a date, and maybe he should bring along his brother, David, so it'll be a double date, and maybe I can be Mrs Steward, Yee...pee..."

Carolyn followed behind Stephanie, jumping like a happy little bunny. 

' hmm.. silly girl' Stephanie thought, while rolling her eyes, then they both got into the room and laid on the bed for a good night sleep.

Stephanie slept soundly now that she knew that she could return back to the states after that horrible scandal.


" Why isn't she back yet" Daniel asked his brother, while pacing back and forth in his room.

" Relax bro, she'll come, she has a movie to shot after all " David said trying to calm his brother down.

Daniel had forced himself to forget what his brother had told him before back at the office, he believed that she came to the states to try to charm him into falling for her, since he knew that a lot of girls liked him, but whatever she used to charm him, was intensive, to the extent that he went on social media to post a warning video.