Chapter nine: Going back to the states

It was already the twenty ninth of October, and Stephanie had to go back to the states, for the production of the movie. So she would leave Canada by 6:30pm in the evening, so she had dinner with her family, since it would take her a long time before she would see them again. After dinner Stephanie went to help her mother in the kitchen.

"Hm.. mom let me help you" Stephanie collected the dishes that her mom was washing, then she started washing them herself. 

" No darling, go prepare your things, I'll do it" her mom tried to take the dishes from Stephanie, but Stephanie was reluctant, and she said " Mom relax, you go rest okay!, I'll do the dishes, her mom smiled and said, "Stephanie, you look happier, did you get a new boyfriend" her mom chuckled a little and winked at her, "Huh.. mom don't act like glenys now ok!, and I don't have a boyfriend, and I won't, well.... maybe to when am twenty two" she shrugged and continued with the dishes. "Hm... but if you want to start a relationship with someone, I just want you to know that 'true love' always brings about danger, but that's what makes it true, Because they stay together no matter what" her mom said, while tapping her right shoulder.

"okay!, mom thank you, I have to go it's already 6:00pm" she said that while washing her hands, then she gave her mom a peek on the cheek, then she turned and walked out of the kitchen to her room to get her bags, her bodyguards helped her put her bags in the car, then her little siter, Lily, came running to her and hugged her tightly, sobbing, "big sis, why are you going, Glenys doesn't play games with me, and mom is always busy, and you are my best friend." she sobbed harder, then Stephanie knelt down to her level and gave her a peek on the forehead. " silly girl, I am not going forever ok!" Stephanie tapped her sister's head twice, but Lily was still upset and cried even more loudly. "But you are going back there, you are leaving me" 

"Uh.. my baby" Stephanie then hugged her tight, still on one knee, "Okay! you know what, when I'm done with my movie, I'll bring you guys to the US to be with me, is that okay!"Stephanie kissed her sister's cheeks and stood up. "okay! that's fine, I trust that you will keep your promise, right?" Lily asked, cleaning her tears with the back of her hand. "Yes! I promise, i have to go now, I love you guys"

"We love you too" Carolyn, Veronica, Glenys, Lily, and her mom all said I unison. "Be a good girl ok! " her mom added as she waved her daughter goodbye, "Yes Mom I will" she got into the car and they drove to the airport.


"Daniel, I got you good news" David entered Daniel's room without knowing and saw him come out of the bathroom, with a towel covering the lower part of his body, and another, he used to dry his hair. "What have i told you about knocking before you enter" Daniel stared at him with his eagle like eyes, seeming very angry. " Uh.. seriously i just came here to give you some good news" David said, seeming upset.

"If it's not important, then i don't think i want to hear it".

Now David was angry, since Daniel saw that girl he doesn't care about any other thing except her, she was more 'important' to him, " Well okay!, since you don't want to listen to my nonsense, I'll just take my leave then" he was about to take a step to the door, when Daniel sighed and shouted, "Wait!".

David smirked and turned around. "What is it" Daniel sighed as he asked, he hated gossips, but David loved them as much as he loved girls, so he assumed that he had heard something he felt was interesting and wanted to share it with him, but frankly he wasn't interested."Well!, I heard from a little bird, that your little Anita's coming back tonight" hearing that, Daniel quickly stood up excitedly. "So she saw the video, hm.. she must like me now.., I told you she would come back for me" Daniel said and grinned proudly, but then his towel suddenly dropped and David shut his eyes with his hands and said, "how are you sure she's coming for you, she's involved in the production of a movie, which starts on the first of November, and that's why she's coming back, silly!" Daniel, who wasn't listening, took his towel and wrapped it back on his lower part, then he grinned and said proudly, "Look my little brother is also excited that she's coming back for us" he sat back down on the armchair, and looked down at his already erected little brother, "she's coming back for us, I can't wait for her to tell me how much she loves me and that she really charmed me, so I can marry her and get her on my bed" he said still looking at his erection, David who had been listening to all his brother had been saying, and what he was doing now, made him feel that he's brother was really crazy and shameless, some he thought that Anita must have truly charmed him, and then he thought of an idea to get his brother and Anita on a one night stand, so they could finally get to be one with each other, since he's brother was too proud to tell her the truth himself, and she being a tender and soft young girl, would never want to get herself involved in another scandal again, so he thought for a while and then an idea popped in his head, now that she was coming back to the states it would definitely be easier for him to carry out his plan, coupled with the fate that everyone on the internet knew that Anita, was going back to the states.