Chapter eleven: The proposal

 Stephanie woke up again in a more luxurious room, it was more luxurious than the other one, her sight was still blur, but she then saw her glasses on the bed side drawer, she swore it and then she could see clearly, then that's when she saw him.

" You! You monster, you raped me, how could you even be proud of it, why did you even say that out loud, now you have ruined me, again!, Now only God knows what I will do next, can't you and your family just leave this little me alone" She shouted angrily and tried to get up but she felt a lot of pain under her thigh, that even made her want to cry. Daniel still sat there silent with an expressionless face, but then Mr Steven, the butler spoke for him, "hm.. my lady, it's all my fault, please don't blame young master, we thought you were the lady we assigned for him, I am really sorry my lady" he said that so politely, that it made Stephanie pity him, he had sure a mean and proud boss, he even thought he could have her and go free, 'sure a moron' she thought, "But that does change the fact that he raped me", Then she looked at Daniel angrily and said," Look!, I don't care if you are a billionaire's Grandson or whatever, but you are sure a coward, Ang am goi.." before she could finish, he interrupted her and said, "But I saved your ass, unless you would have been declared a prostitute, and you would have become this morning's lastest and hottest news, and your career, would have gone through the draian, so you should be thankful to me, that I just put my reputation at risk,"

He looked at her with serious eyes, and geez.. she had to confess, his eyes were enchanting, and he looked beautiful.... even when he frowned, he looked like a freaking girl, she figured that what Carolyn said about him looking like his mom must be true. Before she could respond someone came in, holding some files in his hands, and then the butler, excused himself out.The the man came to her and said, "Goodday M's Anita, I'm Bates and I am Young master Yates secretary, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

He stretched his hand forward to her for an handshake and she accepted it, because he seemed nice, and then she gave him a very beautiful smile, he was also dark shinned and handsome, but he didn't look feminine in face like Daniel, Daniel looked like a girl with muscular features, he was so annoyingly beautiful.

 "Uh..hem" Daniel coughed slightly and Mr Bates released Stephanie's hand, and then he said quickly, "Um.. M's Anita, I..em.. sorry, My master here has a proposal for you", " um.. what's that" she waited to hear what he would say, and when she heard it, she felt like crying bitterly, he had said that, she would have to act like that monsters wife for six good months, Wow... That was half a year, he said the mean prince needed a wife because his family kept pestering him to get a girlfriend or a wife, because he was the heir of the family, and also being a price he needed a wife, so she would pretend to be his wife in exchange of three million dollars, 'damn.. that's a lot of money' she said inwardly, "Okay!, But can I read the contract first before signing it" before Mr Bates could reply, Daniel did it for him, in a very rude manner, "Do u have a choice?, If you don't sign it, young lady, you won't be leaving this room" he looked at her like she had offered him deeply, but it was just the other way around, she sighed deeply, and signed the contract without reading the contents, then Mr Bates excused himself out, and she was alone with that monster, in the dark room. She thought of going home, at least to think of her fate now, but when she stood up from the bed, she lost balance and almost fell, but before she could hit the grown, she felt a pair of strong arms holding her tightly, he held her to his chest for an embrace, and damn... she felt his chest was as hard as a rock,and he had big muscles..., She suddenly snapped out of her day dream when he smacked her head.

" Don't you know that you will fall if you get off the bed, lay down on the bed now!" Geez.. he was so bossy, how could he be bossing her around, "No.. I want to go home, let me go!" She tried to push him away, but he carried her up and laid her on the bed, "You must be hungry, I'll get you breakfast" with that, he stormed out of the room, still walking elegantly, with his hands in his pockets. He then came back after ten minutes, and Stephanie had already had her shower, with a towel wrapped around her body, and one on her hair, when she came out of the toilet and saw him, the towel wrapped around her hair fell loose making it flow freely down, he looked at her with a weird expression and then he turned around to leave without looking at her again.

 Stephanie felt awkward but hungry, so she went to the table where, he kept her breakfast, and while eating like she had never eaten before, two servants walked in and said, "Mm.. Mrs Yates, here are you cloths" one of them said as they put the cloths on the bed, and left immediately.

"Mm.. yeah thanks..., Wait!.. what.. am not Mrs Yates " But they had been long gone, and that's when, she remembered the contract proposal, she was already legally married to, Daniel Yates, well.. just for six months, so that makes her Mrs Yates according to the proposal.