Chapter twelve: Being his personal assistant (I)

 Stephanie finished eating and went to get the clothes the maids got for her.

It was a beautiful floral jumpsuit, white, with beautiful flowers designs on it.

She put it on and went outside, she figured that she was still in the hotel, but in a different room. 

She went out to look for the mean prince, then she saw him with Mr Bates and butler Steven.

They had found out that shara was the plotter of the whole issue, she had set her up to sleep with Mr lorence, the rich and successful producer.

Although, she was touched and happy that he cared.

She returned to the room happy, but something kept disturbing her somewhere in her heart.

 'Does this mean that he regrets sleeping with me because I insulted him, and now he want to take it out on shara and punish her dearly, well.. she deserves it, but I feel he's just doing this because he feels guilty,! What am I thinking' 

She quickly erased the thoughts, then Daniel walked in, she turned around to see his staring at her with a complicated expression she couldn't understand.

Though the dress suited her well, as it flew with the rhythm of the wind.

She styled her hair by taking some strands of hair from both sides, and trying them together in the middle, making her look like a princess.

She looked beautiful....

 But he just stood there looking at her with a complicated look.

 If it were any other man, he would have tried to do something, but he just stood there like a statue, well... He was no ordinary man, he was too cruel and strong to be an ordinary human being.

"Why are you standing there like an idiot, let's go!"

 He went immediately, without letting her respond, she was so mad that she ran and pushed him from the back, but he was too strong to fall, instead she was the one who fell.

He looked down at her with concern clearly written on his face.

But then he changed back to his eagle eyes that could kill someone immediately.

"Why did you do that" he looked at her angrily.

"You are an idiot for calling me an idiot, you... asshole, that's why I did that" 

Stephanie stood up fearlessly as she replied. 

He walked slowly to her with a wicked smirk, and she just kept walking backwards until she hit the wall, then he walked faster and pinned her two hands on the wall.

"What are you doing, you pervert, let me go this instant" 

She tried struggling with him, but all to no avail, he was too strong.

"Wifey, am just exercising my husband rights on you" 

He said with a wicked smirk that said boldly 'danger'.

Then he continued with a more tender voice, as he lend next to her ear, sending her shivers as he spoke. 

"Don't be scared wifey, I won't hurt you" 

He then kissed her neck softly, sending her yet some more shivers, her knees went weak, and intense heat filled her, her senses stopped.

She thought she would hit the ground, she managed to free her hands from his grip.

 While he still kept kissing her on her ears, neck and collar bone, which made her want to go crazy.

Then she wrapped her hands around his neck, and he wrapped his hands around her waist.

She couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

 But then he stopped and looked straight at her, then he turned to leave.

He looked at her again, and she could see lust in his eyes, he wanted her wow.... He really wanted her, and she wanted him too.

But she wasn't going to give that mean prince another go with her, she wasn't ready for another night of horror. 

He left with large steps, and got into the car before she did.

She felt he was so rude, like he didn't know the saying 'LADIES FIRST', 'Sure an asshole' she got into the car and slammed the car door angrily.

"Do u want to break it"

 he didn't looked at her when he asked that angrily, so she decided not to reply him, so she just looked out of the window, ignoring him completely.


When they arrived at the Villa, she was mesmerized by it's beauty, it had a huge fountain, and beautiful animal figures made with leaves.

There was a large path.

With guarded with shot leaves, on each side, and the car went through it, and was parked in the garage.

Even the garage was painted white.

She thought before, that since he was a mean prince, he would live in a scary and isolated Villa.

But...the view in front of her was nothing like that...

It looked as beautiful as heaven...

And wasn't isolated at all....

She figured that Daniel, was actually a clean freak, as he was always neat..

His clothes were always properly ironed...

His office neat...

His house neat....

His two hands were always at his back or in his pockets, as he walked elegantly.

He could attract any girl, even...her.

She had started to have feelings for him little by little, but wasn't sure if he liked her that much, she wasn't even sure if he liked her at all....

When they got in, they were met by a lady, maybe in her 60s...., but Stephanie still thought she looked beautiful even white the bright white hair.

When she saw Stephanie, she looked confused and looked back at Daniel.

"Good morning, young master" she said.

Then she turned to Stephanie, and said politely.

"Good morning, young lady, my name is Lynda, you can call me if you need anything" she smiled politely.

But, before Stephanie coul reply, Daniel said.

"Take her to her room" he said that, and went up the stairs with out looked back.

Sister Lyn, took her to a beautiful room on the seventh floor of the Villa.

The walls were painted like the color of the sea, fresh and cool.

It was mesmerizing.

It had two bed side wardrobes on each sides and two lamps on each, it had a large standing mirror of full length, on the wall.

It was just so hard to describe how beautiful and breathtaking the room was.

She sat on the bed, observing the room.

Then suddenly her eyes caught on a dairy on the standing table, she went for it, and opened it.

The first page read;

 I fell in love...with a man, 

 One of the most popular 

 Boy in campus, he is

 Handsome and brown


It continued to the second page;

 He wishes to marry me,

 But my father won't give

 Us his blessings, so we left,

 And got married in LA, I got

 Pregnant for h....

Before she could finish reading, she heard a deep angry voice coming from outside the room.

She turned around and saw him standing at the door looking at her with piercing eagle eyes.