Chapter twelve: Being his personal assistant (i) (cont'd)

Stephanie immediately became intimidated.

She turned back to keep down the diary, then turned back to him.

", I just saw it on the table, I didn't know that it's w...."

Before she could finish...

He started walking towards her with huge steps.

She felt like she was shrinking slowly, so she faced the ground, waiting to be scolded.

But he just took the dairy that she had kept on the table, and left as quick as flash..

She breathed out in relief.., but wondered why he was so angry.

"Maybe she was his first love, and she...died"

She sat on the bed helplessly.

"But how could that be"

She rolled herself on the bed, her back facing the celling, she continued.

"Rich people are really something, well now I know that he doesn't like me, not even a little bit"

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, she sighed as she layed on the bed feeling sad.

"Hm.. I'm hungry" she stood up and ran down the stairs.

Only to find a lady, sitting on a large sofa in the large sitting room, on the 1st floor, with Daniel, as well as Mr Bates on the opposite side.

She felt heart broken, when she saw the lady sitting a little bit close to Daniel, as she kept trying to get closer to him....

Then she looked up at Stephanie with disgust..

"Get me a cup of coffee, would you" 

'what I don't understand, does she think am a maid' Stephanie asked herself, as she looked at Daniel, to hear what he would say.

He doesn't pay her enough for that, she thought.

"So leo, who do you want to get the cloths for, is it your sister it Brittany" The lady turned to Daniel and asked. Stephanie still thought she was trying to get closer to what was hers....

"No!.., it's for her"

Then he pointed his chin towards Stephanie, and Stephanie could only smirk inwardly.

Then the lady looked at Stephanie, surprise was evident on her make up packed face.

"Is she your cousin?" She asked.

"No.. she's my wife"

It looked like she was going to shrink, Stephanie almost bursted out laughing.

She had thought she was a maid, but what she didn't know was that she was the 'Madam'.

She smiled inwardly with satisfaction.

Then after a short while, the lady asked,

"W..when did you....get a wife, Leo" she asked with trembling voice.

"Go get the cloths, and don't asked stupid questions" Daniel stood up and left without looking at anyone, not even... Stephanie.

Then, Stephanie just gave the lady a 'i am boss' look and ran In to the kitchen to meet Sister Lyn.

By evening, Stephanie came to the large living room downstairs, due to the fact that she was bored.

She meet Daniel, and apparently he had just finished a phone call.

And when he sighted her, he just turned back around, and went up the stairs.

She rolled her eyes not seeming to care, and sat on the really soft couch , with her cell phone.

Then suddenly the door bell rang...


Sister Lyn, ran quickly to get the door, to see who was at the door. David Steward, Mike benson, and Benard Blaze, all walked in through the door.

"Hey..sister in law, where's my big head brother" David, who was always fond of being playful, came to sit next to Stephanie, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Daniel immediately came down the stairs, he had an angry look on his face.

Then David touched Stephanie's cheeks slightly, with a mischievous smile..

"Has my big head brother been taking good care of you?"

"Um..yes!" Stephanie answered a little bit puzzled.

"Well you should help me take good care of him too, you know what I mean" Stephanie immediately blushed when he winked at her.

Of course, she knew what he meant, he was such a pervert just like his brother, Daniel.

Then in a split second, Daniel came and pulled her away from David's arms..

Then he held her into his, "What are you doing here"

"What I came to see you" then he turned to Stephanie and continued, "And my sister-in-law too" 

He winked at her with a mischievous smile on his face

He was just as mischievous as his brother, cruel but calm, and in a friendly manner.

"Um.. I'll go get some drinks" she managed to free herself from Daniel's embrace, and ran into the kitchen to get some air...

"Look bro, she's more kind than I imagined, she will be a good influence to you, and don't tell me you haven't told her yet..." David said with a slight smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, go now all of you , you are not welcome her..." 

Before he could finish, Stephanie came back with four cups of blue cocktailed wine.

"Here it is.."

She placed the tray on the glass table, that sat in the middle of the couches.

Then she sat at the dinning table, far away from the men, and continued with her phone.

"Why did you sit there, sister-in-law, don't you want a cup too" David asked while sipping on his wine.

" thanks!, I don't drink" Stephanie looked up from her phone and answered.

"Wow seriously.."

"Yes, not anym...."

Before she could complete the word, 

Daniel interrupted, "Don't ask her stupid questions, I think it's time for you all to leave" he said word for word.

David ignored his brother's angry face..

"Mm.. sister-in-law, if my brother ever does anything to you, just tell me, and I'll deal with him myself, bye for now"

He stood up, followed by the other two men.


Stephanie waved to them, but immediately stopped when she saw Daniel, looking at her with mad eyes.

He turned away, and followed them.


Stephanie felt bored, sitting on the chair all alone, so she decided to go do some drawings upstairs.

Then she caught on sight, a beautiful garden with different flower species.

She went out to the garden and was mesmerized by it's beauty.

She bent down to sniff on a beautiful blue flower, then a heard a deep angry voice behind her.

"What are you doing there"

She jumped up in fright, and turned around to see him standing just about three miles away.

He had an angry look on his face, that could seen a warning notice to anybody.


She wanted to speak but the words were stuck in the throat, because he kept coming closer to her, with those eagle eyes, that could kill instantly.

She stopped, when she hit a bunch of flowers at her back, and carelessly almost fell on them.

But then....

She felt a pair of strong arms, pull her up before she could fall.

"Do you want to destroy these?, Why are you so clumsy?"

He pulled her aside and went to the flowers to inspect them, then he turned back to her angrily.

"What are you doing here?, you almost destroyed these flowers, what's wrong with you?, Why are you this clumsy?"

"Me clumsy?, You scared me to death, and what am I doing here?, Hm... let's see..I guess it's because you kept me here to do nothing and to be bored all day long, so now do you understand why I am h...."

Before she could finish, she felt his lips fall on hers, he kissed her roughly and aggressively.

She didn't realize that she had wrapped her hands around his neck, as she kissed him back with the same longing.

Then, the aggressive and rough kiss suddenly turned into a passionate one.

She kept feeling his hands explore her body, and that sent her shivers.

She didn't understand why she was reciprocating to the kiss, but all she knew was that she was enjoying every bit of it.

But then...

He suddenly parted the kiss, and backed away with out saying a word.

Stephanie who was now as red as a tomato, bit her lower lips and went up the stairs to her room sadly....

She didn't understand why he couldn't respect the fact that she loved and cared very much for him.