Chapter thirteen: Being his personal assistant (ii

Stephanie woke up with dark circles underneath her eyes.

She had been crying through out the night.

All she wanted, was to leave this place, and never see the mean prince ever again.

She felt it was really hurtful for a boy to suddenly ignore a girl's feelings and emotions towards him.

Especially when love is involved.

She got off the bed, but almost stumbled, when she saw him by the left side of her bed.

He was folding some clothes on her bed, one by one.

He didn't even look at her, he just acted like she wasn't there.

"W-What are you doing here?, what if I wasn't wearing any clothes?"

She adjusted her pijamas to cover her breast side properly, and wrapped her hands on her chest.

Daniel looked at her, and stopped what he was doing.

"Well, this is my house and I can go where ever I want, because this is my house"

Daniel said, then he looked down and continued with what he was doing.

After some time he added,

"But..if you weren't on any clothes, it won't be totally bad"


Stephanie looked at him angrily, then she continued,

"Do you think am a cheap woman..?"

"Huh....I don't think you are a cheap woman" He answered with one eyebrow up.

"Really....yeah am not"

Stephanie snorted proudly.

"Yeah, I think you are a cheap girl"

Daniel said, while walking to the door, with a sarcastic look on his face.

"What...?, You!"

Stephanie felt drained...

Some minutes ago, she had thought that he was complimenting her, but eventually she found out that he was actually a jerk.

"Dress up quickly so we won't be late"

He said, as he slammed the door gently, without waiting for her to respond"

"Huh..!, Be late for what"

She kept thinking, but then she eventually did what he told her to do.

She dressed up quickly, and ran down the stairs to the dinning table.

Daniel was seated there eating elegantly like a prince, you wouldn't hear a single noise as he eats.

She sat down three sits away from him.

She didn't feel like talking to him after what he said to her...

She thought he was going to apologise to her...

But....he didn't even say any single word to her...

Not even when their were in the car.

The car stopped in the front of a very large skyscraper, and that was when she saw Mr Bates approaching them.

"Good day Mr Yates and Mrs Yates"

Huh.. she wasn't used to being called Mrs Yates, but she politely greeted him back.

"Good day Mr Bates"

She gave him a bright smile...

But then...

Daniel suddenly dragged her hand and pulled her to his office.

This morning she didn't even greet him, but now she was greeted his secretary so warmly and full of love.

He wanted her to do that to him and no one else.

She had never even smiled at him like that before.

And because of what happened that night in the hotel, she now thinks he is a bad person...

He doesn't want her to be scared of him.

All he wants is for her to confess to him that she loves him, and stop trying to make him jealous...

Because he didn't want to confess that it was really working.

He regretted asking Sister Lyn to help him pick the right clothes for her,

Because....this morning when he saw her coming down the stairs, she looked so beautiful...

Even in office wears...

He didn't want those lustful men, setting their eyes on what was his and his forever....

And he didn't know how to tell her that she was beautiful.., so he kept quiet while they were eating breakfast, and throughout the ride.

He dragged her into his office

 And all the workers that saw them were all shocked,

They all thought that their boss was madly in love with his brother....

As they grew up together, did everything together, were always together, and even till now.

But they were all shocked to see him holding a lady's hand...

As everyone knew of his disorder...

He couldn't get too close to women, or be in a crowded place...

Or he could get into a severe panic attack.

They were indeed really surprised..


He pulled her into an office with two desks inside.

One was black, while the other white..

The office was one painted with black and white,

It was the exact definition of Daniel's aura - fierce 

Stephanie felt that the black chair would be more comfortable than the white one, since it was a business chair..

So she freed her hand from Daniel's tight grip went to sit on the black chair.

She tested her back on the chair, and she was right...

The chair was truly comfortable..

"What are you doing, that's my sit, get up!"

He frowned slightly as he walked to her..

He lifted her up, but she tried to struggle..

But he seemed to be too strong..

He then carried her to the white chair, and as he put her down..

She almost sinked....

It was so soft and comfy and she immediately felt like dozing off..

And sure enough, within a few minutes..

She dozed off....


Daniel looked at the beautiful sleeping beauty on the white chair..

He couldn't help but smile..

She was so beautiful...

Sweet and annoying at the same time.

He made sure she was comfortable on the chair..

And took out a blanket and covered her up like a baby.

Then, he went back to his chair to deal with some documents.


Stephanie woke up feeling fresh and bright....

She dreamt she was on a big soft and comfy white cloud....

And sure enough, when she woke up she was sitting on a big chair like sofa..

And a large desk in front of her..

She started to recall everything that happened before she fell asleep...

She could remembered that he had carried her over to the white chair...

And after some minutes she fell asleep.

She started to feel butterflies in her stomach dancing happily.

She searched the room for her mean prince, and found him seated on the black business chair, holding some papers, and his back rested on the chair.

He looked tired...

But she knew he wouldn't agree to leave now and take a rest..

But even with that, he still looked genuinely handsome...

She now believed those sayings that men looked more handsome when working..

Because.., he looked like he came from heaven...

His eyes that were focused on the papers, soon turned to her direction..

And she faced the ground, pretending to be on her phone...

Because she sometimes felt shy anytime he looks at her.., she feels those stupid butterflies in her stomach, and wonders how they get in there...

She took out her phone and decided to chat Sam..

Since she was still in the states, and Sam had been looking everywhere for her..

She decided to tell her everything...

Well..., Except the part where she becomes Mrs Yates..

Cuz she felt her best friend would tease her all day long...

Sam consoled her and told her that everything would be fine...

And promised to find who ever was involved in the set up...

But she already knew who it was, and Daniel had already settled everything...


Seeing her smiling happily, and chatting with who ever she was chatting with made him mad...

He felt like sending that person straight to hell...

Because a few minutes ago when their eyes met, she totally ignored him...

And then she started chatting with someone else...

Was he so boring that she couldn't talk to him?..

"What are you doing?"

He was so angry that he didn't know when those words escaped from his mouth..

" didn't tell me what to do, so I'm just texting a friend"

Stephanie looked like she was enjoying her chit chat with her friend, 

And that made his blood boil...

"Who is he?"

The words just kept falling out of his mouth like rain...

"Uhm.. actually she's a girl, and her name is Sam"

That hit him like a knock on the head..

So it was actually a girl...

No he wasn't going to believe her.

"You are lying right?, Let me see your phone"

She looked at him angrily, like she was going to burst out of anger.

"What?, I am not a liar and why would you want to see my phone"

He didn't really want to search her phone..

All he wanted was to get her attention drifted to him...

And definitely him only....

But he didn't want to tell her that..

Because he knew that girls can be very arrogant and unfair, when they know that you crave their attention..

"You are my assistant!, and you can't be gossiping with your friends on the job, so now go get me a coffee!"

He felt bad for ordering her around, but he was too hurt to think of another suitable punishment for her..

He just had to do it to escape the conversation.

But he didn't want her to think otherwise about being his personal assistant.