Chapter sixteen: The trip to England



The girls got to the Simon's villa..

The two girls, struggled to get the dumbstruck Stephanie, out of the car.

When Mr Yates left, everyone kept trying to get pics of Anita, and ask her questions concerning her relationship with Mr Yates.

But luckily... She had Carolyn and Veronica, with her..

They rushed into Veronica's car, and with a flask of speed, Veronica drove off...

Unless, more tension would have occurred..

They tried to bring her down, but she stayed still like a statue..

Until, Mrs Simon came..

They told her all that happened, and she let out a little laugh..

'kids of this generation'

She didn't understand why that would make her daughter become a freaking statue, or was she just nervous..?

They managed to revive her, and she immediately started panicking,

She didn't want what happened before to repeat itself....

Although Carolyn, tried to encourage her, she still felt goosebumps all over..

"Don't worry, you know Daniel Yates, be won't let that happen"

While in a climax, Stephanie's phone suddenly rang, adding fuel to the fire...

She soon regretted meeting, Daniel Yates.

She inhaled and exhaled, as she saw the name of the caller on her cell phone...

'Mean prince'

Stephanie moved to the door to go recieve the call outside..

But Carolyn blocked her way, " You can pick the call here, we promised not to make any noise"

The others nodded simultaneously...

Stephanie had no choice but to agree, so she said, "fine"

She quickly clicked the accept button, and made sure she removed it from the loud speaker and then she put the phone in her right ear...

And within a sec, she heard his charming deep voice..

"Come to the address I sent to you, we need to discuss about our trip to England, tomorrow"

Daniel said, with a commanding tone..

"What... England!, but why?"

Stephanie asked with a confused expression..

"Don't ask me questions, and less talking, because you talk to much, and more working because you afe going to be there as my wife, so I want to see you gere at exactly 3:00pm"

With that he hanged up leaving her confused..

"Uhm..I have to go now I need to park my things"

Stephanie said, while trying to find a way to get Carolyn out of the way, so she could go to her room to get her stuffs.

"But honey!, where are you going"

Mrs Simon asked her daughter, while her and the others still following Stephanie at the back..

They watched her as she stuffed her bags with cloths, assessories,and perfumes..

"To England"

Stephanie answered, carting her bags on her shoulders..

Then she walked down the stairs and out of the building to get a cab...

"But did..are you leaving again"

Lily, asks her sister with a sad expression.

"No!, Silly it's just for a little while, maybe four to five days, I'll be back before you know it, ok! What should I get for you when I come back"

Stephanie asks her little sister, with a smile...

"Hm.. candy and lots of chocolates"

Lily answered, suddenly cheering up, and imagining all the chocolates she would have..

"Ok!, Lots of chocolates, got it!, I promise to get you those ok"

Stephanie bent down to give her sister a peek on her cheek, and then she kissed her mom too, and the others...

Then, she took her bags up and said before walking out of the gates..

"I might leave today, so if I do I'll call you guys before I go, bye"

Stephanie said and walked out through the gates.

"Bye!, Greet Me Yates for us"

Carolyn said, teasingly...

Stephanie rolled her eyes at her and quickly left before she would say another thing to piss her off...


Stephanie arrived at the address of the hotel that Daniel sent to her..

She got down from the cab, and paid the driver, then she went into the hotel, and met the receptionist..

"Good day ma'am, would you like a room"

The receptionist asked with a polite smile

"Oh, no thank you!, I just want to know what floor room 208 is on"

The receptionist, looked down at the room booklet, and then she looked. Ack hp at Stephanie..

"Um... ma'am, am so sorry but that's Mr Yates's room, please check the card again"

The receptionist, suggested wigb a slight frown...

"Yes I know, look this is a visual card he sent to me"

She showed her the card on her phone, to verify herself..

The receptionist's frown grew bigger..

"It's on the sixth floor"

She said with a slight eye roll, then she continued what she was doing before...

"Uhm..ok.. thanks!"

Stephanie immediately walked to the elevator.

'how could she know, Daniel Yates, and she even has a visual card, whk the hell is she'

The receptionist thought angrily, while watching Stephanie get into the elevator...

Apparently, she couldn't see Stephanie's face, because she wore a mask and a hoddy.


Stephanie came out of the elevator, when it reached the sixth floor, then she quickly went to room 208 and opened it with the card.

'Um well... I'm three minutes late, but it's because of the receptionist lady, well..he wouldn't fire me, would be?'

Stephanie throught inwardly, while entering the room, it was empty, as there was no one inside...

And the only sound she heard was the sound of the water running in the bathroom, she assumed that he might be having his shower...

Then it suddenly stopped, a charming looking man out, with his hair wet, and a towel wrapped around his the lower part of his body...

He had another towel in his hand, in which he used to dry his arbs..

Stephanie, was puzzled when she saw him come out of the bathroom, and now she was looking at him bare upper body..

He looked so hot and sexy...

He just noticed her when he picked up the hairdryer to dry his hair..

Then he looked at the wall clock...

His expression changed grim..

"Why are you late"

He asked as he put down the hair dryer, and started walking straight to her...

"Um..I" Stephanie couldn't find the word next for her to say, so she just kept moving backwards out of fright..

His upper body, being bare was an evidence that the gym was been visited on a daily basis..

His large arbs and muscles, brought so much tension her way....

"I'm sorry..., It's the fault of that receptionist, I swear that i got here three on the dot, sir"

Stephanie explained...

She didn't want to look into his yss so she faced the ground.

But her eyes immediately felt on his sexy arbs..

She glued her eyes on his half naked body...

Daniel's face brightened up, then he said..

" little pervert"

He Chuckled slightly then he continued..

"It's okay, I forgive"

Stephanie looked up at him with a rather confused face...

"What do u mean, I'm not a pervert, it's just that you are just to close me"

She looked down at his upper bare body, and then back at him..

Then continued...

"And..I wasn't looking at your arbs.., I was just facing the ground actually"

Daniel seemed to get upset with what she said,

And walked to the bed to get his shirt..

'if she doesn't want to see my arbs, then she will never get another chance to see' he said to himself..

He felt that every girl would die just to see his face, or just to get a quick glance from him...

But.., this little girl, this little lamb..

She had the opportunity to see his arbs, but she misused it..

'well maybe she's just shy' he said to himself, with a slight smirk, that Stephanie couldn't see..

"Uhm...sir, you said something about us going to England, why I I may ask"

Stephanie asked, seeming a little bit insecure..

She watched him put on his shirt and button it one by one...

She breathed with relief, now that he had finally covered up his annoyingly alluring arbs....

The temperature in the room seemed to have increased, to an intensively hot atmosphere..

She sincerely didn't want something to happen again, not here, and not now...

But the expectation was still there, One- there was a large bed in the middle of the room..

Two- they were both woman and man, who knows what could happen next...

She was interrupted from her calculations, by Daniel's cold but charming voice...

"What are you thinking about, little lamb, do you think you will stay here with me after insulting me"

His tone was really as cold as ice, and that did the magic of jolting her out of her thoughts...

"But..sir, I didn't insult you"

She replied...

He just ignored her, and brought out a room card from the bedside drawer..

"Here take this"

He puts the card on a table in front of her, then he continues...

"That's your room card, we leave for England tomorrow morning, so have a good night rest"

He says, as he sat on a white sofa in the room..

"Oh..thank you sir!"

Stephanie says politely, trying to show her gratitude...

"I have told you many times, not to call me 'sir', why don't you listen, it makes me feel like am already thirty"

He warned, with sharp eagle eyes..

"So sorry.. I'll go now s..., I mean Mr Daniel"

Stephanie immediately ran out of the room in order not to get into any useless conversation or argument, with the narcissistic billionaire..

"Huh.. what a little pervert girl"

Daniel said and smiled to himself.

He soon tucked under the quilt, as he was going to need to get enough sleep for the coming trip to England..