Chapter seventeen: Lord leonard

The trip to England took them approximately two hours..

This time air travel, wasn't so boring..

Even though Daniel, was no good of a chat mate..

What made the flight so interesting was that, they were first class passengers...

They were served with a lot of fancy dishes and expensive drinks and desserts....

And they even got large screen in front of them...

While on the plane, Stephanie had watched a lot of movies on the screen TV, but the one that captured her amazement and excitement, was a movie with the title, 'All I want is you'.

She has watched a few episodes in the movie, but sadly drifted off to sleep on her sit.

Daniel asked the plain attendant for a blanket, seeing that Stephanie had slept off on her chair..

A minute later, the attendant came back with the blanket, and then he covered her with it...


When the plane landed, the pilot announced that everyone should exit the plane one by one..

Daniel carried Stephanie in bridal style, as she had dozed off while they were on the plane...

As he carried her, she made herself comfortable and wrapped her hands around his neck..

Her breath kept falling on his neck, and that tickled him a bit..

People kept whispering, as he passed by..

"Oh my goodness!, they look like a sweet couple"

A woman said to her husband, as they passed by..

"He carried her because she's tired.. awwn... that's so sweet"

Another woman exclaimed..

Daniel enjoyed all the comments, and he felt like giving a token to those women..

But be couldn't, because he still had his bride in his arms..

He got a taxi and laid her in the backseat, as he laid her legs on his laps..

He watched her, as she slept like a sleeping beauty...

He wanted to touch her..

But.. don't know how to go about it...

How to make the first approach..

And how to arouse her..

He didn't want to force it on her, because he knew that she would stay far away from him, if he tried such.

By the time they arrived at the palace, it was already 10:00pm..

And Stephanie was as awake as a little puppy..

She was so mesmerized by the view in front of her..

She ran out of the cab with a wowed face..

She didn't realize that it was a palace, until she turned around, and her eyes sighted the big and wide mansion..

There were two strong guards at the big palace gate..

In novels guards were always holding swords, but these ones were with sniper guns...

She got intimidated immediately, but at the same time, curiosity filled her..

Daniel noticed her wowed expression, and he instantly realized that she must have never seen a place like this before, or have ever been to the England palace..

She pulled her in, walking like the powerful prince he was...

Still intimidated by the guards, Stephanie hid behind Daniel as they approached them...

The maids stopped what they were doing just to see what was happening..

Then the big gates were opened, and the guards bowed as they entered..

Their bags were carried by three maids, as they were led to their room.


The maids led them to their quarters and settled their luggages in a corner.

Daniel was soon called on by the king so he had to go..

He had warned Stephanie not to go out for any reason, but being a stubborn little girl, who loved to explore.

She sneaked out of the quarters, and that's when her eyes caught on a beautiful garden close by..

She sneaked past the guards outside the quarters, and walked to the garden quietly..

When she got there, she breathed out in relief

She couldn't retain her excitement, when her eyes laid on all the different colors and types of flowers..

There were lilies, habiscus, roses, sun flowers, and many more.

She found a bunch of red roses, and they looked just like the one Alex, gave to her..

But she apparently left it at Daniel's house before she came back to Canada..

She sniffed the flowers one by one and watched how they waved to the rhythm of the wind..

And she didn't notice a man in a casual white shirt and black jeans, he came up to her and said...


She jumped up, frightened suddenly..

She had thought it was Daniel, the mean prince..

She breathed out in relief, when she found out that it wasn't him...

Rather it was a charming looking man with snow white skin, dressed in casual clothes..

"Oh!, Am sorry did I scare you"

The man asked with concern clear in his tone..

" didn't, it's okay....I just thought you were someone else"

Stephanie breathed out in relief..

To her....he seemed nice...

"Ok!, So why are you here, do you work here"

He came closer to her, and asked her with a low tone.., because the palace maids we're not allowed to come out to the gardens, unless told to..

They could be punished severely, if they violated the rule..

Although, the girl in front of him, didn't seem to be a mere maid, she was too beautiful for that, but he just wanted to clarify..

"No..I actually came here with someone"

Richard paused for a moment, then he said..

"Are you a friend to my sister"

"No, I don't even know who she is.."

Stephanie said and shook her head in denial..

"Ok how about, my mother, the Queen"

Stephanie now realized that the man in front of her, was the well known, Prince Richard.

"No" she replied..

"Are you a princess then"


"Ok!, Did you come here with my cousin..... Leonard"

Stephanie noticed that he said the name 'leonard' with disgust clear in his tone.

It seemed that he despised that person, but since she didn't know who that person was, she returned with "No"

"So then who did..."

He couldn't finish his words, because the pretty lady, who he was having a nice conversation with, was pulled away by someone...

He wanted to protest, but halted when he saw who he was....


Daniel had been searching for Stephanie everywhere...

Any maid he asked will always reply with, "I haven't seen her highness since, your majesty" or, "her highness was last in your quarters, your majesty"

He was getting tired of searching for her..

But he had to.., so he decided to think..

Where would that little lamb be?

He suddenly remembered that there was a large garden near their quarters, and since she loved flowers and it was a beautiful garden full with beautiful flowers...

When he got to the garden, he saw her with Richard, having a blissful chat with him.

That made his blood boil, and within seconds..

He started to pull her away with full force.

He pulled her roughly and she almost stumbled..

He turned to her, as he saw her eyes watering...

"What are you doing out here, I can remember I told you not leave the quarters"

He kept yelling at her, as he held her hand tightly, making her groan in pain.

"Ah.. Daniel, you are hurting me"

She kept crying and begging him to stop..

But that seemed to make him even more mad..

Richard, felt that he couldn't just stand there and do nothing..

He had to do something..

"Leo, stop it, can't you see that you are hurting her"

Daniel suddenly turned to him, with angry evil eyes..

Rage was evident in his eyes...

He left Stephanie's hand and walked slowly to Richard..

Richard, suddenly got alert and started to walk backwards...

He felt frightened...

When they were little, leo would never look at him or even talk to him, do that was why he hated him..

He could capture the attention of any woman and that angered him...

And now he had a woman that he wanted....

Daniel, walked to him faster and held him by his neck, then he hit him harshly on a round table..

Daniel seemed to be so angry, that Stephanie's pleased didn't seem to do anything to help the situation...

He was so mad at Stephanie that he forgot the little idiot..

"It's Lord Leonard to you"

His eyes was filled with danger...and Stephanie now realized that he was Lord Leonard.