Chapter eighteen: Unexpected night (I)

Stephanie tried to stop Daniel from killing Richard, she tried screaming for help but the maids wouldn't come to help...

They would just walk away with their heads down...

She was now frustrated.

Prince Richard, had now turned as red as a tomato, she knew that he would soon lose consciousness and wouldn't be able to last for another minute..

She kept thinking of what she could do, and then she tried out her plan b..

She pushed him hard, with all the strength she could utter.

Then she went to Richard, and laid his head on her laps..

She started a mouth to mouth resuscitation, to save his dear life..

But.. that seemed to anger Daniel even more...

He felt his heart breaking into pieces, now she had just pushed him so hard that he had almost fallen to the ground.

He just stood there watching her give another man what was his - her saliva.

He felt like a hundred poisonous arrows were been pierced into his heart..

He couldn't stand there and watch...

In the next moment, Daniel turned around and left for the quarters.

Richard finally regained himself, he was surprised when he realized that Stephanie had given him a mouth to mouth resuscitation.

"Uh...thank God, I thought you would never wake up again"

Stephanie breathed out in relief..

He kept staring at her in surprise clearly written on his face, and concern in her eyes...

He had thought that she was leo's whore or something, but she had just turned against leo.

He was baffled...

She helped him up, as a maid showed her to his room, she sat him on the bed and told the maid to get some pain killers for him.

The maid returned a d she gave him two tablets, and some cold water to cool him down.

She was about to leave when Richard, abruptly held her wrist, which stopped her from moving.

"Um I have to go now"

Richard help her hand even more tightly, and said with a sad tone,

"Please, don't go" he was sure that Leo, would still come back to kill him..

"Am sorry, but I have to go, I need to prepare for the party tonight, bye see you later!"

She removed his hand from her wrist and waved her hand and left the room.

Richard signed as he watched her walk out through the door, somehow he felt like he had started to fall in love with her so suddenly....

He touched his lips and smiled to himself, he promised himself that he was going to get her from leo, by all means...

Whether she is his whore or whoever she is to him.

He was going to have her as his....

Stephanie breathed in and out rfore opening the door, the room was dark and quiet..

She searched for the light switch, but she couldn't find it because there wasn't any light..

She then searched for her cell phone..

She didn't notice that Daniel, was actually in the room, watching her every movement..

He saw her come to the bed and it was evident that she was looking for something..

"Huh.. where's my phone"

She kept repeating all over again..

"Where's my phone"

She was actually asking nobody in particular, but she just kept asking herself.

Then she started checking under the quilt, and as expected, her hand suddenly hit his little brother, and it reacted quickly....

Stephanie moved away quickly, when she realized what she had done..

"Ah... I'm sorry I didn't know you were there" she got off the bed and then she found her phone on the side table..

She picked it up, then she used the reflection to find the light switch..

She found it switched, and put the lights on, the whole room instantly became bright as day..

She breathed in relief, then she suddenly remembered what happened and turned to apologise to Daniel..

But what she saw shocked her...

He was just sitting there with his back to the wall,

Holding his already erected little brother...

Seeing this Stephanie, immediately felt weird..

She instantly felt like throwing up, but

thinking about it made her feel a little hot in the inside..

She immediately erased the thought of her head and quickly went to the toilet to have a shower.


The ball party would start by 8:00pm, so Stephanie and Daniel, left the palace to adrien's clothing line..

Where the most expensive clothes were designed.

They arrived at the big store, and met the attendant,

"Good day, My Lord and your highness, this way please!"

The attendant said politely, with her head to the ground, as she led them to the elevator...

Stephanie was surprised to be called 'Your Highness' by the maid, but she liked it a little bit, but it wouldn't last for too long..

Just six months to be precised...

She still wanted to spend some more time with..

Before they left the palace, they still didn't say anything to each other, sometimes he would act like a baby who always got angry so easily...

Or making he was just jealous that she was having a conversation with his cousin...

She had soon found herself falling in love with him slowly.

They came out of the elevator to a large room full with cloths, some might think that she way rich enough to have her own company..

But, she had actually never been to a place like this before..

While she was still marvelling at the dresses on the rack...

The attendant and some ladies who were arranging the cloths on the racks, brought out a beautiful dark blue fish-tailed dress..

It was so unique..

Beautiful Daniel could say what was in on her mind, Daniel snorted and said..

"That would expose her body too much"

Stephanie turned to him with a grim face..

She couldn't understand how he knew that the dress would expose her cleavages....

Again, she opened her mouth to speak but interrupted by the attendant..

"But..My lord, let her highness try it out first, please!" The attendant pleaded, looking a little frustrated...

"Uhm..yeah let me try it on first, please"

Stephanie pleaded

He replied with a 'No' and that made Stephanie sad and mad at the same time...

She didn't understand why he would be so mad that she had a short conversation with his cousin, but she was glad when he changed his mind and said..

"Fine..if that's what you want, go try it on"

She jumped up happily, and followed the attendant to the dressing room..

And within a time duration of five to six minutes, she came back out, wearing the dark blue gown..

Daniel was mesmerized at how beautiful the gown looked on her..

It brought out her well shaped legs, waist and hips..

Those sexy curves that could drive him crazy, and crazy...

But he wouldn't let her wear that to the party..

It revealed her slender and straight beautiful back, and it showed out her breasts..

He felt that those lustful Kings and princes, who were excessively not satisfied with what the had would lay their lustful eyes on his woman..

So he shook his head in denial, and they tried another, and another..

The first dress was even more worse,

Although, the dress was red, and matched the color of her skin, which made her look beautiful and sexy..

He would only let her wear that when it was only him around, and no other person.....

She tried five other dresses, but none of them seemed to work for Daniel, and he declined all of them...

Stephanie was now getting tired of trying so many clothes, so when he declined the sixth dress, she looked up at him with a gloomy face and said...

"Daniel, this is the sixth dress and you still declined it, you know what, why don't you just get a curtain, that would be better so no part of my body will be exposed"

Seeing her yell at him so angrily, the attendant was so shocked to the core - A wife was never to tell at her lord, especially a prince like Lord Leonard.

Stephanie regretted yelling at him immediately, she looked up at him, but he still had that his usual expressionless face that he always had on.