Her bad

Mia stood besides the window as the drama club theatre door was closed when someone stepped out. She had no idea that someone was there. "What If they heard all she had said?"Series of thoughts flooded her mind as she looked up a saw a familiar face. It was Ice. " But what the f**k was he doing in there?" She kept on soliquising then he walked up to her as she kept up her head and smiled.

" What was the smile for? Oh, no she is busted for real." She had nothing to say and he was about leave but then she held unto the hand of his shirt and kept her face straight. He stopped but was still backing her. She gulped down her saliva and decided to go ask him. She moved forward and soon got Infront of him. She heaved a sigh and looked at him straight in the eye.

" Excuse but please, how long where you in there?"She sounded pathetic as she has never spoken to anyone in the school this quietly and here she was feeling so nervous. He didn't give her response as he thought it was his time to plot his sister's revenge. "Please, Ice." She said and he finally stopped and turned to her. I guess he was surprised she called his name. He had always heard stories of how rude she was and never called anyone by their name but hey, you there,etc.

Mia tried to force a smile on her face but then ice removed her hands from his shirt. He moved closer to her while she just stood firm. He bent his face over to her ears while she held her breathe thinking he wanted to do something nasty to her. " Hmm." He scoffed seeing her in that position and kept on walking away from her. She followed behind him and soon they got to the school's staircase. He didn't care to look behind him anls he knew she was following him.

They had reached the last four steps of the stairs when he turned around and said to her with a smile. " I get you like me but please stop following me around. People might get the wrong impression when they see you being this pathetic in love."

Mia scoffed in akwardness and raised her upper lips in anger and then looked way from him. She was damn pathetic. She had no idea of what to think. Maybe he had not gotten a single glimpse of what they were saying. " I just wanted to know how long you have been in there." She pointed her hands to the stairs but she actually meant, the club room.

" Huh..Ha!!" He had nothing to say to her but he just wanted to trouble her mind. It gat to be a secret for her to be this interested on his knowledge about it. " I have been there for long." He smirked then an interruption was made to her discussion as Luna came running down the stairs screaming Mia as soon as she caught a glimpse of her.

" Why are down here?" Luna said while trying to catch her breath. Mia kept on looking around cluelessly as she had nothing to say and then Ice spoke out.

" Gotta go, catch you later Mia Campbell." He said and then left. Luna grabbed Mia's hand who only kept on looking at Ice.

" You kept on staring at him." Luna said to the lost Mia. Mia blinked and jerked to reality but still she couldn't say a word to Luna. "Mia, are you okay" Luna kept on asking Mia and then Mia nodded her head in affirmative. " Luna, I'm good." She realwased her hands from Luna and then turned around and started walking away. Lunq followed behind her and kept on asking her.



Mia and Luna came out of a class. The bell had just been rung as they are seen coming out from a class with a bunch of other students. They were walking and gisting when some girls in the group of four were laughing and taking pictures of Mia. She heard it and was exceptional annoyed.

Luna walked over to them and said," You seem to be interested in that." She pointed to Mia pictures on the phone's screen. " Why don't we make this much more fun?" The girls were trembling as they were what that meant except for the girl in the front. She seems like the team leader. She only kept on popping sounds of gum from her mouth and then she moved forward to Luna.

" What the hell do you think you are doing?" She had this mean girl face that Luna felt disgusted by. She was an average heighted, dark skinned, curly black hair which she parked upward. She had dark pupils and full lips with red lipstick painted on them.

The other girls kept to their cool as they also try to stand up to Luna. " Why don't you follow me to find out." Luna smirked while the other girl smirk. " Becky.. I think we should.." One of the girls whispered to her but she interrupted her as she accepted to follow Luna.

The girls followed Luna to the room where Mia was. It was a room specially dedicated to Mia. It had the finest portrait of all. Beautiful sofas and light. The girls went in alongside Luna.

Mia was seated in one of the sofa. " Ooh!! You are here." She said to Luna alongside an hysterical laughter. " They did something nice, wanna know?" Luna walked over to Mia and leaned against the wall. The other girls were shaken with fright as they had never dreamt of being in Mia's trap. Becky stared at both with so much disdain in her eyes.

" Yeah!! But first why don't they take their spot?" The other girls immediately got to their knees. Mia laughed out so hard but then stopped when she noticed Becky refusal to do the same as the others. She stood up and went to her but still she remained unshaken as she bent her face to the ground.

" Hey!!" Mia called out to her and then she raised her head. " I see.. you ." Mia was then cut short by Becky. " No, it's you! When are you ever gonna stop this sh*t that's so uncool." Mia was taken aback by her words. She moved backwards and then gave Becky a loud smack on her cheeks. Becky was annoyed as she held her first tightly. Her hair covered her face which was turned sideways.

Mia wasn't satisfied as she hated Becky's eyes. She gave her a kick on her tummy and pushed her to the door. She made a loud thud as she fell to the ground with blood on her forehead. Though she was still breathing and grunting, her friends were afraid as they couldn't even attend to her. Luna raised her from the ground and then placed her on her knees. Mia bent down to her side and then gave Becky a smack on her head and then on her cheeks.

The girl whimped out of fear and then Luna got a call which she went to answer leaving Becky in Mia hand's. Becky scoffed but this time it wasn't surprising to Mia. "Keep on going, that's all you are good at." Mia let go of her and she fell to the ground then one of the girls rushed to Mia pleading on Becky's behalf to let her go. The others soon joined in the pleading and then Mia agreed.

They rushed to Becky who was already unconscious. " You all can go, if anyone get an inch of what happen. What just happened to her, yours would be worst." Mia said to them and they all nodded. They quickly took Becky on a girl back and rushed her out, saying goodbye to Mia.

The bell rung, so it was time to go home. She quickly took her bag and then went out of the room. She got to the car which was parked outside the school's gate. " Good afternoon, Miss Mia." The chaffeur who came out from the car and opened the car door for Mia to get in. She didn't respond but got in.

He also got into the car and ignited the engine and drove home. Few minutes later, they got home. One of the staff had came to open the door for her to get out. She greeted Mia but also got no response from her. She walked into the house and some staffs also gave her greetings. She ran up to her room and laid on her bed....