Going wonky

Mia laid on the bed with her face buried into the soft texture of her pillow. She leaves a sigh each time and few minutes later, a knock came on her door. " It's me, Ms Mia." A soft coarse voice came from outside. " Can I come in." The voice kept on going until Mia gave out a response.

The door was opened slightly and then a staff came in carrying a tray with a glass cup on it. It was filled to the brim with some red liquid. It was Mrs Fiona. She walked closer to the bed but then adjusted to the table besides it.

"Your watermelon juice, Ms Mia." She said standing straight with her hands which was held together on her clothes. Mia nodded but still not staring at her.

She kept in having crazy thoughts of what had happened in school with those girls today. She had really wanted to remain hidden, paralyzed by the rawness of her emotions but still she also wanted to confront them and she did. The fear of facing the truth head-on, of hearing their justifications or excuses was daunting.

But beneath the turmoil of emotions, there was a profound sense of loss. " Ms Mia." Mrs Fiona words drew her back to reality from her thoughts and she blinked while still on the bed but her eyes was wide opened.

" Thank you, just leave it there. I will call you when I need your help." She managed to mumble the few words out of her mouth before sitting up straight. " Alright, Ms Mia." She bowed slightly and then made to go when she remembered an unknown information and then turned around.

" Ms Mia, Mrs Campbell called in today." She got no reply from Mia but she still kept on waiting to hear her response. " What did she want?" Mia grabbed the glass cup and gulped down few drops from the juice.

" Just wanted to wished you luck on your first day back to school." Mrs Fiona kept on going as it felt overwhelming. Mia felt uncomfortable, anger surged in her but she still managed to keep her cool. " That's enough you can leave." She said as she had no contrived words to pass onto her.

" Get me a new phone, you know my taste." Mia concluded and Mrs Fiona looked with wide surprise. " Alright." She replied with a light smile on her aged face.

Mrs Fiona bolted to the door and left closing it behind her. Mia drank the rest of her juice and then went to take a shower, coming out and meeting on her bed the new phone she had ordered them to purchase.



There were three strangers in a light room with few furnitures and decors. They were dressed in black and also had masks on as they spoke to each other. There seems to be just one male voice and two female voice.

" What did you find out today?" One female pointed out to the other female lifting up her chin but she shoved the hand aside. " We are at a very good spot to strike." The male growled out but then the other female interrupted.

" Mia Campbell does not look tough like she acts to be but still never underestimate the powers of the rich at any point." She found her voice high after few minutes of silence and the rest stared at her.

" Just when the time is right." She added with a smirk on her face as her eyes was narrowed at nothing while the rest stared agape. They could just nod their head in affirmative.



A boy in black hoodie and stipes jean pants walked in heading to the receptionist and then got the allowed to go in. He walked into the elevator and saw himself standing before room 112. He didn't bother to knock as he only walked in and then saw a girl on the bed with all smiles which lit up her face when she saw him.

" Ice." She called as she quickly ran and hopped on his body. She threw kisses on his face and lips and he also did same. She was putting on a light gown with showed her undies but clearly showed her b**bs as she wasn't putting on a bra.

He took the hoodie cap off his head and then laid her roughly on the bed as she kept on panting softly. He raised off her gown up to her belly button, taking off her panties and diving two fingers in her wet p*ssy.

She screamed more louder and then he held unto her b**bs sucking them. Her eyes twitches in anticipation for his great highness to be stroke inside of her. He kept on going faster with his hands and then soon he took out his d*ck which she took in her mouth. Licking off everyone c*m off the cap. She smiled intensely and he also did.

" Keep on going, b*tch." He shoved in her head deeper on it and it was suffocating her in her mouth but she kept on going. Ice groans hard as much orgasm came out of his Majesty. " Get on the bed." He screamed at her and she complied.




It was night fall but the Campbell's mansion was a lit as a Christmas tree in a cold winter morning. Sitted majestically having dinner being served to him was a man who looks in his early 40s. He was Mr Campbell. He had his gaze fixed on the TV while dinner was just being served.

" And where is Mia?" He question while taking a sip of the water being served to him. " Upstairs in her room." Mrs Fiona spouted out calmly. " Isn't she having dinner?" He inquired once more and then Mrs Fiona apologized for not getting Mia downstairs in time for dinner.

He didn't reply as he cleared his throat and she told one of the staff to go get Mia. The staff nodded and left quickly. She hasten her footsteps till she got to Mia doorstep and took a deep breath before knocking on her door.

A voice tagged from within compelling her to come in and she did slowly. Mia was on her sofa with her phone and was on all smiles. " What do you want?" Mia kept on staring at her phone. " Well, Ms Mia, dinner is ready." She kept on twitching her eyes and nervously holding her hands.

" I am not hungry, leave." She replied as she relaxed on the sofa. Why does she always be so hard to deal with? The maid kept her thoughts ringing but couldn't say anything. Mia turned around and saw her standing there with face to the ground.

" I said you leave." She repeated and then the staff finally added, " I am sorry Ms Mia but I was told to return back with you. " Get out." She said once more with her fist clenched. She grabbed unto the glass cup beside her and made to throw it towards the staff when someone else opened the door. It was Mrs Fiona.

The staff stood there fidgeting endlessly until Mrs Fiona tapped on her shoulders and asked her to leave. She bowed and then left while Mrs Fiona faced Mia who dropped down the glass cup angrily in the table beside her.

" Ms Mia, your dad wants you at the dinning down " Mia rolled her eyes and then stood up. She wore her purple slippers which was made of cat fur. She dragged her feet as she walked out of the room.

Mia got down and saw her father who was munching on his dinner slowly and she sat down in the second seat opposite him. "Mia.." He called out to her while he drank his wine. " Yes, dad." She gave him a reply immediately. " I heard your mother called in.." he paused for a while to look at his daughter to stop staring at her phone immediately. " Were you there?" He queried and she reluctantly answered him. "No dad."

She removed the cover being laid to cover the food. It was pasta, infact it was her favorite kind of pasta, Spaghetti Bolognese. It was beautifully served in a sterling silver ware plates and cutleries. It came along side with crystal glass cup which was filled with watermelon juice.

She took in the aroma which was very pleasant with much upset hearing about her mum. " Well, make sure you talk to her soon." He chirped in making himself clearing and not going on his words as he stood up from the dinning table.

Mia clenched her fist tighted which was wrapped around her fork placed on her right hand and the knife on her left hand. She twirled her spaghetti for a few minutes then ate slowly, chewing hard and trying to digest each bite.

After few minutes of chewing the food was half gone, she took out a napkin and wiped the food crumbs off her lips and then walked away.


The next day

Mia is seen in the car dressed for school already and also after having dinner. She got to school in no time as there was no traffic and then she got to class. It was Maths class. Luna was having headache so she was taken to the school's clinic. The bell rung and soon it was time for five minutes break before going to another class.

Mia was feeling exhausted and was itching her eyes when she bumped into someone or some people she would say...