Chapter 2

4 months later,

Toby and Charlotte departed the train to their new home, and immediately, they were cloaked in the thralls of a big city. The loud noise of idle chatter, the bitter black puff of Vandermobiles, and the evil grins of those trying to make a quick buck on new travelers gave them the vibes they were all but used to.

The feeling of being cogs in the machine.

Charlotte shook her head in dismay.

So this is Seraphall. The outer city isn't much different from the capital or other big towns we passed on the way here, but I can already tell…. This place feels mysterious, Charlotte thought, staring at its unique structure.

The city was split up between its lower and upper decks. The lower city was known as the outer city or desert, and it was dry land. This was where most of those within the lower to medium income bracket lived. The upper city or the oasis, was a delta-like landform. While there was dry land, most of the city was split up by waterways. This made gondolas the main transportation form. This is where those in the higher income bracket lived and where most of the parties were stationed as the people who lived up there paid the best.

Charlotte was in awe of the magnificent structure of the city, but would soon find out its horrors.

What do you think of the city Toby?


Without a response, Charlotte turned her head, but the boy was missing.

Where did he go? Has the chase already started?

Sorry, sis, you snooze you lose. You're too slow.

I guess he wants to play, but if he thinks he can escape me, I'll show him.

The chase was a game they played when they came to a new city to warm themselves up to it.

Toby had to give Charlotte the slip, and if he wasn't caught within 10 minutes, they'd get something to eat at whatever restaurant he chose.

However, this game was less about the food and more about their sibling rivalry. Although the way they acted in public was misleading, the siblings were very competitive. Neither wanted to give an inch to the other and risk losing bragging rights.

As soon as Charlotte began to pursue him, Toby stepped up his pace to stop the gap between them from decreasing. Dashing through the side streets, he maneuvered through the incoming sidewalk traffic. Whether it be people, foodstands, or pets Toby didn't slow down; ducking, sliding, and weaving, through his obstacles. 

I can't lose this time. Sis, has won the last 5 times straight. I've got to win, he thought as the wind combed through his white hair.

Unfortunately, Charlotte was determined to not let her winning streak snap. She bounded from rooftop to rooftop, shortening the space to less than a few meters. Charlotte descended on the boy once she felt she was in range, yet she only saw the trims of his jacket.

He was gone.

Charlotte's face twitched on the sidewalk in confusion.

That slimy little, he must've taken off his jacket and used that to blind me. Not bad little brother, but this isn't over yet.

Deeply gripping Toby's jacket, Charlotte stared daggers at his departing back skating across the building tops like she'd done earlier and muttered calm words under her breath.

Oh great wisps of fire cloak me in your warmth and give me strength.

The girl smirked as orange glass-like shards materialized around her.

Time for round two.

Meanwhile, Toby smiled ear to ear seeing the success of his trick.

Take that sis. It looks like I might actually win this one. I just need to stay away from Ughhh….

Suddenly, a hand reached from out of nowhere pulling him to the ground in a nearby alleyway. 

His head pounding from the impact, Toby looked eerily at a dark shadowy figure near him.

That's you isn't it sis.

The shadow smiled playfully.

You lose again little brother.

Charlotte came out of the shade hiding her figure and stood triumphantly over her brother, but the boy wasn't mad or discouraged.

Instead, he showed a peace sign with a cheeky smile.

Your wrong Sis, today I won.

What are you talking about?

Remember the rules, you can't use more than 5 percent of your strength.

In shock, Charlotte nearly bit her tongue but tried to play it cool.

I don't know what you're talking about, she whimpered shakily whistling to the side.

Do you expect me to believe you caught up that fast in less than 5 seconds, normally?

Toby stared at her with a deadpan face.

Fine, fine, you're right I cheated

Where are we going to eat?

Momentarily, a devilish look flashed across Toby's face unnoticed by Charlotte, and he pointed back in the direction they came from.

Sis, let's go to the shop over there. I think it's called Mariko or something.

Where is it? I don't see it?

Suddenly, A mysterious girl interrupted their conversation.

It's called The Marracion

Walk a block down and take a left and you'll find it.

Charlotte's stomach dropped.

How did she get there? I was certain we were alone?

Astrid, did you notice anything?

No, I didn't sense her presence at all. It's like she's a ghost.

Hesitatingly, Charlotte replied to the voice. 

Oh, ok, I see it.

Discreetly, she turned back to catch a glimpse of the girl, but she was gone.

Who was that?

Before she could recollect herself, Toby eagerly ran across the street to the restaurant.

Toby, wait you can't go wandering off like that.

After a few minutes of walking, they eventually reached a square one-story building with a horizontal blinking light-up sign that said The Marracion.

When they got inside the store, it was not what Charlotte expected.

This place is interesting.

It was a maid Cafe mixed with a bar.

The maids wore skimpy outfits with short skirts and their cleavage exposed, and the bar had a drunk bartender laughing taking shots with the guests.

Charlotte cast a doubtful look at her brother.

Well, at least it's lively, but why did Toby choose this place?

Under his sister's careful gaze, Toby ogled the maids' costumes with lustful eyes, and Charlotte shook her head.

I know I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to embarrass him, but I need to burn those perverted magazines when we get to the apartment. I can't keep indulging his perverted behavior.

Lost in thoughts of how to dispose of her brother's book stash Charlotte lost track of time, and a grumpy man with scars on his face yelled to wake her up with a disgusting tongue swing.

Missy, you're holding up the line.

Charlotte was jolted out of her stupor and frowned deeply.

What a creep.

Wanting to put distance between her and the odd man, she grabbed her brother's hand and they made their way to an empty booth.

A maid with bright red hair and a cold look walked towards them after they were seated.

Welcome to The Marracion, masters, How are you doing?

Hearing the girl's words, the two forgot to speak.

Toby blushed shyly because of the girl's embarrassing verbiage and attire, but Charlotte was enamored by something different.

That voice could she be the girl from earlier?

The air in the room grew dull until Toby responded with a geeky smile.

Yes, we're doing great.

That's good.

I am Alessia, and I will be your maid for today. I don't recognize you. Are you new here?

Charlotte's eyes squinted.

Is she going to pretend she didn't see us earlier, or is my hunch wrong? No, it can't be. I wouldn't make a mistake like that. I know that was her voice. Why is she pretending not to know us?

Puzzled, Charlotte responded in a calm voice.

Yes, It's our first day here.

Oh really.

Then let me be the first to welcome you to Seraphall as well.

What can I start you off with today?

Toby stared intently at the women's bosoms and spoke.

I'd like to have the…

Then, Charlotte kicked him from across the table forcing him to straighten up his vision.

Oww, he wheeled in pain looking at his sister's cold eyes.

Sir, are you okay?

Yes, I am. I just caught a cramp.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I hope that put an end to any perverted actions he had planned for the evening. Geez, I must be failing as a sister. I hope he doesn't end up a skeezball.

After that short display of sisterly love, they both completed ordering their meals, and a man at the side drinking a midnight coffee applauded Charlotte's actions.

You did a good job stopping the kid. It could've gotten ugly.

Charlotte's eyes shifted to the man and observed him carefully.

 He's a male with dark brown hair, green eyes, and looks to be in his twenties. The amount of openings he has is….. Stop Charlotte. You're not with them anymore; you don't have to think like that.

Charlotte shook her head to knock her back into reality.

What do you mean by that, sir? 

Look that way if you're wondering.

Charlotte and Toby turned their heads, directed by the man's finger.

He was pointing at a rowdy table with a group of 15, one of them being the man from earlier with the disgusting look. Next to them were girls in maid uniforms. One had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. The other had blue hair with glasses. 

HAHAHA bring us more beer, girly. 

Yes, master. I'll be right there, the blonde maid responded.

The man reached out his hand to prevent the girl from moving.

No, not you. Stay right here and ask the ugly one with the glasses to go.

With a face of distress, the girl nodded and sat next to the man.

Sis, this is despicable. Is no one going to do anything?

Why would they? It's not their business, and they're probably scared of him.

Am I right Mr.Mysterious Man?

Bingo. You see the scar-faced guy with the wool jacket? He's the leader of the Devil Horn party. They're a top 50 - party in the city, but what scares the onlookers the most is their reputation.

What kind of reputation do they have?

They are known for being sewer rats. Nothing is too low for them as long as they get paid. Blackmail, murder, and slave-trading, they are the worst of the worst.

That's terrible.

Yeah, but that's what it's like here on the other side of the wall. The man said with a look of disdain.

The rich eat well, and the poor starve. The parties don't care about us because we can't afford their services, and the crime is so bad that the police never show up on time. 

That's the divide that separates us from the desert and the oasis.

Word of advice, kid, if you want to survive here, mind your business.

How can you say something like that? What if something happens to them, don't you care.

No, I don't care because, like the redhead said, it's not my problem, but don't worry. Those guys over there might've just run out of luck.

What do you mean?

Just watch and see.

As the situation progressed, the drunken leader's actions got more and more egregious, calling the female workers of the shop different words like harlot and slut until he saw Alessia, the maid who took Toby and Charlotte's order earlier.

Narrowly, they glimpsed him making a pass at her and caressing her butt.

Toby lost it.

I can't watch this anymore. 

With his body trembling in rage, he marched towards the table, but his hand was restrained by Charlotte.

Let me go, sis, he shouted with a betrayed look.

Be patient, little bro. If my hunch is on the dot about her, we're in for a show, she said with a devious smile.

Suddenly, a loud crash sound echoed through the restaurant, and a body flew outside.

Uhh, wench, you think you can get away with this.

Numb nuts, next time you touch me I'll chop off your slim jim and feed it to you.

Toby looked back at the mysterious man with an incredulous look. 


Mister, Isn't he supposed to be strong? How did he get beat so easily?

The mysterious coffee man drank another sip and answered.

He is. She's just that strong.

Charlotte's eyes gleamed with interest.

Who is she?

She's the vice-commander of the worst party in all of Seraphall, Alessia Lockehart.

Honestly, I'm surprised you're asking. From the way you acted earlier I thought you already knew, he spoke, glancing at Charlotte.

We met her earlier.

 She pointed us in the direction of the restaurant. I was impressed by her ability to sneak up on me.

Oh, I take it that you're pretty confident in your skills.

Not necessarily, it was just an observation.

It seems that you like gathering information.

Some people call me an informant, and others call me a broker. I just deal with the unknown. If anything, I'm a detective.

Okay, Mr.Detective, what's her deal?

I should charge you for this, but consider this my welcoming present to Seraphall.

Stay away from her for your own good.

Charlotte squinted her eyes. 

Is that all you know? If so, you're not a very good detective.

I'm sorry, but I'm not that nice, I've got to make a living somehow, Mrs.Vlad, he responded with a shrug.

Charlotte's expression froze, and she unwittingly clutched Toby.

How did you know?

I have my ways.

After finishing his cup, he slowly began to walk away with a devilish smile.

Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me….. at a price. By the way, the name is Aoi. Here's my card. I have a feeling you and I will meet again soon.

Watching his departing back, Charlotte gripped the card, crumpling it into a deformed shape.

I need to be wary of him.

This exchange went unnoticed by Toby because he was distracted by the brutal beatdown of the group of thugs.

As more onlookers turned to see Alessia with loud cheers, she left no mercy for her offenders repeatedly stomping on their manhoods.

Toby held his Jimmy Johns, feeling a fearful simultaneous pain.

That could've been me if I continued harassing them.


He clung to his sister, not letting go.

Thank you, so much Sis.