Chapter 3

After a few minutes of panic, Toby let Charlotte go, and they made their way back inside the restaurant. Needless to say their waiter got replaced with someone else, but because all the other maids were outside trying to calm Alessia down, the bartender filled in for them. This worked out well because all the other patrons were outside watching the brutal beatdown.

Uhh, what a hassle, I can't believe they're making me do this. Damn that girl, and she wonders why we don't make any money. How am I going to afford this month's booze, the bartender said in a monotone voice.

Yo, I will be your waiter today. My name is Sashenkov, but people call me Sasha. Unfortunately, because of a certain idiot, we didn't get your orders in, so this one will be on the house.

Feel free to let me know when you're ready or whatever.

Toby looked at him with disappointed eyes.

Dang it. What happened to my maid? Nobody wants this bozo. How did I go from a pretty girl with candy apple hair to a blonde deadbeat who reeks of alcohol. This isn't fair.

Wanting to send away the drunkard quickly, Toby ordered his meal speedily and Charlotte followed suit.

Sasha took a sip from a bottle of rum tied to his waste and drunkenly stammered to the kitchen doorway to punch in the order after receiving them.

Once they got their food, Charlotte and Toby ate in silence until he couldn't take it anymore.

Sis, what are we going to do next?, he said urgently looking for a topic of conversation.

We don't have anything for the rest of the day, but tomorrow, we've got to go to the explorers bureau. I need my temporary license.

Why? I thought you already worked for the…

Charlotte jumped across the table, covered Toby's mouth, and flipped her eyes through the restaurant to make sure no unsolicited ears heard her brother's last syllables.

 Then, she punched Toby on the head.

Numbskull, how many times have I told you not to repeat their name.

Many times. I'm sorry, Sis.

It's okay. Just don't do it again.

Toby nodded in understanding.

Back to what we were talking about, they are different.

What I'm getting my license for is the explorers bureau.

Toby shot a confused look at Charlotte.

You do know what the explorers bureau is right? One of the three branches?

Toby shrugged with an innocent smile.

Not a clue, Sis.

Charlotte's face hit the table in frustration.

Uhh, I've failed as a sister. I guess since I was always away, I never got the chance to teach Toby much about the outside world.

Listen carefully, Toby, the overarching body for all Brigadiers is called the Brigadier's Guild, and it is split into three branches. 

The first branch is the Explorers Bureau, they are responsible for exploring any unknown land masses, Labyrinths, and tombs found within the country.

The second branch is the Hunter's union, they hunt down criminals that the government can't reach.

The third and final branch is The Association. They are directly under the government, the senate, and the Emperor. As such they have many civil immunities, but they are generally looked down upon compared to freelance brigadiers.

Why is that, Sis.

Because they are the dogs of the government. 

Unlike the other two branches, they take quests and orders directly filtered by the government. These quests are the jobs no one wants to do. Typically they have high risk and low reward. Also, in times of war, along with the military they have to volunteer regardless of their situation unless they are honorably discharged.

Why would anybody sign up for that?

Because they don't have a choice. Most who sign up to be a part of the association are refugees, criminals, or orphans. They don't have any option if they don't want to die.

That's why there is a common saying among Brigadiers.

"Those who sign up to be a part of the association are truly unlucky. They were dogs from birth all the way to death."

Toby frowned deeply.

That's sad. Imagine if we didn't meet Mr.Mirko, we would've probably ended up war slaves or worse.

Charlotte moved to the otherside of the booth and gave Toby a hug.

Drowned out by a strange warmth emanating from Charlotte's body, Toby's frown settled, and he looked at Charlotte.

It's alright, little bro. We're here now, and that's all that matters. We still have each other.

Toby nodded in reassurance and finished eating his food.

After getting directions from the blonde maid, Morgren, they took a Vandermobile to their hotel. 

Charlotte decided not to get an apartment because she didn't know what party she would join.

The hotel was a simple square three story building in the western part of the city. Charlotte paid an extra fee for their things to be moved from the train into a storage unit or the hotel.

Toby, it's time for bed. 

Okay sis, but can't we find another way to do this.

You know we can't, but don't worry one day I'll find a way to turn you back to normal.

Okay sis.

Toby pulled out a cube and pressed a button on it. It then turned into a mask.

Charlotte pulled out a circular disk in her pocket with intricate designs, and pressed the button in the middle while backing away.

The disk lit up, and expanded and created a tank.

The receptacle filled with a strange viscous liquid.

Toby, it's ready. Okay sis.

Charlotte turned around; the boy undressed, and he hopped inside the tank with the mask on.

Goodnight sis, he said with cheerful eyes.

Goodnight, Toby she solemnly responded.

After putting the boy to bed, she got ready for the night as well, undressing down to her night gown.

In the small bed, she stared at the ceiling, with doe eyes.

If only it didn't have to be this way.

Then she went to sleep.


The next morning, Toby and Charlotte left their hotel room, and were greeted by weird stairs climbing down the staircase.

They couldn't figure out why, so they calmly ate the food the inn provided and walked to the Explorers Bureau office.

The building stood two stories tall and was weirdly squished between a bakery and a flower shop.

I guess this is it,

Walking in, Charlotte was stunned.

It's very….ordinary.

This was Charlotte's first time inside of a Guild facility, so she had high hopes. However, for her, the simplistic design of the guild layout wasn't fitting of its stature. When she walked in all she saw were some side tables, where a few people conversed, and a front desk with a single clerk. The interior wasn't particularly big or small, and everything she could see was made of hardwood. There was an upstairs area, but it didn't take away from Charlotte's simplistic feeling.

Isn't the Guild one of the biggest corporations in the country? Why is this place so underwhelming?

She wasn't the only one confused. As they made their way to the main desk, Toby tugged on his sister's skirt, and whispered in her ear.

Sis, I thought The Guild was supposed to be big and powerful. Did they go broke or something when they built this place?

I don't know?

With equally bewildered looks they reached the front desk, and the clerk immediately pegged them out.

She looked like a middle aged woman with short pink hair and a scar on her face.

Holding a cigar in her hand, she blew out a puff of smoke and spoke.

You two are new here aren't you.

How did you know?

Well, aside from the gawking looks on your faces, you two still have that newbie smell.

Newbie smell? What is she talking about?

What can I do for you?


I'd like to apply for my provisional license.

Did you bring the entrance fee of 100 alsens (50 dollars).

Yes I did.

Okay, sign here and follow me.

Umm, excuse me, can my little brother come as well? I don't want him wandering off alone.

Sure, honey, knock yourself out.

Together they walked behind the curtain and took an elevator to the basement.

On the way down Charlotte spoke.

Mrs.Clerk, am I allowed to inquire about the test.

You are, but I don't have to answer, she responded chilly puffing smoke in the enclosed space.

Both the siblings wheezed in coughing fits.

What is it with adults and cigars? She's just as bad as the colonel.

Time passed slowly in the elevator, and eventually they reached near the bottom.

The clerk spoke in an eerie tone.

Because of the location, 

we don't have many funds to do the 5 to 15 tests the other branches do, and 

to be honest, we don't care about your background because for explorers, stuff like that isn't important. 

Here we specialize in one test per applicant, and if they pass it they will be given an explorers badge, no questions asked.

The clerk blew out another cloud of smoke.

Your task for today is simple…

Charlotte's ears peeled, her attention held on the woman's breath.

What could it be? A battle to the death? An aura purity test? What is it?

Interrupting her thoughts, an ominous ding resounded through the room, and she was pushed out of the elevator.

Finally, the woman finished her sentence.
