Chapter 45: The Pillars of Winter County are Sweet

"Lord Black."

After exchanging pleasantries with Ash for a while, Earl Hall suddenly smiled and said, "In fact, I'm very curious about how you and Audrey met?"

"At a salon hosted by Viscount Glaint," Ash replied calmly, not surprised by Earl Hall's question.

Ash understood clearly.

He and Earl Hall had no direct connection, with Audrey Hall being the only link between them. The Earl inviting him over was undoubtedly to confirm his relationship with his daughter. The previous small talk was just a prelude to this one question, making his inquiry seem less abrupt and impolite. After all, as an Earl, maintaining decorum was a common trait among nobles; he couldn't just aggressively interrogate someone.

"Glaint, huh?" Earl Hall frowned slightly and asked, "So, Audrey's potion formula..."

"I provided it," Ashes replied frankly. "I obtained the formula through private channels, and Miss Audrey paid me a total of six hundred pounds for it." He didn't hide anything. Given that Earl Hall had sent people to monitor the Backlund Detective Agency, it was clear he knew about Ashe's public identity. Being straightforward was the best approach.

"I see," Earl Hall sighed, appearing both relieved and resigned. He had suspected this for a while. He was well aware of his daughter's fascination with the occult. Many young nobles in Audrey's circle also shared this interest, and Viscount Glaint was the most enthusiastic among them.

When his daughter became an Beyonder half a month ago, Earl Hall had noticed. Although he wasn't a Beyonder himself and couldn't detect changes in Audrey, his household included powerful Beyonder individuals who couldn't miss her transformation. Audrey's becoming an Extraordinary had been a source of great concern for Earl Hall. While it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, the origin of her potion formula worried him. He feared someone might be using Audrey for ulterior motives.

Now, with Ash's confirmation, Earl Hall felt a sense of relief. Even though Ash was initially a stranger, his identity as a NightHawk ruled out any malevolent intent. Especially since Ash emphasized the private channel and the six hundred pounds, indicating that the formula was not connected to the Church of the EverNight Goddess. Audrey had paid for the formula, meaning she wasn't heavily entangled with official Beyonder affairs.

Becoming an official Beyonder could bring some benefits, but it also entailed responsibilities that might restrict Audrey. Moreover, the mortality rate for official Beyonders was alarmingly high, a fact Earl Hall was painfully aware of. Thankfully, things hadn't developed in the worst possible way, and Ash's answers matched Earl Hall's expectations.

"Let's not dwell on this," Earl Hall pondered for a moment, then smiled. "Viscount Black, I have never actually been to Winter County. You must be quite familiar with its environment, having lived there for so long. Is Winter County's winter as cold as they say in the capital?"

"You are the one who suddenly wanted to talk about this," Ashes thought to himself but maintained his calm exterior. He shrugged and said, "It's cold, but not unbearably so."

"Oh?" Earl Hall's curiosity seemed piqued.

"Earl Hall," Ashes met Earl Hall's curious gaze without changing his expression, "if you ever decide to visit Winter County, the locals will enthusiastically tell you that the iron pillars in Winter County are sweet in winter."

"Really?" Earl Hall looked surprised.

"No," Ashes shook his head, "the pillars in Winter County are salty in winter."

"Is that so?" Earl Hall said, intrigued. "I must try it if I ever visit."

"No, I'm kidding," Ash's expression turned a bit exasperated. "If you actually try it, you'll find your tongue stuck to the pillar because it would be frozen together. If you try to pull your tongue off, you'll tear it off and taste the saltiness of your own blood."

Earl Hall's face twitched slightly. Just hearing it made him feel the pain. He couldn't help but ask, "What should someone do if their tongue gets stuck to a pillar?"

"If possible, pour warm water over it bit by bit," Ashes said with a strange expression. "If you don't have warm water, you need to act quickly, or the cold might cause severe damage."

"In that case, use a liquid with more body heat," Ash added.

"Saliva?" Earl Hall guessed.

"It's too little and too slow. You need a larger quantity. And I don't mean blood; don't try blood."

"Then what..." Earl Hall asked, then quickly realized what Ash meant, his face stiffening. "Urine?"

"Yes," Ash nodded silently.

"Alright," Earl Hall smiled wryly. "I think I'll avoid trying such a dangerous thing in my lifetime."

Then, curious again, he asked, "I've understood the cold of Winter County a bit, but what do you mean it's not that cold? Are the people there particularly resistant to the cold?"

"Earl Hall, it's a simple question," Ash sighed and pointed to the fireplace in the reception room.

"Oh," Earl Hall chuckled and shook his head. "It seems I asked a foolish question."

Unknowingly, the playful conversation had brought them closer. Meanwhile, Earl Hall confirmed something in his mind. Despite the hidden details in Ash's background, he genuinely seemed to be from Winter County. Otherwise, it would be difficult for an outsider to know these local tales so well.

Of course, Earl Hall didn't know that Ash himself wasn't sure if Winter County had such tragic stories. He had made them up based on the few fragments of memory he had. Nor did he know that Ash's so-called private channel referred to Archbishop Anthony of the Church of the Night.

PS: The progress in these chapters is a bit slow. To be honest, they feel a bit like filler. It's not because of the free period, but because I wrote these chapters just after launching the book (during National Day).

Firstly, there were too many things going on during National Day. In the seven days of the holiday, I had to visit six families—four weddings, a full moon celebration, and a big birthday—so I was really busy. Secondly, it was my first time writing on Qidian, and I didn't know the rules. I didn't know you had to submit the book internally, so I just posted it. Then, because I saw that after forty to fifty thousand words, it still wasn't signed, I thought it was rejected (when in fact, the editors were on holiday during National Day).

So, the chapters I wrote during those days are a bit filler-ish. I hope readers can understand. But rest assured, things will pick up from here (since the book was signed after National Day, writing became smoother with peace of mind).

(End of this chapter)

50 Power Stones = Extra Chapter