Chapter 46: No Need to Hide, We Understand

As time passed, Earl Hall's gaze toward Ash grew increasingly kind, like a benevolent elder looking at a young person who was exceptional enough to earn his approval.

In terms of status, although a viscount's rank was somewhat low, it still counted as nobility. Moreover, Ash was an actual viscount, not just an heir. Regarding ability, he was already a NightHawk of the Church of the EverNight Goddess at a young age. His concealed identity and background indicated close ties with the Church's middle or even upper echelons. Coming to Backlund from Winter County clearly had some unknown purpose. Earl Hall didn't need to know this purpose; he just needed to know Ash's incredible identity.

Thus, Ash's knowledge, demeanor, and abilities frequently made Earl Hall nod in approval. Despite some residual annoyance over Ash's earlier actions, his overall attitude had improved.

At that moment, a knock on the door sounded.

"Knock, knock~"

"Come in."

Ash instinctively looked toward the door. A beautiful, dignified woman with golden hair and blue eyes entered, wearing a gracious smile. She teased, "Gentlemen, I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. But it's lunchtime now; perhaps you could continue after eating."

"Sorry, Caitlyn," Earl Hall smiled wryly, then introduced her to Ash. "This is my wife, Caitlyn. This is Viscount Ash Black. Ash, I apologize for keeping you so long. How about you stay and join us for lunch as compensation?"

"It would be my pleasure," Ashes rose and bowed slightly to the countess, then smiled and accepted the invitation. After a pause, he added, "But first, I think I need to visit the washroom."

"Oh, my memory," Earl Hall said, slapping his forehead in frustration. The countess quickly instructed, "Laura, please show Viscount Black to the washroom."

Laura, the countess's maid with brown hair and eyes, respectfully curtsied and led Ashes to the washroom. Meanwhile, Earl and Countess Hall headed toward the dining room.

"So, what do you think?" the countess asked unexpectedly.

"He's an outstanding young man," the Earl nodded approvingly. "A viscount's title isn't low, and he has close ties with the Church of the EverNight Goddess."

The countess could see her husband's high regard for the young man, even without explicit words.

"He seems decent enough," the countess murmured, frowning slightly. "But this doesn't match Anne's description. Could it be a disguise?"

Anne was Audrey's maid. From her descriptions, though cautious and measured, the countess had inferred one thing: Ash seemed like a freeloader. But her husband's words seemed to contradict this assumption.

"No," the Earl said, pointing to his eyes. "If everything he showed was a disguise, he couldn't fool my eyes. Trust my judgment, dear."

"I do trust you," the countess sighed, still sounding worried. "But Anne wouldn't lie, especially about this, and we've had Beyonders verification, haven't we?"

"That..." The Earl frowned deeply, pondering the issue. After a moment, he said, "It might be a misunderstanding or some other secret. But don't worry, I believe we'll soon uncover the truth."

"You're right," the countess nodded gently, her gaze shifting forward.

At the long table in the dining room, Audrey stood up when she saw them.

"Father, Mother," Audrey greeted with a sweet smile, pulling out a chair for her mother.

"No, dear," the countess said with a playful smile. "Not today."

"Huh?" Audrey looked puzzled. Her mother's teasing eyes didn't suggest anything bad. Could it be someone important would sit next to her? Was her brother back? Audrey's mind raced, guessing who it might be. She even speculated it could be a prince—perhaps a matchmaking scheme by her mother, even though she wasn't of age yet.

But soon, Audrey's mind went blank as she saw a familiar figure at the entrance.

"Earl Hall, Lady Caitlyn," Ash greeted them, finally looking at Audrey. "And Miss Audrey."

"Good day, Viscount Black," Audrey's expression stiffened for a moment, then she quickly responded softly.

She didn't know why Ash was here—was it a voluntary visit or an invitation? Unsure of the reason, she instinctively tried to maintain the facade of 'not being familiar' with him in front of her parents. However, in her flustered state, she didn't notice the Earl and countess exchanging knowing looks when she addressed him.

"Have a seat, Ash," the Earl said, smiling from his position at the head of the table.

Without any pretense, Ash pulled out a chair to sit down.

"No, not there," the Earl shook his head and pointed to another spot. "Sit here, closer."

Ash, a bit surprised, glanced at the Earl but didn't refuse. Following the Earl's direction, he sat down. Coincidentally, this seat was right next to Audrey. The countess, who should have sat on Audrey's other side, chose to sit across from her instead.

Even though Audrey was a skilled actor familiar with The Acting method, her gaze became vacant. The Earl's eyes held a hint of mischief, while the countess couldn't suppress a giggle. At this moment, they seemed less like nobility or Audrey's parents and more like two people enjoying a good show.

"What's going on?" Audrey instinctively looked at Ash.

Without speaking, Ash could see the questioning look in her eyes.

"Thank you for the invitation, Earl Hall," Ash said, raising his glass to the Earl.

"Don't mention it," the Earl replied cheerfully. "After all, you and Audrey are friends, aren't you?"

Ash shrugged, while Audrey's face turned crimson with embarrassment, feeling teased by her parents.

(End of this chapter)

50 Power stones = Extra Chapter