Chapter 30:- Daichi's death part 1

Kenshin noticed the change in her expression and unconsciously reached out his hand to her.

"Look, it's okay. You don't need to force yourself to tell me if it brings up bad memories. You've told me a lot." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks." Maki replied softly. "But I'm okay. I started this story, I should finish it."

Maki suddenly noticed that Kenshin was holding her hand and instinctively pulled her hand back. Kenshin was momentarily confused but decided not to think about it.

"So, where was I? Oh right," Maki began after a short pause. "Daichi and I started dating. That was about two years ago, right after Lady Tsunade became the fifth hokage.

Yuki-sensei and the rest of us went on missions together and we were planning on participating in the chunin exams that were to be held in the hidden cloud the following year.

Although sensei was pretty skilled herself, she suggested me to train under Guy-sensei to improve my taijutsu. I learned to use the eight inner gates from him.

Seven months after Daichi and I started dating, our team 7 received a C-rank mission. It was to guard some businessman on his journey from bandits and stuff.

But only a day after we left, the businessman was attacked. But it wasn't bandits or anything like that. It was... the Akatsuki."

Kenshin's eyes widened in surprise at her mention of the Akatsuki. "Akatsuki?! But what did they want with your client?"

"Apparently they were hired by one of his rival businessmen to assassinate him."

"Which... members? Which members of the Akatsuki did you encounter?"

Maki took a deep breath to calm herself before speaking. "It was.... Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki."

'Itachi and Kisame, huh. Honestly, I'm glad it wasn't one of the others. If it were the others none of them would've survived.' Kenshin thought.

"So this is how it went down." Maki began after taking a deep breath.

[Flashback POV]

"Itachi Uchiha! And you.... who are you?!" Yuki asked calmly. Although she was shocked to encounter someone like Itachi during a C-rank mission, she knew that she had to keep her calm for the sake of her team.

"One of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist, Kisame Hoshigaki." Kisame said, pointing Samehada towards the businessman. "It's nothing personal but your business has been growing too much. And some people need you out of the picture."

"Yuki." Itachi spoke, his voice calm and cold. "Stand back. If you value the lives of your team, then don't interfere."

"You ask us not to interfere?!" Akane growled with barely contained rage. "You killed my father you bastard! You honestly think I, no, we will simply stand back?!" Akane activated her sharingan and prepared to attack.

"Akane?" Itachi was surprised when he noticed Akane and her sharingan. "You've grown up. Do you honestly think you can take me on?"

"Guys, I'm going after Itachi. Don't get in my way. You guys handle the swordsman." Akane said before immediately attacking Itachi.

'I need to get her away from the others and take her out quickly without hurting her too much.' Itachi thought as he effortlessly avoided Akane's attacks and moved away from the place, and Akane followed him.

"Fire style: Phoenix flames jutsu!" Akane shot multiple fireballs at Itachi, hoping to at least get him off balance so that she could get close to him and engage in a taijutsu fight as she was more confident in that working on Itachi.

But Itachi dodged the flames and attempted to cast genjutsu on Akane. Akane quickly released the genjutsu. "Kakashi-sensei told me that you prefer to use genjutsu. And I want to tell you, genjutsu of that level doesn't work on me." Akane said confidently.

But Itachi was nowhere to be seen. And immediately after, she felt a strong impact on her neck and fell unconscious.

'Thank goodness. I casted another genjutsu the moment she released the first one to make her see that I wasn't there. Now I need to get to Kisame and take care of Yuki and the others.' Itachi thought as he took Akane on his shoulder and began walking towards where Kisame and the others were.

On the other hand, Maki, Daichi and Yuki were preparing to fight Kisame.

Kisame grinned, his shark-like teeth flashing in the dim light. "Well, well, what do we have here? A bunch of kids and their sensei think they can take me on? This should be interesting."

"Don't underestimate us!" Yuki shouted, forming a series of hand seals. "Daichi, Maki, be careful and stay close!" Yuki took out a storage scroll from her pocket and summoned a sword from it.

"Since I'm facing one of the legendary seven ninja swordsmen of the mist, it's only fitting that I use my sword. Daichi, be prepared."

Daichi nodded, his mind already reaching out to sense Kisame's chakra flow. "Yuki-sensei, he's incredibly strong. Be cautious."

Kisame charged forward, his massive sword Samehada ready to strike. Yuki met him head-on, engaging in a fierce exchange of blows. Despite her best efforts, she was clearly outmatched by Kisame's brute strength and skill.

"Daichi, now!" Yuki yelled as she leaped back, narrowly avoiding a slash from Samehada.

Daichi formed a hand seal, focusing his chakra. "Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

His consciousness shot forward, aiming to take control of Kisame's mind. For a moment, it seemed to work, as Kisame's movements slowed. But with a violent surge, Kisame shook off the jutsu, grinning wickedly.

"Nice try, kid," Kisame said, swinging his sword. The blade connected with Daichi, sending him crashing into a tree with a sickening thud. Blood trickled from the corner of Daichi's mouth as he struggled to stay conscious.

"Daichi!" Maki screamed, her eyes wide with horror. Seeing her lover in such a state ignited a fierce, uncontrollable rage within her. "You bastard!"

She charged at Kisame, her fists flying with incredible speed and power. Kisame blocked her strikes with Samehada, but even he was momentarily taken aback by the intensity of her attacks.

"Gate of Opening, open!" Maki shouted, her body surging with chakra as she opened the first of the Eight Inner Gates. Her speed and strength increased exponentially, and she launched a relentless assault on Kisame.

Kisame grunted, struggling to keep up with her enhanced speed. "Not bad, girl. But you'll need more than that to take me down."


Everyone, thanks for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.