Chapter 44:- Leaving the hidden rain

The next morning, in their small house outside the hidden rain village, Kenshin and Kana were preparing to leave for their journey to the hidden leaf.

It was a new chapter in their lives, one that would hopefully be better than what they had here.

Kenshin was already ready to leave but seeing Kana not come out from her room yet, he went to check on her.

"Mom, you done yet? It's almost ti..... Why are you still naked?! And why is the door open?!" Kana was standing in her room, deciding on whether to wear a kimono or her kunoichi uniform.

Kana chuckled softly at her son's impatience, a hint of playfulness in her eyes. "I know, I know," she replied, finally reaching for the kimono. "But it's not every day we make a journey like this, Ken-chan. I want to look my best when we arrive at our new home."

She carefully slipped into the kimono, the fabric flowing gracefully around her as Kenshin helped tie the obi, making sure everything was perfectly in place.

"And also, try to at least close the door when you're naked. I mean.. I can understand you not bothering with that here since it's just us, but over there, we'll occasionally have visitors. So be careful, and don't act childish all the time."

Kana laughed, a light, carefree sound that contrasted with the weight of their upcoming journey. "You're right, Ken-chan. I'll be more mindful when we're in the Leaf," she said, her tone teasing yet affectionate.

She adjusted the kimono slightly, her expression softening as she looked at Kenshin. "But you know, it's because of you that I can still act like this. You take such good care of me, I'm grateful for that."

She leaned forward to kiss his forehead before adding with a playful wink, "I'll try not to embarrass you too much."

"Sit down, I'll do your hair." Kenshin gestured Kana to sit down on her bed, and took out a comb from his pocket.

Kana smiled warmly and sat down on the edge of the bed, her back straight as she prepared for Kenshin to work on her hair. "You really are too good to me," she murmured, watching him as he carefully ran the comb through her long, red hair.

The rhythmic strokes were soothing, and Kana closed her eyes, savoring the moment. "It reminds me of when you were little," she added softly, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "You used to love doing this."

Kenshin continued to comb through Kana's hair, his movements gentle and deliberate. "Yeah. And I still love doing it now. But it was longer back then and smoother too. Your illness kinda took a toll on it. But don't worry, it'll recover soon enough."

"Yes, it was. I remember you loved to play with my hair when you were a baby. That reminds me, was that grown up you playing with it, Ken-chan?"

"Yeah. It was the first time I'd seen such beautiful red hair. And remember how it'd fall on my face whenever you fed me? And I'd have to pull on your hair to make you notice that?"

"Because I had a habit of staring at the rain outside when I breastfed you. But it feels strange to reminisce about that stuff with you. It's usually the mother telling the child about it."

"I guess we're a special family. But I'm glad we are like that, that we're different from most families."

He paused, considering how to style it. "Should I make it into a bun? It would make it easier to put on the hood of your cloak without ruining your hair." But Kana looked uncertain about it since her hair was really long.

He noticed Kana's uncertainty and added, "How about I braid them and make twin buns? They could look really nice. They'd keep your hair out of the way and still be stylish. What do you think?"

Kana smiled, her eyes softening. "Braided twin buns... that does sound nice. Let's try it." She nodded, trusting Kenshin's suggestion, and turned slightly to give him better access to her long, flowing hair.

Once he was done, even he was surprised at how good it looked. "You look beautiful, mom."

Kana's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with gratitude as she admired the braided twin buns. "Thank you, Ken-chan. I have to admit, it does look quite lovely."

She ran her fingers through the intricate braids, appreciating how they kept her hair elegantly styled yet practical for their journey.

As they finished up, the faint sound of footsteps approaching the house reached them. "That must be Konan," Kenshin said, glancing toward the door. "We should get ready to leave soon."

He helped Kana to her feet and grabbed their few belongings packed into the small bag of scrolls. They were now ready for the next chapter of their journey to the Hidden Leaf Village.

It was a rare, sunny day made the snow-covered landscape sparkle. Konan's gaze softened as she took in the sight of Kenshin and Kana emerging from the house. She took a moment to appreciate Kana's neatly styled hair, then turned her attention to Kenshin.

"Are you ready?" she asked, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of sadness that she tried to conceal. Her eyes briefly met Kenshin's, a fleeting moment of unresolved emotion passing between them.

Though Kenshin couldn't recall their shared night or the promise she had erased from his memory, Konan couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

Kenshin nodded, noticing her solemn expression but misinterpreting it as concern for their journey. "Yeah, we're ready," He offered a reassuring smile, unaware of the full weight of Konan's emotional turmoil.

"Are you coming with us, Konan?" Kana asked, remembering that the rain was supposed to send someone to the leaf to discuss the terms of their alliance.

Konan nodded, her gaze shifting to Kana with a faint, but genuine smile. "Yes, I am. It's part of my duty to ensure the transition goes smoothly and to address any final details with the Leaf Village."

Even though it was the leaf that suggested it, Konan wanted to go to the leaf to discuss it directly with the hokage and also to make sure everything went smoothly with the transfer.

But in reality she just wanted to spend some more time with Kana and Kenshin.

Kana's expression softened. "I'm glad to have your company. It'll make the journey feel a bit less daunting."

Konan's smile widened slightly, though the sadness in her eyes remained. "Thank you, Kana. I'm here to support you both. Let's go, it's getting late."

With a final glance around the house, Konan led the way, as the three of them set out on their journey to the hidden leaf village.

The journey was uneventful, and Konan was able to hide her inner sadness much better, although she still didn't talk to Kenshin too much, fearing that she might say something that'll trigger his memory.

As they traveled, the landscape transitioned from the snowy remnants of the Hidden Rain Village to the more temperate terrain leading to the Hidden Leaf Village. The journey was peaceful, with the crisp winter air keeping the atmosphere clear and serene.

Despite the quietness, the journey was smooth, and a week later, they reached the gates of the hidden leaf village.

A/N: And with that folks, the transfer arc is complete. I know that it felt unnecessarily drawn out for some of you but I feel like it was necessary. Plus you know how the situation is with my fiancee, she needs time too.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.