Chapter 46:- New beginning

They reached the door of Tsunade's office, where Shizune knocked softly before pushing it open.

Tsunade was seated at her desk, her hands resting on a stack of documents, though her sharp eyes were focused entirely on the newcomers.

As her gaze fell upon Konan, a flicker of recognition crossed her features, but she quickly masked it under a composed expression.

"Welcome, Kana Uzumaki, Kenshin, and Konan of the Hidden Rain," Tsunade greeted, her tone firm yet welcoming. "Please, come in."

The trio entered the office, standing before Tsunade's desk as Shizune moved to her side, quietly preparing the documents for the transfer. While Shizune worked, Tsunade's mind was momentarily distracted by the feeling of familiarity Konan evoked.

She couldn't shake the memory of three war-torn children she had encountered long ago, one of whom had the same amber eyes and blue hair as the woman before her now.

Tsunade's gaze lingered on Kenshin, assessing him with a mix of curiosity and expectation. "I see you've made the journey safely. Before we proceed with the formalities, is there anything you'd like to address?"

Kenshin shook his head slightly. "No, Hokage-sama. From what I heard, I believe you carried out the small request I had made. So we're ready to proceed."

Tsunade nodded and shifted her attention to Konan. "And you, Konan-sama? Any concerns from the Hidden Rain's side?"

Konan met Tsunade's gaze steadily. "None. We are in agreement."

With a final nod, Tsunade reached for the pen Shizune handed her, signing the transfer documents with swift strokes.

As she did, she couldn't help but wonder if Konan was indeed the same girl she had met during the Second Great Ninja War, though she kept her thoughts to herself for the moment.

She then passed the documents to Konan, who signed in turn, her hand steady as she completed the formalities.

"Thank you," Tsunade said, as Shizune collected the signed papers. "Shizune will now escort you to the Uchiha compound. Welcome to the Leaf Village. We're glad to have you."

"Is it okay if I accompany them? And discuss the details of our alliance afterwards?" Konan asked, glancing towards Kenshin. "I wish to see for myself the living arrangements you have prepared for my subordinates."

"Of course." Tsunade nodded in understanding.

With the formalities complete, Shizune gestured for them to follow her once more, leading them out of the office and back into the bright midday light. As they made their way towards the Uchiha compound, Kenshin felt a mixture of relief and anticipation.

Just as they turned the corner, they spotted a familiar figure standing in the distance, her back turned to them as she gazed at the old Uchiha district. Akane Uchiha, lost in thought, hadn't noticed their approach yet.

Kenshin's heart skipped a beat as he recognized her. Kana exchanged a knowing glance with him, while Konan remained quietly observant, her eyes flicking between Kenshin and Akane, aware of the emotional undercurrent.

As they drew closer, Akane finally sensed their presence and turned around, her eyes widening in surprise and then softening with emotion as they met Kenshin's.

She paused for a moment, her eyes welling up with relief before rushing towards him.

Kenshin barely had time to register Akane's presence before she hurled herself at him. The force of her embrace sent them both tumbling to the ground, his breath catching as she clung to him tightly.

"Damn brat! You said you'd take two weeks at most, yet it's been nearly a month! I almost thought you wouldn't come back!" Her voice was thick with emotion—an unmistakable mix of frustration, relief, and something deeper that made his heart ache.

She cupped his face, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, and it seemed like she was about to kiss him, her lips trembling with the words she hadn't yet spoken.

But then, as if suddenly realizing they weren't alone, Akane's gaze flicked to the others. Her cheeks flushed a deep red, and she quickly pulled back, though her hands lingered on his face for just a heartbeat longer. The intensity of the moment made her vulnerability all the more palpable.

Kana watched the scene unfold, her heart swelling with both relief and affection. She smiled gently, stepping forward to place a comforting hand on Akane's shoulder. "We've missed you too, Akane-chan," she said, her voice soft but full of understanding.

Konan, standing silently a few paces behind, observed the exchange with a composed, unreadable expression.

She had been prepared for the reunion, but witnessing the raw, emotional bond between them brought a flicker of something in her eyes—perhaps a pang of envy, or maybe just quiet regret.

Akane, having composed herself, helped Kenshin back to his feet, her grip on his hand still firm as if she feared letting go might mean losing him again.

"Don't ever make me wait like that again," she muttered, her voice betraying the sternness she was trying to convey.

Kenshin smiled, the warmth in his expression chasing away any lingering tension. "I won't, I promise," he replied, his hand brushing a stray lock of hair from her face with a tenderness that spoke volumes.

Shizune cleared her throat softly, breaking the moment. "We should continue. Tsunade-sama will be waiting for us to finalize the terms of the alliance." She subtly urged them to move forward, sensing the need to give the group some privacy later.

As Akane guided them towards the repaired house, her steps were hesitant yet filled with a quiet determination. The Uchiha compound, once deserted and in disrepair, now stood as a testament to Tsunade's promise—a symbol of new beginnings for Kenshin and his family.

Konan fell into step beside Kana, her usual composure softened by the personal moments she had witnessed. 'I hope he'll have a good life here,' she thought, a single tear tugging at the corner of her eye which she quickly wiped away.

The group reached the front of the house, its new appearance standing in stark contrast to the state of the rest of the compound.

Akane opened the door, revealing a clean and welcoming interior. She stepped inside first, taking a deep breath as if absorbing the significance of their new home. "It's not much yet, but it's ours," she said quietly, her voice betraying a touch of emotion as she looked around.

Kenshin followed, taking in the familiar yet new surroundings with a thoughtful expression. He turned to Akane, his smile reassuring. "It's perfect, nee-san."

As they settled into the house, Shizune and Konan prepared to leave, heading back to the Hokage's office. Shizune glanced back at Kana and Kenshin with a warm smile. "I'll be in touch soon to discuss the details of the transfer and any other needs you might have."

Once they had departed, Kana turned to Kenshin and Akane. "I'll leave you two to unload everything. I'll be in the kitchen, preparing some tea. If you need anything, just let me know."

Kenshin and Akane exchanged a look of mutual understanding before starting to unload their belongings from the storage scrolls.

Meanwhile, at the Hokage's office, Tsunade and Konan began discussing the terms of their alliance, focusing on the future of their cooperation.

Tsunade and Konan wrapped up their discussion, having ironed out the finer points of the alliance between the Leaf and Rain villages.

However, as the last of the documents were signed and Shizune began organizing them, Tsunade finally allowed her curiosity to surface. She leaned back in her chair, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied Konan.

"I have one more question for you, Konan-sama," Tsunade began, her tone more personal now. "This might seem out of the blue, but... have we met before? You remind me of someone I encountered during the Second Great Ninja War."

Konan's composed expression faltered slightly, her eyes reflecting a brief flash of surprise. She met Tsunade's gaze evenly, understanding that the time had come to address the connection between them.

"Yes," Konan admitted quietly, her voice carrying a hint of the past's weight. "We met when me and my two friends were just children. You, Jiraiya-sama, and Orochimaru-sama fought Hanzo and later gave us food. Jiraiya-sama stayed behind to train us."

Tsunade nodded slowly, her suspicions confirmed. "I thought so. You've grown into a strong and capable kunoichi. I'm glad to see you've survived and become a leader. If Jiraiya was here right now he'd be very proud."

Konan gave a small, appreciative nod. "Thank you."

There was a brief, respectful silence between them as they acknowledged their shared history, however distant and complicated it might be.

Tsunade finally broke the silence with a faint smile. "I hope this alliance will help build a better future for both our villages. We've seen enough of war, I don't wish for our future generations to see the same."

Konan nodded, her expression thoughtful. "That is our hope as well. Peace has always been our goal, even if the path to it has been... difficult."

[Image of Tsunade]


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.