Chapter 50:- Comfort

After dinner, the kitchen was filled with the comforting clinks of dishes being washed and the warmth of family settling into their new home.

Kenshin, Akane, and Kana worked together to clean up, the easy camaraderie between them making the task feel less like a chore and more like a shared activity.

Kana's lighthearted chatter about the day's events added a cheerful touch to the evening, making it clear that despite their trials, they were finding a rhythm in their new life.

Later that night, as the house grew quiet, Kenshin found himself in the living room, savoring the peaceful atmosphere. Kana, in her usual playful and somewhat childish manner, had been darting around, tidying up and chatting animatedly.

'How long has it been since I've last seen that woman darting around the house like that?' Kenshin thought, looking up at the ceiling with a content smile.

"Mom, why don't you take a bath before bed?" Kenshin suggested, hoping to help her wind down after the busy day.

Kana's eyes widened with surprise. "A bath? But it's freezing outside!" she protested, her tone filled with dramatic reluctance. "I'm not going to catch a cold just to take a bath!"

Kenshin smiled, a touch of patience in his voice. "It's important to stay warm and clean, especially in winter. I'll make sure the water's nice and hot."

Kana crossed her arms, looking stubborn. "I'm not so sure about this. Can't I just wash up tomorrow?"

Akane, who had been listening, stepped in with a gentle nudge. "Mom, you know it's good for you. Besides, it's not like we'll be in the water forever."

Kenshin added, "It's also about getting comfortable in the new home. We all need to feel at ease."

"B.. but the bathroom is too small! You said so yourself, Ken-chan." Kana said, trying to convince him to not insist anymore.

"That was a joke lady. It's big enough for the three of us." Kenshin said with a slight sigh.

With a resigned sigh and a slight pout, Kana finally agreed. "Alright, alright. But only because you've both been so insistent."

Kenshin led her to the bath, ensuring the water was warm and inviting. After a bit of coaxing, Kana reluctantly allowed Kenshin to help her out of her kimono.

The three of them stepped into the steaming bath together, Kana's initial reluctance melting away in the warmth and the comforting presence of her family.

As Kana eased herself into the bath, the warm water enveloped her, and a content sigh escaped her lips.

"Ah, they've actually gotten bigger recently," Kana mused aloud, cupping them in her hands with a hint of surprise and amusement. "I think it's because when Ken-chan brought me back to life he also rejuvenated my body."

Akane glanced at her mother, feeling a pang of insecurity. Compared to Kana, she felt small and flat.

Her thoughts drifted to a photo she had seen of Tsunade as a young woman, with a bust not too dissimilar to hers. 'Hokage-sama was so similar to me when she was my age, and yet her breasts are massive now.' Akane mused inwardly.

'Maybe she knows something... or a jutsu that could help.' As Kana continued to chatter, her bubbly personality making the atmosphere feel lighter, Akane resolved to seek advice from Tsunade.

The thought of asking her Hokage for a solution to something like this made her both anxious and somewhat embarrassed.

Kenshin, noticing Akane's quiet contemplation, gave her a reassuring smile. "You alright?" he asked gently.Akane nodded, her eyes meeting his with a mix of gratitude and hesitation.

"Yeah, just thinking."

Kana, oblivious to the thoughts running through her daughter's mind, splashed playfully, her cheerfulness a stark contrast to Akane's introspection.

The bath became a moment of shared relaxation and closeness, the warmth of the water and the familial bonds creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Later that night, after the bath, Kana was already feeling more relaxed and content. She had let go of her earlier reluctance, finding comfort in the shared experience.

As they emerged from the bath, Kenshin took charge of helping Kana into a fresh kimono, her playful demeanor returning as she laughed and joked about the day's events.

After the bath, Kana, now feeling more relaxed, wandered back to her room, her playful demeanor still evident. However, as the night deepened, she found herself unable to sleep in the unfamiliar new house.

The sense of change unsettled her, and she found herself drawn back to Kenshin's room, seeking comfort in his presence.

Kenshin, already settled into bed, heard a soft knock on his door. "Come in," he called out, expecting a child needing reassurance.

Kana peeked in, her eyes wide and vulnerable. "Ken-chan, I... I can't sleep. It's too new here."

Kenshin sat up, patting the space beside him. "Come on in, Mom. You can stay here tonight."

Kana smiled gratefully and climbed into the bed, snuggling close. Her childish need for comfort came through, and Kenshin, ever the protective figure, offered her a reassuring embrace.

The room was quiet, the only sounds being the soft rustling of the bedding and the rhythmic breathing of its occupants. The comfort of Kenshin's presence helped Kana begin to drift off.

Just as Kana began to drift off, there was another soft knock at Kenshin's door. He looked up, slightly surprised, and called out, "Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing Akane standing there, hesitating at the threshold. Her usual confident demeanor seemed to falter as she saw Kana already nestled beside Kenshin.

"Nee-san?" Kenshin asked softly, his voice filled with warmth. "What's wrong?"

Akane shifted slightly, feeling a bit awkward. "I... I couldn't sleep," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought... maybe I could join you?"

Kana, who was now fully awake, looked at her daughter with understanding eyes. "It's a new place for all of us, dear. There's no shame in wanting to be close to family," she said gently.

Kenshin nodded in agreement, but then looked around his small bed, realizing it would be a tight fit for all three of them.

"It's a bit cramped in here," he mused aloud, "but the living room is spacious enough. How about we bring some futons and sleep together there?"

Kana and Akane exchanged a glance, both feeling a sense of comfort in the idea. "That sounds nice," Kana agreed, smiling softly.

They quietly gathered their bedding, with Kenshin carrying the futons while Kana and Akane followed him into the living room. The large space, which had earlier been filled with laughter and the sounds of dinner, now felt peaceful and welcoming.

Kenshin laid out the futons, making sure they were close together, creating a cozy area for them to rest. Kana settled in first, quickly finding her spot in the middle, and beckoned for Kenshin to lie beside her.

Akane, feeling a bit more at ease now, took the other side, ensuring she was close enough to feel the warmth of Kenshin.

As they all snuggled under the blankets, Kenshin found himself in the middle, with Kana resting her head on his shoulder and Akane cuddling up on the other side, her hand lightly resting on his chest.

The room fell silent, the darkness enveloping them in a comforting embrace. It was in this quiet, intimate moment that the reality of their new life together began to sink in. Despite the uncertainty and challenges that lay ahead, they had each other—and that was enough.

Kana let out a soft sigh, her voice barely audible as she whispered, "I'm so glad you're here, Ken-chan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Akane nodded in agreement, her voice equally soft. "Me too. I'm glad we're all together."

Kenshin smiled, his heart swelling with affection for the two most important people in his life. "I'm glad too," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "We're a family now, and we'll always have each other."

With those words, a sense of peace settled over them. One by one, they drifted off to sleep, their breaths slow and steady, their hearts connected by the unspoken bond of love and trust.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.