Chapter 58:- Embrace

As they soaked in the warm water, Kenshin noticed Akane glancing his way repeatedly, her eyes soft with affection. It was subtle at first, but he could feel her restlessness growing with each stolen glance.

Kana, despite her eyes being closed, didn't miss the tension building between them. Her brows furrowed slightly, and with a reluctant sigh, she cracked one eye open and caught Akane in the act.

"Akane-chan, if you keep sneaking those looks, you're gonna burn a hole in him." Kana's voice was playful but laced with a hint of exasperation.

She shifted slightly in the water, opening her eyes fully to look at them both. "You might as well go ahead and kiss already. I mean, I've got to get used to it sooner or later, right?"

Akane blinked, her cheeks flushing a soft pink. "Mom, are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Kana waved her hand dismissively, her pout returning briefly before softening into a more genuine expression. "Yeah, yeah, just do it. I can't keep acting like it's weird forever. Besides... we're family, right? This is the new normal."

Kenshin exchanged a glance with Akane before leaning forward, gently placing his lips against hers in a soft, lingering kiss.

It was a tender moment, one they'd shared many times before, but this time felt different, more significant with Kana there, watching them with a growing acceptance.

As the kiss ended, Kana didn't feel the discomfort she expected. Instead, something warm blossomed in her chest—an odd sense of peace, as though everything was falling into place.

A soft sigh escaped her as her mind drifted back, unbidden, to memories of the time after the Third Great Ninja War. She could almost see their father, beside her, sharing quiet, intimate moments just like this.

A wave of longing washed over her, the desire to have him there with them—laughing, teasing, bathing in this warmth they now shared.

Kenshin noticed the change in Kana's expression, the faraway look in her eyes. "Mom, you alright?" he asked gently.

Kana blinked, her focus snapping back to the present. She smiled softly, though her eyes glistened with a faint sadness. "Yeah… just thinking about your father. He would've loved this, being here with us."

"If he saw us kissing like this, first thing he'd do is kill him." Akane joked, trying to ease the somber atmosphere. "And then when we explained everything to him, maybe then he'd feel the same way you do."

Kana nodded, her smile growing a little stronger. "Yeah, that's the kind of man your father was I guess." She glanced between them, her heart feeling full despite the bittersweet ache lingering in the background.

Kenshin leaned back in the bath, feeling the warmth of the water ease the tension from his muscles. The soft ripple of water moved around them, and Kana's distant gaze returned as she reflected on Ichiro once again.

"Speaking of dad," Kenshin began, breaking the comfortable silence, "Have you noticed how much money he left behind? It's more than what a regular shinobi family would need."

Akane's brow furrowed as she shifted beside him, her voice thoughtful. "And this house—it's pretty big for just two people. You think he anticipated something happening to the clan?"

Kana's lips pursed, her expression somber. "It wouldn't surprise me. Your father was an intelligent man." She sighed. "But I still don't understand why he didn't try to escape the night of the massacre. If he had, he would've been here with us."

Akane's gaze hardened slightly. "He was still an Uchiha, Mom. Uchiha are prideful. They wouldn't run away, even when they knew they wouldn't survive. And besides, the coup should've been successful to some extent if not for Itachi and Danzo. Heck if Danzo didn't interfere it wouldn't have escalated to a coup."

Her voice softened, though, as she glanced at Kenshin. "But I still can't accept that either."

Kenshin's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered her words. "I get the pride thing, but…" He clenched his fist under the water. "I don't understand why he didn't try to survive for you, nee-san. As far as he knew, you were going to be all alone without him."

The water rippled gently as Kana shifted closer to them, her tone soft but firm. "Your father loved you both. He probably thought he was doing what was best, following through with his duty to the clan, even if it meant leaving you behind."

Kenshin looked down, his expression conflicted. "Maybe. But it still feels like pride got in the way of protecting the people that mattered most."

Akane, her gaze softening, reached out and touched his arm. "We'll never really know what he was thinking. But I don't think he wanted to leave us like this. That's why he prepared all of this, so we'd have a chance, even without him."

Kana nodded slowly, the weight of her thoughts evident in her eyes. "He did what he thought was right… but that doesn't make it easier."

"We're together now," Kenshin said finally, his voice low but resolute. "I swear I won't forsake you guys, no matter what. I'll always protect you."

Kana, with a soft smile on her face, motioned for Kenshin and Akane to come closer. "Come here, both of you," she said, her voice warm and inviting.

Without hesitation, they moved toward her, the water gently rippling as they shifted. Kana reached out, pulling them into a hug, her arms wrapping around them tightly.

She rested her chin atop their heads, her voice soft yet filled with emotion. "Your father would've loved this... having you two by his side. But with how strong you both have become, it doesn't even matter anymore."

She paused, her tone gaining strength. "You're not just my children. You're warriors, strong enough to face anything. And no matter what happens, we'll always have each other."

She sighed deeply, her grip tightening ever so slightly, feeling the steady presence of her children in her arms as a sense of peace settled over her heart.

After soaking in the bath for a while longer, Kana let out a content sigh and stood up, the water dripping from her body as she stepped out of the tub. She grabbed a towel, casually wiping her hair and body.

"You two better dry off too before you catch a cold," Kana said, her tone light as she continued drying her hair, walking out of the bathroom naked. For her, this was completely normal. And even Akane had long since gotten used to her mother's modesty, or lack thereof.

As she disappeared into the hallway, Kenshin and Akane stood up as well, wrapping towels around themselves. "Doesn't she feel cold?" Akane mused, glancing at Kenshin as they stepped out of the bathroom.

"It's mid-December. She's probably freezing," Kenshin said, shaking his head with a small smile. "I'll get her a towel."

Sure enough, when they entered the hallway, they found Kana standing there, shivering slightly as she continued drying her hair, completely oblivious to the cold air. Kenshin draped a fresh towel over her shoulders, and she gave him a sheepish grin.

"Thanks, Ken-chan," she muttered, wrapping the towel tighter around her. "I always forget how cold it gets this time of year."

"You'd think you'd learn after all these years," Akane teased, smiling fondly at Kana as they walked her to her bedroom.

Once there, Kenshin helped her into a warm outfit, making sure she was comfortable before they all headed to dinner. Kana had already prepared a simple meal earlier, and the three of them sat together, eating in peaceful silence.

After dinner, they tucked Kana into bed. She fell asleep quickly, her exhaustion catching up with her after the emotional day.

After ensuring that Kana was comfortably asleep, Kenshin and Akane exchanged a knowing glance. The quiet stillness of the night seemed to hum with anticipation.

"You ready, kid?" Akane whispered, her activated Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan flickering slightly as she glanced toward the window.

Kenshin nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."


Heyo, sorry for late upload. I wanted to do some final edits but I went to a buffet and underestimated how much I could eat. So I didn't have the energy to write, and thus forgot to upload. So sorry for that.

Anyways, thank you all for your continued support and power stones. As always, please do the same and comment your opinions as well. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.