Chapter 73:-Training with Yuki part 3

Kana woke up just as the first rays of dawn peeked through the window, casting a soft light over the room. She lay there for a moment, feeling unusually well-rested.

"It's been quite a while since Ken-chan tucked me in like that," she thought with a small smile. "I'm more of a kid than my own kids, though I think they're both older than me considering their other lives."

The thought made her chuckle quietly to herself as she stretched, slipping out of bed. The air was crisp, and she quickly made her way to the kitchen.

"Guess I'll make breakfast," she decided, moving with ease despite how tired she had been the previous night.

As she prepared ingredients, she began thinking about the training ahead. "I'll pack some lunch as well," Kana thought, knowing that they'd be training until the afternoon. "That way we can train longer."

But just as the idea crossed her mind, a shiver ran down her spine. The thought of studying even more than the day before made her wince slightly.

"Why did Ken-chan have to demand making me a Jonin?" she muttered, shaking her head with a sigh. "I'm definitely not cut out for all this studying..."

Meanwhile, in another room, Akane woke up, quietly stepping out of bed. She had a plan of her own for this morning. Smiling to herself, she made her way to Kenshin's room, her steps light and deliberate.

When she reached his door, she peeked in to see Kenshin still fast asleep, his face relaxed in the peacefulness of early morning. Without hesitation, she moved to his bedside and leaned down, brushing her lips gently against his in a soft, warm kiss.

Kenshin stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open as Akane kissed him awake. His gaze met hers, and a sleepy smile spread across his face. "Good morning, nee-san." he murmured, still half-dreaming.

"Good morning, kiddo," Akane whispered back, her hand softly cupping his cheek. "It's time to get up. Mom's already awake, and we've got training ahead."

Kenshin stretched lazily, a quiet laugh escaping him. "Did she wake you up?"

Akane shook her head with a smile. "Nah, I'm not a kid. I can wake up on my own."

Kenshin got out of bed, changing out of his pajamas before going downstairs with Akane, planting a quick kiss on her lips before getting out of his room. Kana was already done with preparing breakfast, and was packing their lunches and putting them inside storage scrolls.

As they all gathered at the table for breakfast, Kana glanced at Kenshin with a grateful smile. "Ken-chan, thanks for tucking me in last night," she said, her voice soft. "I couldn't even tell I was being moved until I woke up in my room."

Kenshin chuckled, shaking his head. "You were out cold, Mom. I didn't want to wake you. You really overworked your brain yesterday."

Kana sighed, her shoulders relaxing a bit as she sipped her tea. "Still, it was sweet of you. I might have even actually learned a thing or two."

Akane nodded, finishing her breakfast quickly. "Well, today's going to be just as tough. Yuki-sensei doesn't go easy, which you two had learned quite well yesterday."

Kana groaned at the thought. "And more studying for me…" She muttered under her breath, though she knew it was necessary.

After breakfast, the three of them set out, picking up Maki from her apartment on the way. Maki greeted them with a bright smile, though her eyes flickered with curiosity as she took note of Kana's slightly tired appearance.

"You okay, Kana-san? You look like you didn't sleep well," Maki asked.

Kana waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, I slept like a kitten! I'm just a little tired from yesterday's training. Don't worry about me."

Maki raised an eyebrow, exchanging a glance with Akane, who merely smirked in response.

As they arrived at the training grounds, Yuki was already waiting for them, arms crossed as she watched them approach. Her usual composed demeanor softened ever so slightly as she saw them, though her tone remained serious.

"Kenshin, you'll be working on your jutsu with me again today. Kana, I've created an ice clone to go over strategy with you. Alongside some other important things."

Kana, eyes wide with hope, quickly stepped forward. "Can I practice jutsu instead? I really want to—"

Yuki's expression hardened, and she held up a hand to stop Kana's plea. "You need to study, Kana. I've spoken to one of my fellow Jonin, and we'll be having a mock battle tomorrow. You'll be leading this team, and you need to be ready for that. Strategy is key."

Kana's shoulders slumped, her eagerness dampened by Yuki's stern tone. She tried to argue, but Yuki remained firm. "We'll focus on jutsu another day. Right now, you need to learn how to lead."

Kana sighed heavily, dragging her feet as she followed Yuki's ice clone to a nearby area of the training ground, where they began discussing various battle strategies and team formations.

Meanwhile, Yuki led Kenshin to a different part of the training ground, her expression becoming more serious.

"Let's see what you've got today, Kenshin," she said. "We'll focus on refining your Wind Burst and Gust Bullet. But first, show me your progress from yesterday."

Kenshin nodded, focusing his chakra as he prepared to demonstrate his jutsu. He formed the hand seals for Wind Burst, concentrating on controlling the power output.

A powerful burst of wind chakra shot from his palms, propelling him backward in a controlled movement, though he struggled to maintain the exact balance of power needed to keep it stable.

Yuki watched closely, her sharp eyes noticing every detail. "Better than yesterday," she commented, "but you still need more control over the amount of chakra you're using. Let's work on that."

Meanwhile, Kana sat cross-legged in front of Yuki's ice clone, a scroll unrolled before her. She stared at it with a blank expression, clearly frustrated with the studying.

"Ugh, why does strategy have to be so boring?" she muttered.

The ice clone raised an eyebrow. "Because as a Jonin, you're expected to lead your team. Understanding strategy could make the difference between victory and defeat. If you're going to lead Kenshin, Akane, and Maki, you need to be prepared."

Kana let out a long sigh but reluctantly nodded. "I guess you're right… But, if I can muscle my way out then why would I need strategy?"

Yuki let out a deep sigh, feeling frustrated at her lack of regard for strategy. "And I thought Uzumaki were smart since they're sealing experts. Or does calligraphy not need a brain?"

"Oi, don't mock my clan." Kana growled, her long red hair floating around like tentacles as she clenched her fist. "I lost my clan before you were even born. I might be stupid, but my family were some of the smartest people I've ever known."

Yuki's ice clone held Kana's gaze, unfazed by her sudden outburst. "No one's questioning the intelligence of your clan, Kana. But you need to learn that brute strength isn't always the answer. Leading a team means thinking two steps ahead, considering all outcomes—not just charging into battle."

Kana huffed, but her hair settled, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Yeah, yeah… I get it. Doesn't mean I have to like it. You know what? You pissed me off, so I'll finish all this crap within today. That's a promise."


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.