Chapter 141:- Party

Kana stood up, brushing off her clothes with a soft smile. "We should at least dress up for the party. It's not every day we celebrate something like this. And it wouldn't hurt to take our time, right?" She turned to Kenshin and motioned for him to follow her. "Ken-chan, come with me and help me get ready."

Kenshin nodded, standing up to follow.

Akane crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "I need his help too."

Yukari chuckled as she rose from her seat. "I think I'll get ready on my own. I wouldn't want to interrupt." She offered a polite bow and left the room.

Kenshin sighed, creating a shadow clone. "There. Happy?" he asked, gesturing to the clone.

Akane smirked, grabbing the clone's hand. "Perfect!" she said, already pulling it toward her room.

Before she could get far, Kana's voice rang out behind her. "No funny business, young lady. You're only to have him help you get ready—nothing else."

Akane groaned dramatically. "I understand, Mom! I'm not gonna try anything."

Kana nodded, satisfied, and led Kenshin to her room. Once inside, she slipped out of her kimono, leaving it neatly folded on a nearby chair. She opened her closet, and began sifting through the clothes. "What do you think would suit me, Ken-chan?"

Kenshin scanned the options before selecting a deep burgundy and gold outfit. "This one."

Kana paused, her expression softening with nostalgia as she took the outfit from him. "This... This was the first outfit you bought for me, right after your first mission. Even though I couldn't get out of bed because of my illness, you helped me put it on. I still remember how happy you looked..." Her voice trailed off, and her eyes welled up with tears, but she quickly wiped them away.

Kenshin smiled warmly. "It's a fitting outfit for my mom's big party."

Kana's lips quivered into a wide smile, but her composure broke when Kenshin tilted his head. "Mom... you're not wearing any underwear. Put some on."

Kana laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh, I forgot!" She quickly rectified the situation, slipping on undergarments before holding out the outfit for Kenshin to help her.

With practiced care, Kenshin helped her into the elegant ensemble. Once she was dressed, he gestured toward the dresser. "Sit down, Mom. Let me do your makeup."

Kana giggled as she complied, sitting with a regal posture. "I feel like an actual princess, Ken-chan. Having you dress me up and do my makeup like this..."

Kenshin chuckled softly as he worked. "You are the 'princess of the Uzumaki clan'. And a princess deserves to be treated appropriately. Though by that logic, I should be the prince."

Kana smiled, shaking her head. "You're not the prince—you're the head of our clan."

Kenshin froze for a moment, confused. "Shouldn't you be the clan leader? You're the oldest one here. And you're the granddaughter of the previous head."

Kana shook her head, her tone thoughtful. "The clan leader is usually the oldest male descendant of the previous leader, or someone elected by the entire clan. Besides, I'm not the type of person suited for that position.

I heard from Yukari that many of our clan probably escaped the Hidden Whirlpool's destruction just like her. They're likely scattered in border towns near the Land of Fire and the neighbouring countries.

If we can find them, we can rebuild the Uzumaki clan. And for that, we need someone like you, Ken-chan. Someone who will take care of them like my grandfather once did. Not someone like me, who needs to be cared for."

Kenshin listened intently, his hands pausing mid-stroke with the makeup brush. He set it down and knelt beside her, his expression hesitant. "Mom, I don't know... you know I'm more of a family man. I don't think I'm suited for all the politics and stuff."

Kana placed a hand on his cheek, her expression stern but loving. "Ken-chan, who else will do it if not you? When the time comes, you can and will step up. The Uzumaki aren't like other clans. We're more of a family than an organization. And a 'family man' is exactly what we need."

Kenshin stared into her eyes for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle. "I'll deal with it when the time comes," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Right now, it's your big day, and you need to look the part for the party."

Kana's smile widened as Kenshin picked up the brush again. "Let's get back to your makeup... your highness," he teased with a grin, earning a playful laugh from her.

Kenshin worked slowly, ensuring every stroke of the makeup brush highlighted Kana's natural beauty. Even though this was just a family celebration with Yuki, Maki, and the Hokage, Kenshin wanted her to shine.

When he was satisfied with her makeup, he moved on to her hair, gently combing through the vibrant red strands.

As he worked, he noticed how much healthier her hair had become since they arrived in the Leaf two months ago. It was smoother, thicker, and had a brilliant sheen. Kana met his eyes in the mirror, smiling. "Ken-chan, do I look pretty?"

Kenshin paused, smiling back. "Mom, you've always been the prettiest lady in the world to me. It was literally my first thought when I saw you for the first time as you held me after I was born. I remember thinking, 'Wow, she's so pretty!"

Kana chuckled at his remark. "I'm not that pretty, Ken-chan. And wouldn't it be better if you saved that compliment for your sister? I think she'd appreciate that coming from the boy she loves."

Kenshin shook his head firmly. "I love Akane, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still the prettiest lady I've ever seen. In both my lives."

Kana gave him a playful look. "Stop flattering mommy."

Kenshin stopped combing for a moment, confused. "I'm not flattering you. I'm just stating facts."

Kana didn't reply, only smiled softly as she watched him continue combing her hair. After a moment's thought, Kenshin decided to braid it. Her hair was long and radiant, and a braid would highlight its beauty.

When the braid was complete, Kana admired herself in the mirror, smiling warmly. "You've gotten so good at this, Ken-chan."

"It's because I have the best model to work with," Kenshin said with a smirk.

Kana swatted his arm playfully as they left the room and headed downstairs. When they reached the living room, Akane and Yukari were already waiting.

Akane's eyes widened as she took in Kana's appearance. "Mom! You look... unbelievable!"

Yukari smiled kindly. "Kana-sama, you look very pretty."

Kana's face flushed slightly, and she waved a hand at them. "Don't stare at me like that. It's embarrassing."

Akane grinned. "Well, I already sent a shadow clone to the restaurant to make the reservation. Sensei and Maki will meet us there."

Kenshin nodded. "I invited the Hokage, too."

Akane tilted her head curiously. "Why the Hokage?"

Kana answered with a soft smile. "Because she's family. Her grandmother was my grandaunt, which makes us cousins."

Akane blinked in surprise. "Wow, that's... really nice. I didn't expect we'd be related to the Hokage."

Kenshin leaned in slightly, smirking. "Just because she's family doesn't mean you should expect any special treatment."

Akane shook her head. "I'd prefer if she didn't treat me differently. It'd be super weird."

Kenshin clapped his hands together. "Alright, it's getting late. Let's head out."

The group left their home and began making their way to the former Senju clan area, where the restaurant was located. Akane led the way, while Kana attracted surprised and envious glances from villagers they passed.

Many women eyed her with a mix of jealousy and caution, marveling at how beautiful she looked.

Kana leaned closer to Kenshin, her voice low. "They're staring... It's kind of unnerving."

Kenshin chuckled. "They're probably wondering how someone can look so stunning, Mom. And I don't blame them."

Kana rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile on her lips. With Akane leading the way, they finally arrived at the restaurant, where Yuki and Maki were waiting outside with smiles on their faces.

Yuki and Maki both froze for a moment when they saw Kana, stunned by how radiant she looked. Yuki stepped forward first, embracing Kana warmly. "You look amazing, Kana. Congratulations on today."

Maki followed with a smile. "Kana-san, you look so good. And I think I'll have to start calling you Kana-sensei from now on since you're a full-fledged Jonin now."

Kana nodded approvingly, clearly enjoying the compliment. "Yes, Maki-chan. I think you should do that from now on."

Yuki chuckled, crossing her arms. "Well, if you're a sensei now, maybe you should stop calling every kid you meet 'chan.' Your own team might not appreciate that."

Kana considered this thoughtfully. "Hmm... in that case, I'll save it for my children's friends. It's only fair."

Kenshin smirked, gently guiding the group forward. "Alright, let's go inside. The Hokage's probably busy but should arrive soon."

They entered the beautifully decorated restaurant, a cozy yet elegant space in the former Senju compound. A waiter quickly seated them at a large table, and they ordered their meals. Kana took a moment to thank Kenshin for choosing such a lovely place, and Kenshin waved it off with a smile.

"It's nothing, Mom. It's the least I can do for you."

As they waited, Kenshin noticed Tsunade's absence and created a shadow clone to fetch her. The clone arrived at the Hokage's office, finding her engrossed in paperwork.

When he asked if she could attend, Tsunade waved him off. "You all go have fun without me. I'd rather stay and finish this."

The clone didn't give up easily, insisting she join, but Tsunade refused again. Finally, he resorted to bribery. "The booze is on me."

Tsunade froze mid-writing, then stretched her arms casually as if the workload wasn't a problem. "Well, this isn't that urgent. Shizune, I'll deal with this later." She smiled at the clone. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

The clone nodded before dispelling, and Tsunade soon arrived at the restaurant. She congratulated Kana warmly, and the group began their dinner. The lively conversation, excellent food, and soothing music made the atmosphere perfect. As the night wore on, the drinks started flowing freely, and Kana, Yuki, and Tsunade indulged themselves.

Kana was the first to get completely wasted after five drinks, her laughter loud and uninhibited. Yuki followed shortly after a few more drinks, while Tsunade, a seasoned drinker, continued without any noticeable change.

Yuki took a seat near Kenshin, who glanced at her cautiously, memories of her last drunken incident flashing in his mind. Not taking any chances, he quickly moved to sit beside Kana instead. Yuki gave him a confused look before shrugging and asking for another drink.

Kana, however, was far past tipsy. She dramatically wrapped her arms around Kenshin, pulling him close. "Ken-chan, you've grown up so much... just like your dad. Strong, smart, caring... even rough in bed, huh?"

The table fell silent as Akane's and Kenshin's faces turned crimson. Yukari quickly spoke up, her tone calm but firm. "Kana-sama, maybe it's best not to talk about such things."

Kana pouted, her words slurring. "But it's true! Ichiro-san was the same... and now I'm all lonely. Fifteen years... nobody cares about me being lonely anymore!"

Kenshin buried his face in his hands, regretting letting her drink. Even Maki, who usually enjoyed such chaos, looked awkward.

Kana leaned in and kissed Kenshin's cheek playfully. "You've really become just like him, Ken-chan. I love you."

Shortly after, Kana passed out, her head falling against Kenshin's shoulder. Yuki followed soon after, her face planted on the table. Despite the awkward moments, the party had been enjoyable for everyone.

As the night ended, Kenshin asked Akane and Yukari to take Kana home while Maki and Tsunade helped with Yuki. After settling the others, Kenshin went to pay the bill.

When he saw the total, his jaw dropped. The food was a reasonable 50,000 ryo, but the liquor cost over 100,000 ryo.

He questioned the receptionist, who replied smoothly, "We couldn't serve cheap liquor to the Hokage, so we brought out the best."

Sighing, Kenshin wrote a cheque and left the restaurant, catching up to Akane and Yukari, who were carrying the unconscious Kana. As they walked home, Kenshin silently vowed to keep a closer eye on his mother's drinking next time.

The streets were quiet as they made their way home, the occasional passerby giving them amused glances. Each time, Akane silenced them with a sharp Sharingan glare, her presence enough to scatter any lingering gazes.

Back at the house, Yukari and Akane gently set Kana down on the couch while everyone else found their seats nearby. Kenshin moved to sit beside Kana, but Akane tugged on his sleeve, pulling him to sit next to her instead. Kenshin shot her a confused glance, but stayed silent.

Kana, still giggling softly in her sleep, muttered incoherently, her words slurred and indistinct. Yukari leaned back, letting out a small sigh. "The party was enjoyable," she said, her tone light, "though there were certainly some awkward moments."

Kenshin rubbed his temples, exhaling heavily. "Exactly why I don't let her drink. I thought just this once would be fine, but now I'm sure we're all better off if she doesn't remember any of it." He glanced at Yukari and added, "She and Sensei really do some weird things when they're drunk."

Akane nodded in agreement. "They definitely do."

Yukari stood up with a stretch. "We should all take a quick bath before heading to bed. I'll prepare the bathwater."

Kenshin nodded, his eyes drifting toward Kana. "Let's let her sleep it off, it's gonna be hard to make her bathe in this condition. But I should get her out of these clothes and into something more comfortable."

Yukari hummed her agreement and left to handle the bath, while Kenshin scooped Kana up in his arms. Akane silently followed him, watching as he carried their mother to her room.

Once there, Kenshin laid Kana on her bed and began untying her sash, but Akane stepped forward, her hand resting on his.

"Let me do it," she said firmly.

Kenshin frowned, confused. "Why? It's not like—"

Akane grabbed his arm, pulling him to the side. Her voice dropped to a low whisper. "You saw how she was acting back there at the party, Kenshin. Don't act like you didn't."

"I don't see what you're trying to say," he replied, his brows knitting together.

Akane's gaze shifted toward Kana, her expression serious. "I'm saying she's lonely. And not emotionally. She's been sexually deprived for over fifteen years. At first she put didn't feel it much because she knew Dad had his issues with the clan, and she had you to take care of.

And after the massacre, she had her chakra disease, and the fact that you now had to do everything on your own while also taking care of her. Now that those things aren't immediate concerns anymore... she's noticing it. What if..." Akane trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

Kenshin stiffened. "Nee-san, listen to yourself. That woman is our mother! How could you even imply something like that?"

"Because it's the truth!" Akane shot back, her voice sharp but quiet. "You keep looking at her like she's an innocent child, but she's not. She acts like one, sure, but she's still an adult. And adults have physical needs, Kenshin. You and I know that better than anyone."

She took a steadying breath before continuing. "She didn't feel this way before because her focus was on surviving and protecting you. But now... things are different. And us—" she hesitated, her cheeks faintly red, "—us doing it so often isn't helping. It's reminding her of what she doesn't have."

Kenshin's jaw tightened, his hands curling into fists. "So what do you want me to do? Ignore her? Push her away? Act like the things we were totally fine with all this time is suddenly not okay?"

"Not completely," Akane said calmly. "Just... put some distance between you two. Physically. Don't touch her unless there's absolutely no one else to help. And for God's sake, teach her some modesty. Make it subtle, so she doesn't realize what's happening. But she needs boundaries."

"And you?" Kenshin asked, his tone accusatory.

"I'll do my part too," Akane said firmly. "I'll cut down on how often we... you know, for her sake. Twice a month. No more." She held his gaze, unwavering.

Kenshin sighed, his shoulders sagging. "This is ridiculous," he muttered, but there was no real fight in his voice.

Akane placed a hand on his arm. "It's for her, Kenshin. She deserves to be happy, even if it means we have to adjust a little. It's the least we can do for her now."

Kenshin pushed her hand away and reluctantly stepped out of Kana's room, his mind heavy with thoughts. Akane quietly got to work, gently changing Kana into her pajamas and folding her clothes neatly.

She tucked her in, brushing a stray strand of hair from Kana's face as she whispered, "Good night, Mom," before stepping out and softly closing the door behind her.

In the living room, Yukari sat alone, her posture relaxed but her expression thoughtful. When Akane entered, Yukari glanced up and smiled softly. "Kenshin-sama said he wanted to bathe alone tonight," Yukari explained. "So I thought we could go later."

Akane frowned, hesitating for a moment as she considered going to the bathroom to talk to Kenshin. But she shook her head. 'I'll talk to him later tonight,' she thought.

Yukari, noticing Akane's troubled expression, tilted her head in concern. "Did something happen between you two?" she asked gently.

Akane sighed, sitting down beside Yukari. She hesitated, then began, "You heard what Mom said back at the party, didn't you? She's been feeling… deprived. And, well, it's partially our fault."

Yukari nodded, her gaze encouraging Akane to continue.

"I told Kenshin he should start keeping some physical distance from her. Teach her a bit of modesty—at least around him. But he just… can't imagine her being that way. I mean, I get it. She's our mom, and she acts so… childlike most of the time. But she's not a child. Physically, she's an adult, and adults have… needs."

Akane glanced at Yukari, gauging her reaction before continuing. "The way she looks at Kenshin… she sees Dad in him. And if we're not careful, one thing could lead to another." Akane shuddered slightly, shaking off the thought.

"I just asked him to create a little distance. Subtly. But he couldn't bring himself to agree. He still sees himself as more of a guardian than her son. He feels like it's his responsibility to take care of her—completely. Which I understand, he's been doing that for half his life."

Yukari's expression softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on Akane's shoulder. "You made the right decision, Akane-sama," she said firmly. "I was planning to suggest something similar tomorrow, but I'm glad you acted so swiftly. You don't need to feel guilty about it."

Akane let out a small sigh of relief, though her brow remained furrowed. "But what if he doesn't understand? What if he just brushes it off because he can't see her that way?"

Yukari smiled gently. "He's a mature young man, Akane-sama. He'll understand, even if it takes some time. He respects you and your judgment. You just need to talk to him. Be patient. This isn't an easy conversation for anyone, but you've done well so far."

Akane nodded, her shoulders relaxing a little. "Thanks, Aunt Yukari. I just… I hope I'm doing the right thing."

"You are," Yukari assured her. "For both of them."

Meanwhile, Kenshin sat in the tub, the water lukewarm against his skin as his thoughts churned. He struggled to reconcile the words Akane had said with his own feelings. 'How could being open and comfortable with my own mother lead to anything inappropriate?' he thought. 'She was just drunk. People say all sorts of things when they're drunk.'

But no matter how much he tried to dismiss it, the unease in his chest refused to fade. The image of Kana, her cheeks flushed with drink, admitting her loneliness and deprivation, and how she feels like he's just like his father, apparently even in bed, kept flashing in his mind. Kenshin bit his lip, muttering under his breath, "Akane's overthinking it."

Still, a nagging doubt lingered. He needed to address it, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to Akane. Instead, an idea formed in his mind. Closing his eyes, Kenshin focused and telepathically reached out to Kira.

"Hey, Kira," he began, his tone soft but strained. "How have you been? How's Kaede holding up?"

A pause. Then Kira's familiar, teasing voice responded, "Oh, so you finally remember I exist? It's been almost a whole week since that mission, Master. Not even a quick check-in? Shameful."

"Kira," Kenshin interrupted, his voice calm but tinged with a vulnerability that Kira instantly picked up on. Her tone softened immediately.

"Okay, okay. I've been fine," she said, her earlier irritation melting away. "Kaede's... well, she's Kaede. Butting heads with me and Mother now and then, but nothing we can't handle. What's going on, Master?"

Kenshin hesitated before speaking, choosing his words carefully. "Do you think… I'm too comfortable with my mom?"

Kira sounded confused. "What do you mean?"

Kenshin sighed. "I mean, I look a lot like my dad. And today, when Mom was drunk, she mentioned how lonely she's been. How she hasn't… been touched in fifteen years. And how I'm so similar to my dad, apparently even in bed. She actually accidentally saw me and Akane in bed after sex earlier today."

He paused, the words feeling heavy as he spoke them. "When we got home, Akane told me to keep some distance from her. She said… she said if I don't, one thing might lead to another." He laughed bitterly. "Ridiculous, right? How could my mom possibly see me as anything other than her son?"

Kira didn't answer immediately. The silence stretched until Kenshin frowned. "Kira?"

Finally, she spoke, her voice uncharacteristically serious. "Akane-sama might not be wrong, Master. Your bond with your mother… it's different. I've noticed it, and it's not like anything I've ever seen. It's not bad, but… it's unique."

"Unique how?" Kenshin asked, his confusion deepening.

"Your mother's feelings aren't always purely maternal," Kira said gently.

Kenshin's brow furrowed. "How do you even know that?"

Kira chuckled softly. "You don't know this, but every member of the Nekomata family awakens a special ability when they turn 90. Mine's kind of lame compared to my family's, but it's useful—I can sense energy. Feelings, if you will. Most of the time, they're spot-on.

And you… well, you sometimes have a fatherly love for your mother, not a son's. It makes sense, though. From the moment you were born, you saw her as your equal. Mentally, you were the same age, weren't you?"

Kenshin leaned back, the words hitting him like a wave. He thought back to his therapy session earlier that day with Suu, when he'd realized just how strong his family truly was—and how often he misjudged them out of his love and need to protect them.

"You're right," Kenshin admitted, his voice low. He closed his eyes, letting out a long breath. "I need to trust them more. Trust you all more. I'll listen to Akane for now." A small smile tugged at his lips. "Thanks… partner."

Kira let out a surprised chuckle. "Partner? How can I be your partner? I'm your servant, remember?"

"Felt like it," Kenshin replied simply. "I haven't known you long, but… I feel like you're my closest friend. I haven't had many friends, and I'd like you to be one. A partner."

Kira chuckled again, the sound warmer this time. "Well, I can't exactly call my master 'partner.' But… when it matters, I will. Which includes now, partner."

Kenshin smiled faintly. "Thanks. I guess I'll get back to you tomorrow."

After finishing his bath, Kenshin went straight to his room, his mind still weighed down by the conversation with Kira and his own thoughts. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, as the house gradually settled into silence.

Akane, after bathing with Yukari, tried to rest in her own room but found sleep impossible. Thoughts of her earlier conversation with Kenshin nagged at her, making her restless. Finally, she decided to check on him.

Knocking softly on his door, she called out, "Kenshin? Can I come in?"

His voice, calm but weary, answered, "Come in."

Opening the door, Akane stepped inside and found him lying on his back, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. She closed the door behind her and moved closer to his bed.

"Is it my fault?" Kenshin asked without preamble, his voice tinged with self-reproach. "I've always felt protective of Mom. I've never thought of her as anything but the child she acts like.

But maybe it's because of me—because of how comfortable I let her be around me—that she's feeling this way now. Maybe the tenderness I show her just reminds her of Dad."

Akane shook her head firmly, her heart aching at the guilt in his voice. Without a word, she climbed onto the bed and lay down beside him, gently pulling his head to rest on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Kenshin," she said softly, running her fingers through his hair. "You've done nothing wrong. You love Mom, but not in the way you're afraid of. You've been more like a guardian or a father to her than a son, and that's understandable.

But right now, Mom's going through a phase. After so many years of neglecting her own needs, she's finally realizing what her body craves. It's nothing you could've prevented."

Kenshin remained silent, his face partially buried in her shoulder as he listened.

"We just need to keep a little distance for now," Akane continued. "Nothing drastic—just enough to let her refocus. She'll move past this phase once she has something else to pour her energy into.

Like her future genin team. The new academy class is graduating soon, and when Mom officially becomes a sensei, she'll have her hands full with her students. That will be the perfect distraction for her."

Kenshin lifted his head slightly to look at her, his eyes searching her face for reassurance. Akane smiled warmly and leaned in, pressing a soft, loving kiss to his forehead.

"Trust your sister," she said. "I'll handle this. You just need to play along, okay?"

He nodded slowly, the tension in his shoulders easing as he wrapped his arms around her. She continued to stroke his hair, her touch soothing and gentle.

"I've got you," she whispered.

Kenshin closed his eyes, the comfort of her presence lulling him into a sense of peace he hadn't felt all evening. Soon, his breathing evened out as he drifted off to sleep.

Akane watched him for a while, her expression soft and protective. Eventually, her own exhaustion caught up with her, and she too fell asleep, cradling her brother in her arms.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.